Guidelines for the Appointment and Promotion of Teachers and for Appointment of Docents and of Distinguished University Teachers at the Faculty of Science and Technology

Guidelines for recruitment and promotion of teachers at the Faculty of Science and Technology

The Appointment Regulations for Uppsala University (UFV 2019/11673) prescribe in 2 §: “Domain/Faculty boards are to issue complementary guidelines and assessment criteria for recruiting and promoting teachers beyond these Appointment Regulations”.

The Guidelines for Appointment of Distinguished University Teachers (UFV 2010/1842) prescribes that: “Each domain/faculty board is charged with drafting supplementary guidelines in accordance with these Guidelines for Appointment of Distinguished University Teachers. Each domain/faculty board is to specify more closely the requirements for appointment of Distinguished University Teachers”.

The present supplementary guidelines for the appointment and promotion of teachers, guidelines for admittance of distinguished university teachers, and guidelines for appointment of docents at the Faculty of Science and Technology were adopted by the Board of the Disciplinary Domain/Faculty of Science and Technology on December 3, 2014. The target group for the guidelines, apart from heads of departments and other employees at the Faculty of Science and Technology, is individuals applying to be appointed or promoted as a teacher, individuals applying for appointment as docent or as distinguished university teacher, and referees in appointment and promotion cases.

Preparing appointment and promotion matters

The Recruitment Committee

The Recruitment Committee at the Faculty of Science and Technology deals with matters regarding

  • appointment as professor (decision made by the Vice-Chancellor)
  • appointment of associate professor and assistant professor (decision made by the Head of Department)
  • application for promotion from assistant professor to associate professor (decision made by the Head of Department)
  • application for promotion from lecturer to associate professor (decision made by the Head of Department)
  • application for promotion to professor (decision made by the Vice-Chancellor)
  • application for appointment as assistant professor instead of lecturer (decision made by the Head of Department)
  • application for appointment as professor instead of associate professor (decision made by the Vice-Chancellor)

The Recruitment Committee is composed as follows: A Presidium consisting of a chairperson, a first deputy chairperson with special responsibility for equal treatment issues and a second deputy chairperson with special responsibility for the assessment of teaching expertise is appointed by the Faculty Board's Working Committee as proposed by the Electoral Assembly's Nominating Committee. Among the members, there must be at least one man and one woman. The Working Committee may also appoint one or several deputy members of the Recruitment Committee.

Two student representatives along with two substitutes are appointed by the relevant Student Union, the term decided by the Student Union.

Two subject representatives are appointed as members for each individual matter by the Faculty Board's Working Committee as proposed by the concerned Section Dean after consultation with the relevant Head of Department and recruiting environment. One of the representatives shall be appointed rapporteur of the matter by the Faculty Board's Working Committee, upon recommendation by the relevant Section Dean.

Among the subject representatives there must be at least one woman and at least one man, unless there are special reasons. Such reasons must be provided in writing by the Section Dean to the Faculty Board's Working Committee to serve as a basis for decision.

It is incumbent upon all members to assess equal treatment in employment and promotion matters, for which the first deputy chairperson is given particular responsibility.

It is incumbent upon all members to assess the candidate's teaching expertise, for which the second deputy chairperson is given particular responsibility.

The Section Dean may suggest him-/ herself as subject representative.

The Section Dean suggests subject representatives in recruitment matters once all applications have been received, taking into account possible conflicts of interest.

The Section Dean suggests subject representatives in promotion matters once applications for promotion have been received, taking into account possible conflicts of interest.

If the Section Dean has a conflict of interest, the Head of Department suggests subject representatives.

The Recruitment Committee constitutes a quorum if at least two members of the Presidium, the subject representative rapporteur, and a minimum of four members in total participate in the decision.

The Presidium of the Recruitment Committee and subject representatives must have pedagogical and scientific skills and be recruited from the group of teachers and researchers eligible to the Domain Board in accordance with the Vice-Chancellor's decision UFV 2013/1233.

The relevant Head of Department is not a member but attends meetings, however not final deliberations and decisions. At the proposal of the head of department or the vicerector/dean, another representative from the department can substitute for the head of department. (according to 81 § Appointment Regulations at Uppsala University UFV 2019/1673).

