A Week on Academic Freedom

  • Date: 23–27 October 2023
  • Type: Conference
  • Web page
  • Organiser: Democracy and Higher Education, Higher Education and Research as Objects of Study (HERO) and Swedish Collegium for Advanced Studies (SCAS)
  • Contact person: Linda Wedlin

"A Week on Academic Freedom" is a joint initiative by the research program Democracy and Higher Education, Higher Education and Research as Objects of Study, and Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study. A series of events will be organized on the common theme of academic freedom over the course of a week. All events take place in Uppsala between October 23–27.

Three lit candles

Monday 23 October

Academic Freedom and Responsibility in Policy and Practice

13.15–13.25 Inauguration of the Week (English)

Tora Holmberg, Professor of Sociology & Vice-rector, Uppsala University
Christina Garsten, Professor of Social Anthropology, Uppsala University & Principal and Permanent Fellow, SCAS
Linda Wedlin, Professor of Business Studies & Director of Democracy and Higher Education, Uppsala University
Mikael Börjesson, Professor in Sociology of Education & Director of HERO, Uppsala University

13.30–14.15 Student Interests and the Freedom of Teaching: Challenges and How to Respond (English)

Andrea Talentino, Professor of Political Science & President of Augustana College

14.15–15.00 Reimagining academic freedom in Europe: what is at stake? (English)

Liviu Matei, Professor of Higher Education and Public Policy, King's College London & representative of The Guild

15.00–15.30 Break

15.30–17.00 En fri akademi bland ökade krav: Vad behövs för en kunskapsbildning i demokratins tjänst? Panelsamtal (Swedish)

Dag Blanck, Professor of North American Studies, Uppsala University (moderator)
Annika Nilsson, Associate Professor in Public Law, Uppsala University
Göran Rosenberg, Journalist and Author
Astrid Söderbergh Widding, Professor in Cinema Studies & Vice-Chancellor, Stockholm University
Farshid Jalalvand, Cultural writer, PhD in medical microbiology and author
Johan Östling, Professor of History, Director of the Lund Centre for the History of Knowledge (LUCK) and Wallenberg Academy Fellow.
Linn Svärd Swedish National Union of Students

17.00– Informal reception

Registration for informal reception on Monday is required. Register here.

Organized by: Democracy and Higher Education.
Venue: Lecture Hall X, University Main Building
Language: Swedish and English

Tuseday 24 October

The Relationship between Academia and Society in Troubled Times

13:15–13.20 Welcome
Mikael Börjesson, Professor in Sociology of Education & Director of HERO, Uppsala University
Sharon Rider, Professor of Philosophy & Deputy Director of HERO, Uppsala University

Part I: Variations of Interfaces: Scientific Domains

13:20–13:45 Science Today: Predicaments and Promises

Sven Widmalm, Professor of History of Science and Ideas, Uppsala University
Dan Larhammar, Professor of Molecular Cell Biology, Uppsala University
Mia Phillipson, Professor of Physiology, Uppsala University

13:45–14:10 What is Public Social Science?

Johan Heilbron, Guest Professor at HERO, Uppsala University
Kristoffer Kropp, Associate Professor of Sociology, Roskilde University
Julien Larregue, Assistant Professor in Sociology, Université Laval

14:10–14:35 Beyond the Integrative Humanities

Anders Ekström, Professor of History of Science and Ideas, Uppsala University
Nina Wormbs, Professor in History of Technology, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Ulrika Björkstén, Secretary General, Vetenskap & Allmänhet

14:35–15:00 Conclusions

Anders Ekström, Johan Heilbron & Sven Widmalm

15:00–15:20 Break

Part II: Science, Politics, and Ideology

15:20–15:45 Declining Trust in Science?

Johan Heilbron, Guest Professor at HERO, Uppsala University
Ulrika Björkstén, Secretary General, Vetenskap & Allmänhet

15:45–16:10 Research Funding for Excellence: Impact and Consequences

Kerstin Sahlin, Senior Professor of Public Management & Chair of HERO, Uppsala University
Peter Edlund, Researcher in Business Studies, Uppsala University
Audrey Harroche, Research Fellow, Oxford Brookes University

16:10–16:35 Between Academe and Politics – Think Tanks and the Quest for Knowledge

Christina Garsten, Professor of Social Anthropology, Uppsala University & Principal and Permanent Fellow, SCAS
Dieter Plehwe, Senior Research Fellow, WZB Berlin Social Science Center & Senior Global Horizons Fellow, SCAS.
Ulrik Jennische, Researcher at Stockholm Centre for Organizational Research (Score), Stockholms University & Junior Global Horizons Fellow, SCAS.

