School and preschool

Big red flowers on Eltingera elatior.

The Linnaean Gardens – the Botanical Garden, the Linnaeus Garden and Linnaeus' Hammarby – offer education for all ages, for anyone with an interest in nature

Education for all ages

I Linnéträdgården och på Linnés Hammarby berättar vi om livet på 1700-talet och bekantar oss med Carl von Linné – Uppsalas störste vetenskapsman. Hans hem och arbetsplats finns kvar i Uppsala.

Visningarna tar ca 45 minuter och de olika visningarna går att kombinera. Vi hjälper gärna till att skräddarsy visningar efter era önskemål och behov.

Boka in ett besök för lustfyllt lärande för alla åldrar!

Plants from all over the world

The Linnaean Gardens are a perfect excursion for anyone wishing to learn more about nature and are part of Uppsala's history.The Botanical Gardens feature plants from all over the world. Here, you can learn everything about both rainforest and desert plants as well as common Swedish trees.

Carl Linnaeus and the 18th century

The Linnaeus Garden was Linnaeus' own garden. It was here that he carried out most of his work. At Linnaeus' Hammarby, you can see how Linnaeus and his family lived in the 1700s.

Educational sessions and other activeities for alla ages

We have shows for all ages, from children in preschool to young people in lower and upper-secondary school. They can be about anything from describing plants, finding out where the taste in chocolate, vanilla ice cream and cinnamon buns comes from to how evolution works. We also organise other activities for school and preschool, such as gardening, exhibitions, music and dance.

Linné Online and self-guided tours

You can also take advantage of our self-guided tours. Linné Online is a web resource for pupils and teachers in lower and upper-secondary school who want to learn more about Linnaeus and how modern research is linked to his work.

Guided visits for schools in the Botanical Garden

We offer a wide range of themed guided visits adapted for schools and preschools. These visits take about 45 minutes. The different visits can be combined, and we will be happy to help tailor your visit to your needs and requirements.

Some examples of themes in the Tropical Greenhouse

  • The wonderful forms of plants / Evolution in focus
  • Plants of the desert
  • Secrets of the rainforest / Jungle expedition / The lungs of the earth
  • Tropical crops
  • Joy, vice and healing
  • Diversity in danger

​Some examples of themes in the park

  • Flower identification / Plant detectives
  • Find five seeds / Fruits and seeds
  • Buds
  • Swedish trees
  • The wonderful forms of plants / Evolution in focus
  • Diversity in danger
  • Sorting like Linnaeus

Junior classes in the Botanical Garden

Welcome to an eventful year at the Botanical Garden. In the spring we are oinviting all of Uppsala’s preschools and junior (6-year-old) classes to plant salvias (Salvia) and marigolds (Tagetes) in the baroque garden.

2024 Programme (with recommended ages)

  • 4 June: Plant summer flowers in the Baroque Garden
  • 11 September: Röris – physical activity with Friskis&Svettis

For more information contact our booking office at

Then book your activity through "Uppsala kommuns utbudsbokning", at least two weeks in advance!

Preschools in the Botanical Garden

Welcome to an eventful year at the Botanical Garden. In the spring we are once again inviting all of Uppsala’s preschools to plant savias (Salvia) and marigolds (Tagetes) in the baroque garden. There will also be a birthday party in May for the preschool children's trees. In September Friskis&Svettis issue an invitation to Mini-Röris (exercise to music for younger children), and in October we will be planting bulbs in the baroque garden.

2024 Programme (with recommended ages)

  • 14 May: The tree’s birthday party (3–4 years)
  • 28 May – 4 June: Dance and plant summer flowers (4–6 years)
  • 11 September: Mini-Röris beside the Linneanum Orangery (2–6 years)
  • 14–18 October: Plant bulbs in the baroque garden (4–6 years)

All activities should be booked through Uppsala kommuns utbudsbokning. If you need help send an e-mail to our booking office.

