Lars-Olof Åhlberg

Professor emeritus at Department of Philosophy; Aesthetics; Affiliated

Visiting address:
Engelska parken, Thunbergsvägen 3 H
Postal address:
Box 627
751 26 UPPSALA


Lars-Olof Åhlberg, prof. emer. of aesthetics, researcher in comparative aesthetics with the Swedish Research Council 2000-6, former responsible for the Ph.D programme in aesthetics at the department of philosophy, Uppsala University.

Main research interests

The philosophy of the humanities, the philosophy of culture, philosophical aesthetics and the history of philosophical aesthetics, aesthetics of music and architecture, political philosophy.

Current projects

Philosophy, Aesthetics and the Arts, The Artistic and the Aesthetic.

Recent publications

“Det sublima”, [On the Sublime] i Tolv begrepp inom de estetiska vetenskaperna [Twelve Concepts in Aesthetics], ed. Hans-Olof Boström, Stockholm: Carlssons, 2000, 199-219.

“Estetik mellan filosofi och konst. Fyra variationer”, [Aesthetics between Philosophy and Art: Four Variations’], i Estetiken inför framtiden. Åtta essäer tillägnade Göran Sörbom, [Aesthetics into the Future: Eight Essays in Honour of Göran Sörbom], Nordisk estetisk tidskrift, 2000, No. 20-1, 55-76.

“Der Begriff des Postmodernismus in der Architektur”, [The Concept of Postmodernism in Architecture], 15p. (199, Zeitschrift für Ästhetik und allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft, 2001:45/2, 293-303.

“Vad är postmodernism?”, Annales - Vetenskapssamhällets årsbok 2001, 43-59.

“Aesthetics, Philosophy of Culture, and ‘The Aesthetic Turn’”, Filosofski Vestnik 2001, vol. 22, no. 2, 21-42.

“The Power of the ‘isms’ over thought: terrorism, fundamentalism and ‘Perpetual Peace’”, Culture, Security and Sustainable Social Development after 11 September, ed. Fredrik Lundmark, Stockholm: The Bank of Sweden tercentenary Foundation

“The Invention of Modern Aesthetics: From Leibniz to Kant”, The Historical Seminar 4, the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, eds. Metoda Kokole, Vojislav Likar & Peter Weiss, Ljubljana 2003, 133-153.

“Postmodernism, History and ‘The Linguistic Turn’”, Essays on Fiction and Perspective, ed. Göran Rossholm, Bern-Berlin-Bruxelles-Frankfurt am Main-New York-Oxford-Wien: Peter Lang, 2004, 313-349.

“Art, Literature and Value”, in Literature and Literary Text: New Analyticand Pragmatic Perspectives, eds. Stein Haugom Olsen & Anders Pettersson (London: Palgrave, 2005), 36-81.

“Det estetiska mönstret. Att varsebli verkligheten” [The Aesthetic Pattern], Konsterna och själen. Estetik ur ett humanvetenskapligt perspektiv, Kungl. Vitterhets Historie och Antikvitets Akademien (Konferenser 61), red.Göran Herméren (Stockholm 2005), 151-161.

“Notions of the Aesthetic and of Aesthetics”, Tankar tillägnade Sören Stenlund, red. Niklas Forsberg, Sharon Rider & Pär Segerdahl, Uppsala Philosophical Studies 54 (Uppsala: Uppsala University, 2008), 325-345.

Notions of the Aesthetic and of Aesthetics: Essays on Art, Aesthetics and Culture (Bern: Peter Lang Verlag, 2012), 420 pages (forthcoming).
Lars-Olof Åhlberg