16:35–17:00 Conclusions

Christina Garsten, Johan Heilbron & Kerstin Sahlin

17:00– Informal reception

Register for informal reception required Register here

Organized by: HERO.
Venue: Hall C, Uppsala Konsert & Kongress, 13:15–17:00
Language: English

Wednesday 25 October

Hur står det till med den akademiska friheten?

13.15–13.30 Inledning (Swedish)

13.30–14.25 Den akademiska friheten i Sverige: En lägesbild (Swedish)

Shirin Ahlbäck Öberg, Professor of Political Science & Deputy Director of HERO, Uppsala University
Anna Jonsson Cornell, Professor of Comparative Constitutional Law, Uppsala University

14.30–15.00 Vad behöver göras? Diskussion med intresseorganisationer (Swedish)

Shirin Ahlbäck Öberg (moderator)
Karin Åmossa, Head of Policy and International Affairs, SULF
Ylva Fältholm, Vice-Chancellor of University of Gävle & representative of SUHF
Rasmus Lindstedt, Board Member, SFS,
Emil Görnerup, Head of Research and Innovation Policy, Confederation of Swedish Enterprise

15.00–15.30 Break

15.30–16.25 Nordic Comparative Perspectives on Academic Freedom (English)

Sharon Rider, Professor of Philosophy & Deputy Director of HERO, Uppsala University (moderator)
Janne Holmén, Associate Professor in the History of Education, Uppsala University
Asger Sørensen, Associate Professor in Philosophy of Education, Aarhus University
Anine Kierulf, Associate Professor in Constitutional Law, University of Oslo

16.30–17.00 Discussion (Swedish/English)

Organized by: HERO.
Venue: Humanities Theatre, English Park Campus
Language: Swedish and English

Thursday 26 October

Academic Citizenship in Perspective

10.15–12.00 The VUIAS Initiative – A Joint Effort in Founding an Institute for Advanced Study for Ukraine

Daniel Schönpflug, Head of Academic Programs, Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin, Professor of History, Freie Universität Berlin & Co-Chair Virtual Ukraine Institute for Advanced Study (VUIAS)

16.30–18.00 On Academic Integrity

Sverker Sörlin, Non-resident Long-term Fellow for Programmes on Environmental Humanities, SCAS & Professor of Environmental History, KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Organized by: SCAS.
Venue: SCAS, The Thunberg Lecture Hall, Linneanum, The Botanical Garden. Language: English

This session will be available via Zoom Webinar.

Friday 27 October

Varieties of Collegiality

10.15–10.30 Introduction

Kerstin Sahlin, Senior Professor of Public Management & Chair of HERO, Uppsala University

10.30–10.50 Governing Research. New Forms of Competition and Cooperation in Academia (pre-recorded lecture)

Anna Kosmützky, Professor for the Methodology of Higher Education and Science Research, Leibniz Center of Science and Society (LCSS), Leibniz University Hannover
Georg Krücken, Professor of the Sociology of Higher Education & Director of the International Center for Higher Education Research (INCHER), University of Kassel

10.50–11.10 Integrating Horizontal and Vertical Collegiality

Francois van Schalkwyk, Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Centre for Research on Evaluation, Science and Technology (CREST), Stellenbosch University

11.10–11.30 A Slow Form of Governance? Collegial Organisation and Temporal Synchronization in the Context of Swedish University Reforms

Hampus Östh Gustafsson, Researcher at the Lund Centre for the History of Knowledge (LUCK), Lund University

11.30–12.00 Comments & Discussion

Shirin Ahlbäck Öberg, Professor of Political Science & Deputy Director of HERO, Uppsala University
Johan Boberg, Associate Professor in Sociology of Education & Research Coordinator at HERO, Uppsala University

Organized by: HERO.
Venue: SCAS, The Thunberg Lecture Hall, Linneanum, The Botanical Garden.
Language: English.

This session will be available via Zoom Webinar.

Download the programme in pdf here. Pdf, 7 MB.

