The Ulla and Stig Holmquist Science Prize in Organic Chemistry

Kenneth Wärnmark stands with diploma in hand on the stage in the university hall. Next to him stands principal Anders Hagfeldt and applauds. Behind them, the deputy vice-chancellor Coco Norén in the lectern. Orchestra in the background.

Award winner 2022, Kenneth Wärnmark receives the prize from Vice-Chancellor of Uppsala University, Anders Hagfeldt. Photo: Staffan Claesson

The prize is awarded annually ‘to a researcher in the field of organic chemistry whose main work has been done in Sweden and who has done pioneering work in that discipline.’

As stipulated in the donation, the prize was first awarded in 2005. It is conferred by the Vice-Chancellor of the University, selected from nominations submitted by the respective deans of the Section for Chemistry, the Faculty of Pharmacy, and the Faculty of Medicine.

The prize ceremony will take place on the occasion of Uppsala University's birthday in October.

Recipients of the Holmquist Prize

  • 2023: Belén Martín-Matute
  • 2022: Kenneth Wärnmark
  • 2021: Fredrik Almqvist
  • 2020: Jan Kihlberg
  • 2019: Per-Ola Norrby
  • 2018: Göran Widmalm
  • 2017: Kálmán J. Szabó
  • 2016: Kristina Luthman
  • 2015: Pher G. Andersson
  • 2014: Mats Larhed
  • 2013: Licheng Sun
  • 2012: Per Ahlberg
  • 2011: Peter Somfai
  • 2010: Olov Sterner
  • 2009: Björn Åkermark
  • 2008: Bengt Långström
  • 2007: Torbjörn Frejd
  • 2006: Christina Moberg
  • 2005: Jan-Erling Bäckvall
  • 2004: Anders Hallberg

