History of the Centre for Gender Research

The Centre for Gender Research was established in 2003 and has, according to instructions from the Vice-Chancellor, a commitment to carry out research and teaching within the field of gender studies, which includes different perspectives on sex and gender, as well as critical perspectives on how sex and gender interact with other dimensions of power. The Centre shall co-operate with all of the University's research area committees, faculty committees and concerned departments. The Centre is run by a Board and under the Board by a Director.

Our history

1982: The Centre for Women Researchers and Women's Studies

The history of the Centre goes back further than 2003, when the Centre was given a new name, a new assignment, and new premises. Already in 1982 the Centre for Women Researchers and Women's Studies became an independent research unit within Uppsala university. Then, as today, the three cornerstones of the Centre was: research, education and third stream activities. The tradition of inviting guest researchers and guest lecturers from abroad, and thus maintaining an international and inspiring environment, was also established from the very beginning.

During its first few years the Centre had two employed researchers: the literature researcher Birgitta Holm and the psychology researcher Mona Eliasson, who was also the first Director of the Centre, 1982-1990. Between 1990 and 2003 the Centre had five different Directors; Eva Heggestad, Denise Malmberg, Gullög Nordquist, Valerie DeMarin­is, and, once again, Mona Eliasson.

2003: The Centre for Gender Research

The Centre for Gender Research was established in 2003 and has, according to instructions from the Vice-Chancellor, a commitment to carry out research and teaching within the field of gender studies. The education and research must include different perspectives on gender, as well as include critical perspectives on how gender intersects with other dimensions of power.

Margaretha Fahlgren was Director of the Centre 2003-2011. During her time as Director the Centre grew from a small organisation with about six researchers, to an international research environment with about 30 researchers and other employees.

2006: Centre of Excellence and the research programme GenNa

In 2006 the Centre for Gender Research, toghether with the Umeå Centre for Gender Studies, received shared funding of 60 milion SEK from the Swedish Research Council in order to, for a five year period, work to strengthen gender research and establish ourselves internationally. The international research programme GenNa: Nature/Culture Boundaries and Transgressive Encounters was led by Professor Margaretha Fahlgren and coordinated orignally by Tora Holmberg, and later Anita Hussénius.

The Programme of Excellence ran until 2012, but many of the strong research groups, interesting projects and international collaborations that were established during this time are still active at the Centre for Gender Research.

2016: The Centre's first professor is recruited and our PhD programme is established

Margaretha Fahlgren resigned as Director in July 2011 and was succeeded by Anita Hussénius who was Director 2011-2018. A chair in gender studies was appointed in 2016 and Gabriele Griffin became Uppsala University's first Professor of Gender Studies. Also in 2016, the Centre received degree-awarding powers on the research level and admitted its first PhD students. In 2018 Klara Goedecke became the first person to defend their thesis in Gender Studies at Uppsala University.

Helena Wahlström Henriksson was Director of the Centre for Gender Research 2018–2024. As of 1 July 2024 Jenny Björklund is the Director, and around 40 people are working at the Centre in some capacity.

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