Mindfulness-Based Stress Management

7.5 credits

Course, Master's level, 3BO020

Spring 2024 Spring 2024, Uppsala, 50%, On-campus, English

Spring 2025 Spring 2025, Uppsala, 50%, On-campus, English

About the course

This course gives you evidence-based tools for stress management, well-being and health. It aims to provide concrete tools for sustainable health and well-being when working with complex issues related to sustainable development, health, wicked problems, social transformation, war and peace, and other contexts involving trauma, violence, and suffering. Complex problems such as these involve high emotional charge and at times existential stress. People engaging with these topics read, watch, hear and work with some of the worst experiences known to humanity. The course also suits students with a more general interest in stress management and health.

The course seeks to prepare you for the psychological challenges you may encounter in your studies, including in fieldwork, as well as in your future career.

Instruction will take place from 3 pm to 6 pm or during the daytime. One Saturday (silent retreat day) will be included.

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