Processing of Personal Data in Produktwebben

Produktwebben is Uppsala University's system for web-based purchasing. The system handles information about employed at Uppsala University. Personal data processed in the system includes employee names, personal identity numbers, contact and address information, University ID (AKKA ID), and information about place of employment.

The purpose of processing this data is only related to the use of the web-based purchasing system. No personal data is transferred to third countries (countries that are not members of the EU or EEA). Basic personal data such as names and email addresses may be transferred to closely related systems such as economy administration (handled by the Financial Administration and Procurement Division and university administration).

The personal data controller and service provider is:

Uppsala University
Box 256
751 05 Uppsala

Contact person for the service:

Jurisdiction of the service provider: Sweden

You have the right to request a summary from the register in order to control what information is registered about you. Read more about your rights and how the University handles personal data. The personal data is retained in Produktwebben as long as the data is considered necessary and your access to Produktwebben is terminated upon termination of your employment.

Produktwebben complies with the EU General Data Protection Regulation and the international standard GÉANT Data Protection Code of Conduct.

