Information for authors of Scripta Islandica

Scripta Islandica is open for scholarly contributions in all subjects related to West Norse philology, literature, language and culture, first and foremost studies based on Old West Norse texts and manuscripts containing them. Contributions should be written in Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, English or German. The manuscripts shall follow the manuscript instructions and be sent to the editors of the journal. Scripta Islandica does not print translations of previously published articles.

Contact details for the editors

Manuscript instructions (word template)


Scripta Islandica publishes reviews of newly released books. Publishers and individual authors are invited to send us books with a West Norse focus for review. If desired, a reference copy will be sent of the volume with the published review to the publisher and/or author(s) as soon as the journal is published.

Digital publishing and copyright

All articles are published in the Swedish Digital Scientific Archive (DiVA). Authors who publish a contribution in Scripta Islandica simultaneously grant the journal (the non-exclusive) right to digitally publish the contribution in the form of a PDF file or similar to the printed version. All contributions are published under the CC BY license and the authors own the copyright to their own material in Scripta Islandica.


The formal deadline for articles in Scripta Islandica is June 1 every year.

