Follow the food

A pear that is getting mouldy

Photograph taken from Unsplash

All around Swedish grocery stores, several creative attempts to reduce food waste exist, such as selling yesterday's bread, “blemished” fruits and vegetables, or meat with a "short date" at a reduced price, or donating to charity. Stores themselves can easily follow how many of these products are sold and delivered, but there is an almost total knowledge gap regarding what happens at the consumer level. Are the products eaten at the customer's home, or bought yet still thrown away? Are they frozen down and remain in the freezer?

  • Period: 2023-12-01 – 2026-11-30
  • Budget: 5,977,622 SEK
  • Funder: Formas
  • Type of funding: Project grant


The project " Follow the food: Waste reducing retail actions; what happens when the food reaches the consumer??", funded by Formas within the national research program for food (dnr: 2023-01912), addresses this knowledge gap. The aim is to evaluate existing routines for reducing food waste in stores and following the potentially "saved" the food all the way to the consumer. The question is: do actions to reduce food waste in stores lead to reduced waste at home for the consumer?

The principal investigator for the project is Nicklas Neuman and the responsible institution is Uppsala University. Other researchers are Jonas Bååth (Ph.D.), Sara Spendrup (Associate Professor) and Rosa Hellman (PhD student) at the Department of People and Society, Swedish University of Agriculturas Sciences, Alnarp. The non-academic partner is Coop Butiker & Stormarknader AB.

Coop Butiker & Stormarknader AB

Project leader: Nicklas Neuman

