
Research infrastructure administration system (iLab)

Our research infrastructures at Uppsala University are used by many research groups. The administrative system iLab is a core facility management (CFM) system and helps our research infrastructures with the administrative workload of handling projects/bookings/orders for their services and resources. Uppsala University has together with Karolinska Institutet procured the CFM system iLab from Agilent.

iLab implements a workflow that covers the necessary steps from placing an order for services, confirmation of the order, allocation of personnel and resources, status updates and invoicing at completion of the services. Several of our research infrastructures at UU are now using iLab. In iLab a research infrastructure is called a “Core facility”, a research group is called a “Lab” and a research group leader is called a “Principal investigator”.

Download the Quick Start Guide for iLab at Uppsala University Pdf, 231 kB.

iLab Getting started guide v.094 Pdf, 2 MB.

schematsik beskrivning av iLab

How to login as service user

Users of a service at a research infrastructure (Core Facility) must be affiliated to one or several research groups (Labs). Each Lab is led by a research leader, in iLab called PI (Principle Investigator). The PI’s role is financially responsible for the Lab, but can delegate most of the practical work in iLab to one or more of their group members. .

Login to iLab as service user

Help-site iLab

How to apply for a new Lab

Your Lab is created by a local iLab system administrator. Contact an administrator if you cannot find your Lab in the list after login. We will help you to create the Lab in iLab to provide your group members access to bookings etc.

How to apply for a new core facility

If you are the manager of a core facility and want to integrate your facility with iLab, please contact the support via email describing your facility and to setup a meeting. Information for current Core Facility Managers is stored in the Core Facility Management group in Medarbetarportalen.

System Management and funding

iLab was implemented during 2020 and is centrally funded and managed in the UU e-Portfolio under Research administrative systems .