Departmental recruitment group

In addition to the faculty recruitment committee, each department shall have a recruitment group appointed by the department board. The recruitment group shall have the following composition:

head of the department (chair), subject representative 1 in the recruitment committee (rapporteur), subject representative 2 in the recruitment committee. At least one student representative, appointed by the relevant student union. The department board decides whether additional functions should be included, and if so, which ones. The department board decides whether the recruitment group will be appointed for a certain mandate period, or whether a new recruitment group is appointed in each individual recruitment matter. The department's HR function provides administrative support to the recruitment group.


The Recruitment committee and the departmental recruitment group shall normally have two meetings each in each recruitment matter. The meetings shall be held after the application dead line has expired, and referee assessment has been completed.

  • The departmental recruitment group shall, on the basis of the appointment profile, applications and the statements from the referees, propose a top group. The recruitment group´s proposal shall be presented by the rapporteuring subject representative at the first meeting of the recruitment committee.
  • The recruitment committee shall in a first meeting, on basis of the appointment profile, applications and the statements from the referees, decide which applicants to invite. The recruitment committee shall prior to their decision take into account the proposal from the departmental recruitment group.
  • After a decision has been made about which applicants to invite, the departmental recruitment group shall have a second meeting to prepare for the interviews.
  • The recruitment committee conducts pedagogical test lectures, research presentations and interviews (no pedagogical test lectures when a

professorship) with the invited applicants. At the subsequent meeting, the recruitment committee shall on basis of the appointment profile, applications, the statements from the referees, the pedagogical test lectures, the research presentations and the interviews, decide on a ranking of the applicants.

Categories of teachers

Uppsala University recognizes the following categories of teachers (Appointment Regulations 10 §):

Under the Higher Education Act and the Higher Education Ordinance:

  • professor
  • visiting professor
  • adjunct professor
  • associate professor
  • assistant professor

By local decision:

  • lecturer
  • adjunct associate professor
  • adjunct lecturer

Recruitment of professors

Search group for recruiting professors

Uppsala University Appointment Regulations

75 § Broad mapping, advertising, and active search for potential applicants must be undertaken. Individuals from the under-represented gender must be encouraged to apply for the appointment at hand. Vacant posts must be described in gender-neutral terms.

76 § In advance of recruitment a search group may be appointed to identify and interest suitable candidates for the appointment, to provide support in establishing the appointment profile, and to assist in finding referees. The group must have a gender-balanced representation unless special reasons occur.

Guidelines at the Faculty of Science and Technology

In advance of a decision to recruit a professor, a search group is to be appointed by the Board of the Disciplinary Domain/Faculty following nomination by the dean of the section. The search group must include one or more representatives from operations, one of whom is to convene meetings.

External representatives must also be included.

In advance of a reconsideration of a professorship, the search group must submit a proposal to refill the post or some other plausible action.

In advance of a recruitment decision, the search group is to identify and interest suitable candidates and be helpful in the search for referees.

In advance of a decision to recruit a professor, the search group is to provide support in the formulation of an appointment profile.

The report from the search group, together with a proposed appointment profile, is to constitute a platform for the Domain/Faculty Board’s proposal to the Vice-Chancellor for a decision.

Appointment profile for employment as professor

Uppsala University Appointment Regulations

− 71 § The profile of the appointment must be established on the basis of demands that need to be met in order to carry out the appointment well. The appointment profile must comprise the subject area, a description of subject content, work duties, qualifications, assessment criteria, special requirements regarding skills and personal characteristics, and other eligibility requirements. The profile may indicate how various proficiency criteria are to be weighed against each other, as well as other prerequisites that must be met for the appointment to be carried out well.

72 § The subject area may be indicated in one of the following forms:

• subject

• subject specialising in

• subject, specifying subspecialty

• subject 1 and subject 2

73 § The established subject area, including the description of the subject, may not be complemented or modified after the appointment profile has been decided.

74 § To promote an even gender balance in the area/appointment category, the appointment profile must be established in such a manner that individuals of the under-represented legal gender are encouraged to apply for the post.

Guidelines at the Faculty of Science and Technology

The appointment profile for recruiting a professor is to be adopted by the Domain/Faculty Board in consultation with the Vice-Chancellor.

In order to comprise the largest possible number of applicants, the appointment profile must have a broad formulation of the subject area.

Subject content/description, work duties, qualifications, assessment criteria, special requirements regarding skills and personal characteristics, and other qualification requirements must be clearly delineated.

