Daniel Mossberg

Short presentation

Lead Coordinator CEMUS Forum and Outreach www.cemus.uu.se/outreach and Educational Coordinator CEMUS Education www.cemus.uu.se/education. Safety representative (substitute) 2020-2021.

Worked as Course Coordinator 2004-2005, started as Educational Coordinator (kurssamordnare) 2006, Director of Studies at CEMUS 2008-2018. Academic background in cultural anthropology, philosophy, American studies, environment and development studies and climate and sustainability studies.


  • active learning
  • active student participation
  • activism
  • aktiv studentmedverkan
  • american studies
  • anthropology
  • blended learning
  • centrum för miljö och utvecklingsstudier
  • change processes
  • climate
  • climate change
  • climate change justice
  • climate change leadership
  • collective learning
  • communication
  • critical pedagogy
  • e-learning
  • education for sustainable development
  • environment and sustainability
  • environmental and sustainability education
  • environmental ethics
  • environmental humanities
  • equity
  • existential philosophy
  • facilitation
  • forskningssamverkan
  • future studies
  • future thinking
  • hållbar utveckling
  • internationell samverkan
  • miljö och hållbarhet
  • mooc
  • outreach activities
  • samverkan
  • samverkan i utbildning
  • samverkan med allmänheten
  • samverkansledning
  • social hållbarhet
  • social sustainability
  • sustainability
  • sustainability studies
  • utbildningssamordning


Have together with colleagues worked with and developed the following courses at CEMUS:

  • Klimatet, energin och det moderna samhället (2004-2005)
  • Livsfilosofi och det moderna samhället (2005-2006, 2020)
  • Global Challenges and Sustainable Futures (2007)
  • Människan och naturen distans (2008-2009)
  • Hållbar utveckling B (2009-2010)
  • Climate Change Leadership - Power, Politics and Culture (2010-2011)
  • Technology, Power and the Future of Humanity (2016)
  • Introduction to Interdisciplinary Science (2016)
  • Climate Change Leadership in Practice (2017-2018)
  • Climate Change Leadership – Power, Politics and Culture distance (2019)

And have worked with these projects and assignments (a selection):

  • Development of the concept and project leader of the first ClimateExistence conference in collaboration with the Sigtuna Foundation (2007-2008) www.climateexistence.se
  • Part of and support for the pedagogical project Sustainability Case Library (2012-2013) www.cemus.uu.se/sustainability-case-library
  • Part of the ideation and work with a proposal for a Zennström visiting professor in Climate Change Leadership at Uppsala University (2013) climatechangeleadership.blog.uu.se
  • Part of the startup and steering committee for Active Student Participation at Uppsala University (2013-2016) www.uu.se/asp
  • Substitute Lead Coordinator CEMUS Forum and Outreach (the academic year 2015-2016) www.cemus.uu.se/outreach
  • Project Leader and Lead Educator for CEMUS MOOC Climate Change Leadership as part of Uppsala University's pilot project (2016-2017) www.cemus.uu.se/ccl-mooc
  • Project Leader CEMUS 25-year anniversary (2017)
Daniel Mossberg

