Global health

How can we create preparedness for managing global threats to health, such as antibiotic resistance, outbreaks of new viral diseases or the increasing incidence of overweight and obesity in the world? How can we counter health inequalities based on socioeconomic and cultural factors? How can we build sustainable global health systems and narrow the gaps in health and survival?

Research in global health combines classic patient-focused medicine and interventions for improved health at a societal level. Basic medical research and clinical medicine engage with social science and behavioural science, law, natural sciences and technology. Many interdisciplinary projects are in progress at Uppsala University, aimed at finding sustainable, global solutions to health problems and improving the health situation in the world.

Illustration av hand som håller ett stetoskop mot jordklotet.

Examples of ongoing research

Networks and projects


GlobeLife is a global health network jointly initiated between Uppsala University and Karolinska Institutet. The overall aim of GlobeLife is to strengthen collaboration through research and training in the field of global health both within and between Uppsala University and Karolinska Institutet.



UNITE4TB unites universities and research-based pharmaceutical companies in thirteen countries in the development of clinical trials of potential antibiotics and new treatments against tuberculosis. The consortium is funded by the IMI AMR Accelerator and operates on four continents. Formulation of mathematical models to design optimal clinical studies and to calculate the outcome of these is carried out at Uppsala University's research environment in Pharmacokinetics and Quantitative Pharmacology.


Wellcome Leap Global Network

Uppsala University is part of the international research initiative Wellcome Leap. With 21 universities and 115,000 researchers from all over the world, Wellcome Leap invests in research on global health.

Wellcome Leap Global Network

Social Innovation In Health Sweden

Social Innovation In Health, SIHI, is a global organisation created by WHO and Sida, which is now establishing itself in Sweden. The aim is to create a network for knowledge exchange and to establish contacts between researchers, entrepreneurs and organisations dealing with social innovation in health.

Social Innovation In Health Sweden