The appointment profile must indicate how various competence criteria are to be weighed against each other and what else is required for the duties of the appointment to be carried out well.

The Disciplinary Domain is responsible for the advertising costs when recruiting a professor.


Higher Education Ordinance

Chapter 4 § 3 A person who has demonstrated both research and teaching expertise shall be qualified for employment as a professor except in disciplines in the fine, applied or performing arts. A person who has demonstrated both artistic and teaching expertise shall be qualified for employment as a professor in disciplines in the fine, applied or performing arts. […]

Uppsala university Appointment Regulations

20 § Research expertise refers to research qualifications. In assessing research expertise, research quality must be the primary consideration. Consideration must also be given to the scope of the research, in terms primarily of its depth and breadth. Furthermore, consideration must be given to the capacity to plan, initiate, lead and develop research and third cycle (doctoral) education, the ability to obtain research funding in competition, and the ability to collaborate and engage with the wider community through research.

22 § Teaching expertise refers to educational qualifications. In assessing teaching expertise, teaching quality must be the primary consideration. Consideration must also be given to the scope of teaching experience, in terms of both breadth and depth. Furthermore, consideration must be given to the capacity to plan, initiate, lead and develop education, and to the ability to base teaching on research. Teaching expertise should also include the ability to collaborate and engage with the wider community through education.

Rules of Procedure at the Faculty of Science and Technology

Each professor represents her/his subject. With the title follows responsibility for the content, development and quality of this subject in both research and undergraduate and graduate education.

Assessment criteria

Higher Education Ordinance

– Chapter 4 § 3 […] The assessment criteria for appointment as a professor shall be the degree of the expertise required as a qualification for employment. As much attention shall be given to the assessment of teaching expertise as to the assessment of research or artistic expertise. Each higher education institution determines itself what assessment criteria are otherwise to apply in the appointment of a professor. Ordinance (2010:1064).

Uppsala university Appointment Regulations

− 16 § To qualify for a teaching appointment, an applicant must have shown sufficient expertise in both research and teaching. Assessment criteria applicable to teaching appointments are, first, the degree to which the applicant possesses the expertise required to qualify for the position and, second, the other assessment criteria stated in the person specification for the position. Which criteria are emphasised may vary, depending on whether the assessment involves eligibility criteria for appointment and promotion, or assessment criteria for ranking applicants. The assessment criteria may be weighted differently, depending on the content of the work and the other conditions for the position that have been defined on the basis of operational needs.

Research expertise

Uppsala university Appointment Regulations

19 § Research expertise constitutes an assessment criterion in the appointment of professors and associate professors.

20 § Research expertise refers to research qualifications. In assessing research expertise, research quality must be the primary consideration. Consideration must also be given to the scope of the research, in terms primarily of its depth and breadth. Furthermore, consideration must be given to the capacity to plan, initiate, lead and develop research and third cycle (doctoral) education, the ability to obtain research funding in competition, and the ability to collaborate and engage with the wider community through research.

31 § Research expertise must have been demonstrated by the applicant’s independent research contributions and by achievements that are of very high quality by international standards. The applicant must have demonstrated expertise in planning, initiating, leading and developing research; an ability to obtain research funding in competition; and well-documented expertise in supervising third cycle (doctoral) students. The applicant’s contributions to the international and national scientific community must be assessed on the basis of such criteria as the quality and scope of scholarly publications. The international track record required must be assessed in light of the nature and specific circumstances of the subject.

Guidelines at the Faculty of Science and Technology

Research expertise may also include research qualifications from professional life, including, for example, development of technology and capacity for innovation.

Teaching expertise

Uppsala university Appointment Regulations

− 21 § Teaching expertise constitutes an assessment criterion in the appointment of professors, associate professors, assistant professors, and lecturers.

− 22 § Teaching expertise refers to educational qualifications. In assessing teaching expertise, teaching quality must be the primary consideration. Consideration must also be given to the scope of teaching experience, in terms of both breadth and depth. Furthermore, consideration must be given to the capacity to plan, initiate, lead and develop education, and to the ability to base teaching on research. Teaching expertise should also include the ability to collaborate and engage with the wider community through education.

