Courses in Home and Consumer Studies

A child is holding two eggs in front of their eyes

Photo by Hannah Tasker on Unsplash

A basic course in Home and Consumer Studies is offered in the fall semester:

Three courses are offered in the spring semester:

When commissioned by the Swedish National Agency for Education, we also provide Lärarlyftet Home and Consumer Studies, basic course for teachers in grades 7-9, 45 credits. Distance course with campus meetings, half speed. This course corresponds to the above Basic course 30 credits + Continuation course part 15 credits.

The next course within lärarlyftet starts in VT 2024.
The course starts in January 2024 and ends in June 2025. The course is given at half speed during three semesters and gives you the right to teach Home and Consumer Science up to grade 9. More about the course. This course is aimed at those who already have a teaching degree and are employed in schools. Participation in the course requires the principal's approval. Read more at the Swedish National Agency for Education. This is a distance course where five days per semester are on campus in Uppsala. Selection for the course is by lottery. Applications are open between September 15 and October 17 at

Two children are baking together

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

How to become a qualified teacher in Home and Consumer Studies

Our courses in home and consumer science can in various ways be included in/combined with a teacher's degree in order to qualify to teach the subject in school.

If you do not yet have a teacher's degree, but aim to become a subject teacher in Home and Consumer Science, either through supplementary pedagogical teacher training (KPU) with a focus on grades 7-9: Teaching subjects grades 7-9 - Uppsala University ( or through the subject teacher program with a focus on grades 7-9, can choose to study our courses according to the following options:

  1. For Home and Consumer Science as a main subject, you need to study a total of 90 credits: Basic Course (30 credits), Continuation Course 1 (15 credits), Continuation Course 2 (15 credits) and the Advanced Course (30 credits).
  2. For a teaching degree covering two teaching subjects, you need to study a total of 60 credits in home and consumer science: Foundation course (30 credits), Continuation course 1 (15 credits), Continuation course 2 (15 credits).
  3. For a teaching degree covering three teaching subjects, you need to study a total of 45 credits in home and consumer science: Basic course (30 credits) and Continuation course 1 (15 credits).

If you already have a teacher's degree, you need to study 30 credits in the subject (Basic course), in order to be qualified to teach up to grade 6, and another 15 credits (Continuation course part 1) to obtain a total of 45 credits in HK and thus be able to teach up to grade 9.

For questions regarding the teaching degree, we refer to the study counselor at the teacher education program, Faculty of Educational Sciences. For questions regarding the subject area and our courses in the home and consumer science courses, please contact

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