Anna Rostedt Punga

Professor at Department of Medical Sciences; Clinical Neurophysiology

+46 18 471 49 41
Visiting address:
Rudbecklaboratoriet C11, Dag Hammarsköldsv 20
Postal address:
Rudbecklaboratoriet C11, Dag Hammarsköldsv 20
Academic merits:
MD PhD, Associate Professor, Consultant
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Short presentation

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Den röda tråden i min forskning är neurofysiologi och framförallt störd signalering mellan nerver och muskler och sjukdomen Myasthenia Gravis (MG), som leder till ökad muskeltrötthet.Vi arbetar med att hitta pålitliga biomarkörer för MG, bland annat så kallade mikroRNA. Genom en ny unik modell där nerv-och muskelceller odlas på ett elektroniskt chip kan vi spåra detaljerade processer i nerv-muskelsignaleringen och hoppas på sikt kunna få bättre sjukdomsförståelse och utveckla nya läkemedel.


  • myasthenia gravis
  • neurofysiologi
  • neuromuskulär


Anna Rostedt Punga studied medicine with emphasis on research at the faculty of Medicine, Uppsala University, and already then, she started conducting clinical research on myasthenia gravis (MG) in 1999. She spent 3 months at the Duke MG Clinic with Dr Donald Sanders at a scholarship from the Myasthenia Gravis Foundation of America. She later qualified as an MD in 2005 and subsequently defended her PhD thesis with focus on different antibody subtypes MG in the department of Neuroscience, Uppsala University, in 2007. Her postdoctoral studies, that focused on preclinical research on the neuromuscular junction in Basel, rendered an international award from the German Myasthenia Gravis Foundation (Eberhardt Pfleiderer Prize). In 2014 she was granted a highly competitive clinical research grant from the Swedish Research Council (success rate 8%) and then built her own research group/lab on MG and the neuromuscular junction at BMC, Uppsala University.

The research focuses on improving diagnostic and monitoring tools in MG, including biomarkers and neurophysiology, both in-vivo and in-vitro, as well as novel treatment options. At the moment, she holds multiple highly competitive national research grants from the Swedish Research Council and was recently awarded Göran Gustafssons large prize in medicine for my studies in MG. Her team has pioneered the field of microRNA biomarker discovery in MG and has several publications on this topic.

Anna Rostedt Punga combines the role of professor of clinical neurophysiology with a clinical position as consultant clinical neurophysiologist at the Department of Clinical Neurophysiology, Uppsala University Hospital. She also sees MG patients from all over Sweden in the Neurology outpatient unit at Uppsala University hospital. Further, she is the responsible physician for ongoing communication of research to the Swedish NEURO association of MG patients, connecting research with the stakeholder´s community.

She has published more than 50 peer-reviewed original articles as well as 8 review articles and 2 book chapters.


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Anna Rostedt Punga