− 32 § Teaching expertise must have been demonstrated by an extensive educational portfolio in accordance with 22 §. Furthermore, the applicant must demonstrate well-documented expertise in supervision at first cycle (undergraduate) level, second cycle (Master’s) level and third cycle (doctoral) level. A prerequisite for considering that the applicant has teaching expertise is that the applicant has completed at least ten weeks of teacher training for higher education that is relevant to the organisation and its activities, or has equivalent knowledge. If there are special reasons, the teacher training for higher education may be undertaken during the first two years of employment. The teacher training must also include third cycle (doctoral student) supervision.

Guidelines at the Faculty of Science and Technology

Teaching expertise may have been achieved in professional life through supervision, internal training, mentoring programmes, etc.

When assessing teaching expertise, appendix 1 Assessment criteria for teaching expertise shall be used.4.4.3 Collaboration expertise

Collaboration expertise

Guidelines at the Faculty of Science and Technology

Collaboration expertise constitutes an assessment criterion in the appointment of professors, associate professors, assistant professors, and lecturers.

Collaborative expertise is demonstrated by the ability and skill of planning, organizing and implementing interaction with the surrounding community. Popular publications, public debate and lectures are examples of forms of interaction with the surrounding community. Other examples of collaboration are patent applications, commercialization and industrial cooperation. The ability to translate knowledge sharing with the surrounding community into activities of importance to the education's development and quality is part of the collaboration expertise.

Administrative expertise

Uppsala university Appointment Regulations

27 § Administrative expertise constitutes an assessment criterion in appointments that involve or may come to involve administrative work.

28 § Administrative expertise is demonstrated, for example, by the ability to plan, organise and prioritise work in an efficient and appropriate manner, and the ability to specify and keep to time frames. Such expertise includes overall operational planning, the ability to manage resources in a way that reflects operational priorities, and the ability to work in a structured manner based on awareness of goals and quality.

Guidelines at the Faculty of Science and Technology

Administrative expertise also comprehends entrepreneurship.

Management expertise

Uppsala university Appointment Regulations

29 § Management expertise constitutes an assessment criterion in appointments that involve or may come to involve management, that is, responsibility for leading operations and/or personnel.

30 § Management expertise is demonstrated through the capacity to lead operations and personnel, make decisions, take responsibility, and motivate others, providing them with what is needed for the efficient achievement of common goals. The abilities to coordinate the group and help instill a sense of involvement, participation, and enjoyment in work and to deal with conflicts constitute further examples of demonstrated competence.

Methods of selection

Uppsala university Appointment Regulations

85 § An assessment of academic qualifications is fundamental to the recruitment and promotion of teachers. The proposal of an individual to fill a post must be preceded by statements from referees and interviews, unless this is manifestly unnecessary.

Additional methods of selection may be used.

86 § Domain/faculty boards may decide to provide referees with instructions for selecting a group of leading applicants who are deemed best to fulfil the requirements found in the appointment profile and to submit referee statements containing assessments and rankings for this group alone.

Guidelines at the Faculty of Science and Technology

As methods of selection, alongside statements from referees and interviews, research presentations and trial lectures are to be arranged unless this is deemed patently unnecessary. The research presentation and trial lecture are to be assessed in terms of both research and teaching competence.


Higher Education Ordinance

– Chapter 4 § 6 For the appointment of a professor (including an adjunct professor) opinions on the expertise of the applicants shall be obtained, provided that this is not manifestly unnecessary for appraisal of their expertise. When the opinions of two or more persons are obtained, both men and women should be represented equally. This does not apply, however, if there are extraordinary reasons to the contrary. (SFS 2010:1064)

Uppsala University Appointment Regulations

87 § Disciplinary domain/faculty boards decide on the referees to be appointed.

88 § In appointing and promoting an individual to professor (including adjunct professor or visiting professor), associate professor (including adjunct associate professor) and assistant professor at least two referees from other higher education institutions or the equivalent must be engaged to assess the expertise of applicants, unless this is manifestly unnecessary.

89 § Guidelines for engaging referees and instructions for referees are to be issued by the domain/faculty board for the purpose of rationalizing and assuring the quality of the work of the referees.

90 § Proposals for individuals to serve as referees may be made as early as when the appointment profile is decided.

91 § Referees must be teachers who are particularly familiar with the subject area and possess a knowledge of all relevant types of expertise. If the disciplinary domain board/faculty board has so directed, the referees are to rank the applicants and explain their choices. If two or more applicants are judged to be equally qualified for the position, they may be given the same ranking.

