Ann Öhrberg

Professor emeritus at Department of Literature and Rhetoric; Affiliated staff

Visiting address:
Engelska parken, Thunbergsvägen 3 P
Postal address:
Box 632
751 26 UPPSALA

Short presentation

This text is not available in English, therefore the Swedish version is shown.

Prof. em. vid Litteraturvetenskapliga institutionen.

Prefekt vid Litteraturvetenskapliga institutionen 2011–2016.

Studierektor vid Litteraturvetenskapliga institutionen 2006–2010.

Docent i litteraturvetenskap 2008.

Disputerad i litteraturvetenskap vid Uppsala universitet 2001 med avhandlingen Vittra fruntimmer. Författarroll och retorik hos frihetstidens kvinnliga författare.

Forskningsintressen: 1700-tal, genus, religiös litteratur och retorik, bokhistoria, psykiatrihistoria.


Short CV

  • Professor in Literature (litteraturvetenskap) 2017
  • Chair at the Department of Literature, 1/1 2011–2016
  • Director of Studies at the Department of Literature, 2006–2010
  • Associate prof. in Literature (litteraturvetenskap) 2008
  • PhD in Literature (litteraturvetenskap) 2001

A more complete CV (in Swedish) is available for download above.

Teaching Interests

I have a position as lecturer at the Department of Literature and have taught on all academic levels in literature, rhetoric and within the teacher education program (in literature). My main teaching interests regard rhetoric, the history of literature (especially 1600–1800), female authors, literature and rhetoric from a power and gender perspective, rhetoric and ethic, religious literature and religious rhetoric.

Research Interests

In my research I primarily have been working with questions related to rhetoric and literature from a power perspective. The discussions often concern the rhetorical strategies used by those who want to make their voices heard in public contexts, but who for various reasons are marginalized. The main part of my research focuses on the 18th century, and I have studied different types of texts and materials often overlooked in the field of Swedish literary research, such as Occasional Poetry, political, and religious texts. My latest book (Samtalets retorik. Belevade kulturer och offentlig kommunikation i svenskt 1700-tal, Brutus Östlings förlag Symposion, 2014) evolves around the rhetoric used in the Swedish 18th century public sphere, and here I analyse different texts (i.e. within cultures of politeness) from a gender perspective.Recently I have been working on a project in which I examine the archives of the Moravian movement in early modernity from a power perspective. At present I am a member in the advisory board of the transdisciplinary and international project The Princesses' Library.

Work in Progress

Research Collaborations

Publications (a selection)

Samtalets retorik. Belevade kulturer och offentlig kommunikation i svenskt 1700-tal, Brutus Östlings förlag Symposion, forthcoming 2014.

”Between the Civic and the Polite. Classical Rhetoric, Eloquence and Gender in late Eighteenth Century Sweden”, in Metamorphoses of Rhetoric. Classical Rhetoric in the Eighteenth Century, Otto Fischer & Ann Öhrberg (eds), Studia Rhetorica Upsaliensia, Uppsala 2011.

”’A Threat to Civic Coexistence’. Forbidden Religious Literature and Censorship in Eighteenth-Century Sweden”, in Religious Reading in the Lutheran North. Studies in Early Modern Scandinavian Book Culture, Charlotte Appel & Morten Fink-Jensen (eds), Cambridge 2011.

”The Strömfelt Sisters. Gender and power within the Swedish Moravian movement during the eighteenth century”, in Pietism, Revivalism and Modernity, 1650–1850, Daniel Lindmark & Fred van Lieburg (eds), Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Press, 2008.

Imagery of God in Moravian Songs from Eighteenth-Century Sweden”, in Rhetoric and Literature in Finland and Sweden, 1600-1900, Pernille Harsting & Jon Viklund (eds.), Nordic Studies in the History of Rhetoric, vol. 2, Copenhagen: NNRH, 2008.

”When Magnus Brynolph Malmstedt Read Kant. Enlightenment Ideas and Alternative Rhetoric within the Swedish Eighteenth Century Moravian Movement”, in Nordic Light, Thomas Bredsdorff, Anne-Marie Mai, Lene Bredsdorff & Søren Peter Hansen (eds), University Press of Southern Denmark, Odense 2007.

Vittra fruntimmer. Författarroll och retorik hos frihetstidens kvinnliga författare, Skrifter utg. av Avd. för litteratursociologi vid Litteraturvetenskapliga institutionen i Uppsala 45, diss. Uppsala, Hedemora 2001.

For further publications, see the list from DiVA below.


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Ann Öhrberg

