Master's Programme in Russian and Eurasian Studies

120 credits

The Master's Programme in Russian and Eurasian Studies offers a unique opportunity to study Russia and the post-Soviet space while learning the Russian language. This top-notch international multidisciplinary programme prepares you for a variety of careers both in Sweden and abroad, including analyst, civil servant, researcher, and policy consultant. The degree also qualifies you for doctoral studies in humanities and the social sciences.

Autumn 2024 Autumn 2024, Uppsala, 100%, On-campus, English

The programme is developed by the Institute for Russian and Eurasian Studies (IRES) in cooperation with the Department of Informatics and Media and the Department of Modern Languages at Uppsala University. Multidisciplinary in its nature, this international programme offers a unique combination of theoretical courses and Russian language training combined with an opportunity for an internship in Sweden or abroad. The programme prepares you for a variety of careers such as an analyst, government worker, researcher, and policy consultant in the private and public sectors, both in Sweden and abroad.

This programme provides you with:

  • an opportunity to study at an international, multidisciplinary institute specialising in the study of Russia and the post-Soviet space,
  • learning experience based on unique research competence present at IRES,
  • teachers who are all active researchers and experts in the field of Russian and Eurasian studies,
  • the study of Russia's and Eurasia's politics, economy, history, culture, legal systems, media landscapes, and society, as well as intergovernmental and international relations,
  • an opportunity to study the Russian language at the beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels,
  • a possibility of a semester's internship in Sweden or abroad.

If you already have proficiency in the Russian language or are a native Russian speaker, you will have the opportunity to take advanced-level subject courses in Russian.

Student profile

We have great diversity among our students, where approximately half come from outside of Sweden. Our students come from a wide range of disciplines - from political science, economics, and media studies to history, philosophy, and linguistics. One of the main strengths of the programme is precisely this diversity: each student has their own "disciplinary toolbox," which contributes to a greater understanding of current developments in Russia and the post-Soviet sphere.

The programme provides students with cutting-edge competence in Russian and Eurasian studies, and they will have both knowledge about developments in the post-Soviet region and Russian language proficiency upon graduating. The combination of language skills and knowledge about Russia and the post-Soviet sphere gives them a clear competitive advantage in the labour market. Students who have Russian as their mother tongue are also welcome to apply.


The programme leads to the degree of Master of Social Science (120 credits) with Eurasian Studies as the main field of study.

Year 1

The first semester consists of compulsory courses. The semester starts with a methods course that introduces the research area Russian and Eurasian Studies (5 credits). It continues with a course on the history, culture and society of Russia and the Soviet Union (10 credits), which introduces the subject, presents the geographical area and communicates fundamental theoretical and thematic perspectives. During the semester, you also take a compulsory course in the Russian language on either beginner's, intermediate or advanced levels depending on your prior knowledge (15 credits).

The second semester consists of two compulsory subject courses with 7.5 credits each. The first course focuses on economic, legal, political and social developments, while the other deals with international relations. The courses are thematic specialisations that problematise central issues concerning developments in the area on a theoretical basis. During the semester, you also take a compulsory methods course and a compulsory course in the Russian language at beginner's, intermediate or advanced levels.

Year 2

The third semester is devoted to your degree thesis (30 credits).

The final semester consists of elective courses. You can do an internship in Sweden or abroad (30 credits), go on exchange or take elective courses in one of the subject areas from semester 1 or 2. You will also have the possibility to choose from a wide range of freestanding courses offered by Uppsala University or another Swedish university.

Courses within the programme

Compulsory courses

  • Introductory Course in Method and Science in Russian and Eurasian Studies, 5 credits
  • History, Culture, and Society of Russia and the Soviet Union, 10 credits
  • Post-Soviet Transformation: Economic, Legal and Social Development in Russia, 7.5 credits
  • Russia's Role in World Politics, 7.5 credits
  • Research Methods in Russian and Eurasian Studies, 7.5 credits
  • Master's Thesis, 30 credits
  • Russian in Professional Contexts 1, 15 credits
  • Approaches to Social Sciences 1 (advanced Russian), 15 credits
  • Russian in Professional Contexts 2, 7.5 credits
  • Approaches to Social Sciences 2 (advanced Russian), 7.5 credits

Elective courses

  • Internship, 30 credits
  • Justice in Post-Soviet Eurasia: Multiculturalism, Gender and Environmental Governance, 15 credits
  • Problems of Nationalism. Contemporary and Historical Perspectives in Russia and Eurasia, 15 credits
  • From Post-Soviet to Post-Truth: Eastern European Media Systems, 15 credits

As a student at IRES, you become part of a vibrant research environment with easy access to faculty and staff, who are all experts in their respective fields. The atmosphere is friendly, with extra-curricular activities organised by the student association TSARES and the IRES Film Club. Our students are also encouraged to take part in IRES's weekly research seminars, which offer insights and discussions from some of the leading experts in our research area.

All of the programme's courses are research-led and allow you to continuously develop your analytical skills and scientific approach. Instruction takes the form of lectures, seminar discussions, self-studies, oral presentations, written reports, and supervision.

Great emphasis will be placed on both written and oral presentations, and you are expected to be an active participant in all forms of discussions. You are expected to take greater responsibility for your learning, and to gradually acquire professionally relevant and research-based knowledge and skills.

Students admitted to the programme are expected to have a basic knowledge of quantitative or qualitative methods. The language of instruction is English.

The Master's Programme in Russian and Eurasian Studies provides you with highly sought-after knowledge and understanding of Russia and the post-Soviet region, in combination with proficiency in the Russian language. Public agencies, private companies and international organisations have a growing need for region experts, both in Sweden and internationally. The programme prepares you for a variety of careers such as an analyst, government worker, researcher, and policy consultant in the private and public sectors, both in Sweden and abroad. This programme also qualifies you for doctoral studies in humanities and social sciences.

The programme offers the opportunity to do an internship that can provide invaluable experience in the field as well as extend your professional networks and gain references for future employment. Our current students have done internships at the European Commission, International IDEA, SIDA, Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI), Swedish Ministry of Defence, embassies, Swedish Chamber of Commerce, NGOs, financial institutions as well as research institutes at Uppsala University and Malmö University.

Career support

During your time as a student, UU Careers offers support and guidance. You have the opportunity to take part in a variety of activities and events that will prepare you for your future career.


