Is this programme right for you?

Michelle, student.

Meet a student on the programme

Name: Michelle Grönlund
From: Hammarland, Åland, Finland

I like the setup of the programme. More specifically, I wanted the opportunity to do an internship for a full semester, which is why I decided on the programme in the end.

What made you choose this programme and what did you study before?
– I chose this Master’s programme in Uppsala, partly because I did my Bachelor’s here, and partly because I like the setup of the programme. More specifically, I wanted the opportunity to do an internship for a full semester, which is why I decided on the programme in the end. I did my Bachelor’s in economics, I have two degrees; one in Accounting and Financial Management with a minor in Commercial law, and one in Economics with a Labour Economics Track, with a minor in German.

What is the best thing about studying at Uppsala University?
– The best thing about studying at Uppsala University is the opportunity you get to meet students from different fields, and access a great student life.

What has been most challenging?
– The most challenging for me, is to keep my nerves in check during exams. It doesn’t matter how much you’ve studied, or how well you know the material – I’m just as nervous every time. I usually try to calm down by starting my studies well in advance, not the night before, and watching a good movie or hitting the gym.

Tell us about student life!
– The student life in Uppsala is amazing. I’ve been active in a lot of committees and groups, such as in the Uppsala student union as a president for a group, a member of the University Board, and an elective representative on the council. I’ve been fortunate enough, thanks to my engagements, to attend a ball as an honorary attendee at Stockholm University, and the Nobel dinner and lunch at Uppsala Castle. It has been both rewarding on a personal level, as well as on a professional level regarding work experience.

What are your goals with your studies?
– My goal is to do well and get a good base for my future career.

What advice do you have for other students interested in applying for the same programme?
– My general tip is to start early with your studying for exams. Find tricks for how to remember things and mathematic formulas, and try to understand what you’re reading. And don’t let the fun activities in your student life take priority – that’s not why you’re studying.

Three short questions!
Favourite place in Uppsala?
– Islandsbron (a bridge) by Fyrisån.

What is the best student tradition at Uppsala University?
– The choir “Allmänna sången” has a ball at the castle on Valborg, which is magical.

Where is the best place to study?
– The basement of Campus Ekonomikum, it’s perfect for quiet studies, group work, or pre-exam studying.

Autumn 2021


