17.9 million SEK grant to research on segregation

The Swedish Research Council (VR) has granted SEK 17.9 million for the research program Residential segregation, urbanization and unequal life-chances. The program is a collaboration between researchers in economics, psychology and economic history.

Project leader is Matz Dahlberg, Professor of Economics at IBF and Director of the Urban Lab research collaboration, where the new program will be included.

VR has granted funds for a six-year program which, among other things, will increase knowledge about the causes of the housing segregation that exists in Sweden today. The researchers plan to use modern statistical methods to process data covering the entire Swedish population from 1950 until today. The researchers also want to investigate the consequences of growing up in a segregated landscape. They will further evaluate the effect of political decisions that have aimed to improve conditions in different parts of the city and country.

– This is fantastic news, says Matz Dahlberg. A closer collaboration between the four strong research environments behind the application makes it possible to provide new and improved answers to important questions linked to segregation and area development.


About the research programme

Residential segregation, urbanization and unequal life-chances has been granted funding for the years 2024-2029. Among the participating researchers are Matz Dahlberg, Professor of Economics at the Institute for Housing and Urban Research (IBF), Kerstin Enflo, Professor of Economic History at Lund University, Gustaf Gredebäck, Professor of Psychology at the Department of Psychology, and Olof Åslund, Professor of Economics at the Department of Economics.

