Master's Programme in Business and Management – Organisation

120 credits

In the Master's Programme in Business and Management, specialising in Organisation, you will study how modern expectations and demands of the environment are managed in modern organisations. Ethical behaviour, social and environmental responsibility, transparency and sustainability of organisations are central elements. The specialisation prepares you for a role as a responsible decision-maker, consultant, researcher, lobbyist, intelligence analyst and communication specialist.

Autumn 2024 Autumn 2024, Uppsala, 100%, On-campus, English

Virtually all social activities - economic, political, cultural and other - are carried out within and between organisations. The programme is designed for those who want to develop their ability to understand and responsibly manage organisations, the world around them, and the relationships that arise between them.

It provides the tools to understand, analyse changes in, and act on the way organisations are governed - for example, how popular models of governance are created and disseminated, how new types of professional actors and professional groups operate within and between organisations, and how these groups affect the regulatory landscape within which organisations operate.

Empirically, we address questions about how today's organisations and organising can respond to the major societal and planetary changes we as a society are facing, and how various roles within organisations, can help to address the need to change our world in a more sustainable direction.

During the programme, you will be trained to make and communicate responsible decisions, to produce decision-making documents, advice and recommendations, and to communicate and discuss these.

Programme benefits include the following.

  • Courses that offer a solid theoretical foundation and practical experience, combining practical tasks and case studies with Uppsala University's strong research tradition.
  • Extensive and varied teaching formats, including student-led discussions and close contact with researchers and practitioners who are experts in different fields.
  • Optional internship or the opportunity to study abroad at one of our partner universities.

The specialisation is run by the Department of Business Studies, home to researchers who lead their fields in the areas of international business, corporate entrepreneurship, industrial marketing, institutional analysis and more. You will also benefit from Sweden's stellar reputation for social responsibility - values that inform all of our Master's programmes.

Student profile

You have an interest in issues related to companies and organisations in a global context. You thrive in an international environment with representatives from different academic, cultural and professional backgrounds.



The programme leads to the degree of Master of Science in Business and Economics (120 credits) with Business Studies as the main field of study. After one year of study, it is possible to obtain a degree of Master of Science in Business and Economics (60 credits).

The specialisation in organisation is based on both classical and modern ideas of organisational theory, giving you a solid theoretical framework to understand how firms really work. You will also have the opportunity to put theory into practice with real-world experience through special projects and an optional internship. The programme will also take an in-depth look at how actors such as consultants, lobbyists, think-tanks and media, function and influence modern organisations, and the role they play in effecting both organisation-specific and societal change.

The programme follows a fixed study route, which means that courses must be taken in the prescribed order. During your first year, you will take courses with all the students in the Master's programme, covering strategy, societal challenges such as digitalisation, globalisation and sustainability, scientific method, business theories and leadership.

You will then take courses that are specific to your organisation's specialisation. These courses are tied together by a theme we call 'Responsible management. This is a perspective in which ethical behaviour, social and environmental responsibility, transparency and sustainability of organisations are central elements. If you choose to finish your studies after one year, you will instead complete a 15-credit Master's thesis in the second semester.

In your third semester, you will choose between an internship at a commercial organisation, elective courses at Uppsala University, or an international exchange at one of our partner universities around the world.

You will spend the fourth and final semester writing your 30-credit Master's thesis. It is an in-depth study on a topic in the field of organisation.

Courses within the programme

First semester

  • Strategy and contemporary issues, 15 credits
  • Theories in business and management, 7.5 credits
  • Scientific methods in business research, 7.5 credits

Second semester

  • Contemporary leadership challenges, 7.5 credits
  • Advanced organisational theory, 7.5 credits
  • Institutional analysis of organisations, 7.5 credits
  • Consulting, communication and change, 7.5 credits

Third semester

  • Elective courses, internship or an international exchange, 30 credits

Fourth semester

  • Master's thesis, 30 credits

The Master's programme in Business and Management, specialising in Organisation, takes a comprehensive and practical instructional approach, with a variety of teaching methods. These include lectures, seminars and case studies, and gives you insights into industries.

You will work in teams and learn to manage group dynamics, which is a critical skill for your future career. You will also have the opportunity to present and lead your own discussions in both small and large groups. The scheduled teaching takes only a small part of the weeks, which means you need to study a lot on your own outside the classroom and take personal responsibility for your learning.

The programme also gives you experience with multiple assessment methods, oral and written, individual and group, preparing you to work at a management level within the private or public sector.

The programme is offered in Uppsala and all courses are taught in English.

The organisation specialisation prepares you for a variety of career paths. It provides a good basis for working on strategic and analytical issues as a consultant, analyst, investigator, researcher or in decision-making positions in various types of activities that require high analytical skills.

Our alumni work at, for example:

  • Accenture,
  • Deloitte,
  • EY,
  • Facebook,
  • Attendo,
  • H&M,
  • SAAB,
  • BMW Financial Services,
  • Northvolt,
  • Didner & Gerge Fonder AB,
  • Unilever,
  • L'Oréal,
  • Sandvik.

Career support

During your time as a student, UU Careers offers support and guidance. You have the opportunity to take part in a variety of activities and events that will prepare you for your future career.


All specialisations of this programme

