Frequently asked questions will be published continuously on this page.

How many participants will be admitted to the programme?

  • 10 pairs (20 participants). There will be 3 cohorts of 20 participants each.

Any specific age range for applicants?

  • No, but you have to be above 18 years.
A person asks a question in a lecture hall

Photo: Mikael Wallerstedt

Which countries are eligible for applying?

  • For a complete list of countries, please go to the website, uu.se/ltc. The list of countries is linked from the start page.

Do we fill separate applications for me and my co-applicant?

  • Yes, the system will generate an email to you co-applicant as soon as the application is submitted.

About the co-applicant? What if one of us gets accepted and not the other?

  • Individuals will not be accepted, only pairs. Either both of you are accepted or both of you are not.

Do we need to have an ongoing project that we submit or can it be something we come up with now for the programme?

  • You can develop a project for this programme, but you need to prove that the project will be feasible and have an impact on society. The project need to be more than just an idea to be developed during the programme.

Can the co-applicant be from different organisations?

  • Yes, but you need to present the same transformation project

Can the team be from 2 qualified countries? For example Sweden and Ethiopia.

  • Yes

Can the co-applicant come from another country than the listed countries?

  • No

Do I get a certificate of compilation of the programme?

  • Yes

The countries for which the application is open refers to nationality of the applicants or to the country in which the project is intended to be rolled out?

  • Above all, what is crucial is where the change work will take place. But we also see that it is a great advantage to live in, have very good contextual knowledge of and have experience of working with change processes in that country.

What happens after the program? Are there plans for structures that support the project after the program concludes (e.g. infrastructural support, organizational support, financing support, etc) to ensure that project succeeds in the long term?

  • The program includes an alumni network, but currently no other support functions connected to the implementation of the projects that the participants work on during the program.

Which meetings are mandatory?

  • All parts of the program are mandatory.

Are sustainability consultants eligible to apply as a pair team?

  • Yes.

What are the requirements for the program, can someone with a university diploma qualify?

  • An academic exam is not required, but it is not an obstacle.

Is there a restricted number of participants per organisation?

  • No, but we aim for input from different sectors and experiences within each course round.

Since the program will be in English, will there be opportunity for translations?

  • No, there is no opportunities for translation. To be able to follow the programme a minimum of professional working proficiency, is required.

During the leadership training, how will possible sources of funding for sustainability transformation projects be approached?

  • The program does not include such funding opportunities.

Who are you looking for?

  • Pairs of leaders with mandate to drive innovative transformation projects with potential to contribute to societal transition.

Does this leadership programme have a health component?

  • No explicitly.

Together with co-applicant we provide one project or two similar?

  • One project for both participants.

Do you take on people in the finance sector?

  • Yes

Does a person in the art, fashion and design sector also qualify?

  • Yes

Who are the mentors and coaches?

  • Recruited from our partner organisations.

Is it possible for two teams to apply from the same organization?

  • Yes, but we think it is important to include people with different backgrounds and perspectives, and different organisations.

Can one person be on two applications from the same organisation?

  • No

