Trainers in the programme

Leadership for Transformative Change engages a wide range of high-level lecturers and facilitators. Also, all participants have an individual mentor as well as a common change facilitator for the to working in a pair. Below are short introductions of some of our mentors, change facilitators and lecturers.

Dr. Josephine Sundqvist, PhD

Mentor/leadership facilitator

A global CEO, pioneering transformational leadership, inner growth and change management. Expertise and experience in scaling global operations, digital transformation, leading cross-functional teams, and in driving innovation in complex, multinational organisations. Carry extensive experience from managing humanitarian and development programs at the global level, regional and country level.

“I strongly recommend you join this program if you wish to take control of situations by conveying a clearer vision. You will grow stronger on the inside and increase your knowledge, capacity and passion for your transformational work while strengtening your ability to make your followers and members to feel more motivated and devoted for your vision and goals.”

Kristina Persson

Josephine Sundqvist

Kristina Persson

I have a long experience from both civil society and the public sector, including the government's office in different capacities.

My experience has convinced me that the one and dominant obstacle for efficient and adequate governance in Sweden is an inability to work in a transformative way. Government offices are organised in silos and work is focused on the shortsight . Challenges are complex and demand long term, holistic analysis, cooperation across silos, creativity and social innovation.

To break the present (and since long) inability demand a top leadership with deep insight and knowledge, and a strong will to change structure and culture. And preparedness.

Conditions that seldom are at hand when a government takes office.

Kristina Persson

Kristina Persson

Åsa Jarskog

Trainer and coach within Sustainable Business Development.

With 34 years of experience in sustainable development, strategy, and leadership, Asa Jarskog has worked in 61 countries across multiple continents, serving numerous Governments, corporations, UN-agencies, CSOs and academic institutions in developing authentic regenerative leadership skills for sustainable impact.

Åsa Jarskog

Åsa Jarskog

