Carl Henrik Carlsson

Researcher at Department of History; The Hugo Valentin Centre

+46 18 471 71 99
Mobile phone:
+46 70 555 57 22
Visiting address:
Engelska parken, Thunbergsvägen 3D, 1 tr
Postal address:
Box 521
751 20 Uppsala

Researcher at Department of History; The Hugo Valentin Centre

Mobile phone:
+46 70 555 57 22
Visiting address:
Engelska parken, Thunbergsvägen 3D, 1 tr
Postal address:
Box 521
751 20 Uppsala

Short presentation

This text is not available in English, therefore the Swedish version is shown.

Nuvarande forskningsprojekt: "Integration against all odds? A longitudinal cohort study of Ostjuden children in Sweden, 1880-1920"

Översiktsverket Judarnas historia i Sverige (Natur & Kultur 2021) nominerades både till Augustpriset och till Stora fackbokspriset.

Undervisar i grundkursen Judarnas historia i Sverige. Koordinator i forskarnätverket ”Judarna i Sverige – en minoritets historia” och medlem i styrelsen för Forum för Judiska studier


Employed 100% as a researcher at the Hugo Valentin Center (HVC) and currently working on the research project "Integration against all odds? A longitudinal cohort study of Ostjuden children in Sweden, 1880-1920", funded by the Marcus and Amalia Wallenberg Memorial Foundation. Previously also employed as an editor at "Svenskt biografiskt lexikon" (The National biography of Sweden) and as an editor and researcher at the National Archives.

The book "Judarnas historia i Sverige" (The History of the Jews in Sweden) was published in 2021. The book was nominated both for the August Prize, category non-fiction, and for the Great Non-Fiction Book Prize, two of the most prestigious literary prizes in Sweden.

My previous research has, among other things, been devoted to discrimination anti-Semitism in connection with citizenship applications 1860–1945. The doctoral dissertation Citizenship and discrimination. Östjudar and other immigrants in Sweden 1860–1920 (Uppsala 2004) were awarded both the Royal Swedish Society of Science in Uppsala Benzelius Award and the Uppsala University Geijers Prize.

I'm also teaching the basic course History of the Jews in Sweden and administrates HVC's advanced seminar series. I'm coordinator in the international research network "The Jews in Sweden - a minority history" and member of the board of the Forum for Jewish Studies, Faculty of Theology, Uppsala University. I'm also a member of the editorial board of Multiethnica.

Collaboration with the surrounding community includes extensive lecture activities and as a regular expert in the TV program "Who do you think you are?"

Some of the articles can be downloaded from the private website


Currently working on the research project "Integration against all odds? A longitudinal cohort study of Ostjuden children in Sweden, 1880-1920", funded by the Marcus and Amalia Wallenberg Memorial Fund.

My previous research has, among other topics, been devoted to discrimination anti-Semitism in connection with citizenship applications 1860–1945.


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Carl Henrik Carlsson

