May-Britt Öhman

Researcher at Centre for Multidisciplinary Studies on Racism

+46 18 471 21 93
Visiting address:
Engelska parken
Thunbergsvägen 3C, vån 3 hus 22
Postal address:
Box 511
751 20 Uppsala

Short presentation

Buoris! Hello!

Associate prof Environmental History ÅAU 2020
PhD History of Technology 2007 KTH

Lule/Forest Sámi, Tornedalian heritage

CEMFOR Jan 2018-

Centre f Gender Research 2008 - 18.
Areas: Gender, Science, Technology Studies; Safety, Risk, Resilience, Environment, Disasters; History of Science and Technology; History; Colonial history; Decolonizing/ Indigenous Studies/Meth/Theories; Arctic; Technoscience; Racial biology; Sustainable Development, Settler colonialism


  • citbui009
  • climate change
  • climet002
  • coinri006
  • dam safety
  • disaster risk reduction
  • disaster vulnerability
  • ecbiwa001
  • ego histoire
  • environmental issues
  • envmed008
  • esdeve007
  • feminist technoscience
  • gender
  • gopole004
  • grinno011
  • healing from colonial traumas
  • historical traumas
  • history of ideas and science
  • human security
  • indigenous peoples expertise
  • indigenous peoples knowledges
  • indigenous studies
  • ipmihr010
  • land based education
  • land based knowledge
  • phhith005
  • philosophy of science
  • racial biology
  • resilience
  • science studies
  • settler colonial studies
  • sociotechnical systems
  • sustainable development
  • technology studies
  • technoscience


Associate professor (Docent in Swedish) in Environmental History, 2020, ÅAU.

PhD in History of Technology, Dissertation "Taming Exotic Beauties: Swedish Hydro Power Constructions in Tanzania in the Era of Development Assistance, 1960s - 1990s" 2007, Royal Institute of Technology

Other websites: and - I don't update often but can be interesting as introductions to what I do.

Commissions (selected):

Expert in the Committee on Reindeer Lands - Renmarkskommittén (N 2021:02) 2023--- ongoing

Member of ICARP 4 - International Conference on Arctic Research Planning, Research Priority Team 5: Co-Production and Indigenous-led methodologies

Editorial board, NAIS Journal 2013-2016, 2020 - ongoing


You can find my publications at

Google Scholar:

Research gate

Research projects

2022-2027 Co-lead Pathway T5 - Decolonising Science and Education of ⴰⵔⵔⴰⵎⴰⵜ Ărramăt: Strengthening Health And Wellbeing Through Indigenous-Led Conservation and Sustainable Relationships With Biodiversity Projektbudget 24 M CAD (184 MSEK)
Based at University of Alberta, Canada

2023-2024 SING Sábme - Indigenous-led place based research project funded within Ărramăt finansierat inom Arramat (ca 600 000 SEK)

2023-2027 Co-applicant of "Powering change with justice: Weaving Indigenous perspectives to uncover impacts of the wind energy transition", based at Stockholm Resilience Centre ( FORMAS, 10 MSEK)

2023-2027 Postdoctoral supervisor within "Militarised Indigenous Borderscapes: Reconfiguring geographies of war and borders", funded by the Research Council of Finland (formerly the Academy of Finland).

2022-2025 Main applicant. "Sijddaj máhttsat" means "coming home" in Lule Sámi
Swedish Research Council Vetenskapsrådet, Dnr 2021-03080 6 120 MSEK

2022-2024 Main applicant. Environmental Justice, Land Based Learning and Social Sustainability in Sábme
Swedish Research Council FORMAS Dnr 2021-01723 3 MSEK

2022-2025 Co-applicant. Indigenous perspectives on forest fires, drought and climate change: Sápmi
Swedish Research Council FORMAS Dnr 2021-01002 4 MSEK
Main Applicant: Dr Ignacio Acosta

2020-2021 Main applicant and project leader: "Pandemic in the (sub) Arctic North: A supra-disciplinary and interdisciplinary data collection on experiences, resilience and social mobilization during the Covid19 pandemic with a focus on Norrbotten County FORMAS emergency funding 3 089 MSEK

2019-2022 Main applicant. Living without oil?! Rethinking relations with lands and waters with Indigenous Land Based Expertise for a transition towards a fossil free welfare society, FORMAS Dnr 2019-01975, 7,5 MSEK within the Swedish National Research Programme on Climate

2017-2019 Main applicant and project leader. FORMAS dnr 2017-01923. Indigenous Climate Change Studies: Indigenous Expertise meets Western Technological Design and Innovation 8,933 MSEK.

2017-2019 Main applicant and project leader. FORMAS dnr 2016-01039, future research leaders. Safe and Sustainable Energy Futures: Assumptions and Actions, Visions and Decisions) 2 997 MSEK

2017-2019 Co-applicant and scientific responsibility for Feminist and Indigenous methodologies/theories. Artistic research. Swedish Research Council, Vetenskapsrådet. Att ge mig mitt perspektiv: Rasbiologernas spår i det samiska folkhemmet, main applicant: Katarina Pirak Sikku. 5 MSEK

2016-2018 Science, validation, partial perspectives: Knowledge production beyond the norms” SEK 2,6 MSEK Faculty of Arts, Uppsala University

2012-2015 Main applicant and project leader. FORMAS. Rivers, resistance and resilience: Sustainable futures in Sápmi and in other indigenous peoples’ territories. 6 MSEK.

2010-2012 Main applicant and project leader - Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet): “DAMMED: Security, risk and resilience around the dams of Sub Arctica” (in total 4 participants, UMU, LTU, KTH and UU)

2012-2014 Co-applicant. Swedish Research Council, (Vetenskapsrådet) SEK 3 million (with Dr. Seema Arora Jonsson at Swedish Univ. of Agricultural Sciences, SLU, Uppsala) “Gender and Sustainable Development: Policy and Practice in Environmental Management”.

2012-2014 Senior researcher (part-time) and research co-ordinator for CfG, member of research council, to the Mind and Nature research project financed by Faculty of Arts, Uppsala Univ., 2012-2014, SEK 4,5 million.

2008-2010 PostDoc Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet)

PhD project “Swedish Energy Assistance in a Historical Perspective”, financed by Sida-Sarec and also part of the “Science, Technological Change, and Industrial Innovation” 1996-2008 financed by The Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation.

Dissertation 2007: Taming Exotic Beauties: Swedish Hydro Power Constructions in Tanzania in the Era of Development Assistance, 1960s - 1990s


Dálkke Indigenous Climate Changes Studies youtube

Dálkke Indigenous Climate Changes Studies youtube channel


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May-Britt Öhman