92 § Referees must not attend the part of the preparatory work which is devoted to final deliberations regarding proposals and decisions.

Guidelines at the Faculty of Science and Technology

Referees are to be appointed by the Board of the Disciplinary Domain/Faculty following nomination from the dean of the section where the appointment is to be placed. The Dean of section shall ensure that conflicts of interest do not prevail. Instructions to referees are determined within the disciplinary domain by the Faculty Board's Working Committee.

At least two referees must be appointed for the recruitment of a professor.

The referees must be teachers.

Among referees, there must be at least one woman and at least one man unless special reasons occur.

All referees must address all assessment criteria.

The referees should participate in interviews and research presentations.

Discontinuing recruitment of a professor

Uppsala University Appointment Regulations

− 100 § An appointment process may be discontinued if special reasons obtain. Such a decision must be in writing and may only be made by the person authorized to make decisions about appointments.

Guidelines at the Faculty of Science and Technology

The Vice-Chancellor is to decide whether to discontinue the appointment process based upon a proposal, with an explanation, from Board of the Disciplinary Domain/Faculty.

Nominating an individual to a post as professor

Higher Education Ordinance

  • Chapter 4 § 7 A higher education institution may nominate an individual for an appointment as a professor if the appointment of the individual is of exceptional importance for a specific activity at the institution. If a higher education institution nominates an individual for a post, the grounds on which the appointment is of exceptional importance for the institution must be placed on record.

Only those qualified for appointment to the post pursuant to Section 3 may be nominated for appointment.

The decision to nominate an individual for a post is made by the vice-chancellor and cannot be delegated.

When an appointment is made by nomination, no information of the kind laid down in the first paragraph of Section 6 of the Employment Ordinance (1994:373) need be submitted. The regulation on referees’ opinions in Section 6 shall apply. Ordinance (2010:1064).

  • Chapter 4 § 3 A person who has demonstrated both research and teaching expertise shall be qualified for employment as a professor except in disciplines in the fine, applied or performing arts. […]

Uppsala University Appointment Regulations

101 § The nomination procedure is to be used as an instrument for particularly strategic recruitments and may only be used if both the subject area and the person to be nominated are deemed to be of special strategic importance to certain operations at the University. The reasons for this must be documented. The nomination procedure is to be used restrictively.

102 § Consultation shall take place with the Vice-Chancellor before the procedure is initiated.

103 § Only those who meet the requirements for appointment as professor may be nominated. In nominations of individuals to a post as professor, it must normally be manifestly unnecessary to obtain referee assessments regarding expertise. If this is not the case, at least two referees from other higher education institutions or equivalent must be engaged for the purpose of assessing the expertise of the individual to be nominated.

104 § The nomination procedure shall not be subject to any such information as stated in Section 6, paragraph 1, of the Higher Education Ordinance (1994:373).

105 § The appointment decision must be publicly posted with information about appeals.



Recruitment of associate professors

Search group for recalling associate professors

Uppsala University Appointment Regulations

75 § Broad mapping, publicizing, and an active search for potential applicants must be undertaken. Individuals of the under-represented gender must be encouraged to apply for the appointment at hand. Vacant posts must be described in gender-neutral terms.

76 § In advance of recruitment a search group may be appointed to identify and interest suitable candidates for the appointment, to provide support in establishing the appointment profile, and to assist in finding referees. The group must have a balanced representation of women and men unless special reasons occur.

Guidelines at the Faculty of Science and Technology

A search group for recruitment of an associate professor may be appointed by the Department Board if necessary.

In cases where it is not clear which teacher category is to be recruited to a certain subject area, a search group may be appointed by the Board of the Disciplinary Domain/Faculty.

The search group shall consist of representatives from operations, one of whom is to convene meetings.

The search group can provide support in the formulation of an appointment profile.

The search group shall identify and interest suitable candidates both national and international, women as well as men.

The work from the search group shall be handed over to the Department board.

Appointment profile for employment as associate professor

Uppsala University Appointment Regulations

71 § The profile of the appointment must be established on the basis of demands that need to be met in order to carry out the appointment well. The appointment profile must comprise the subject area, a description of subject content, work duties, qualifications, assessment criteria, special requirements regarding skills and personal characteristics, and other eligibility requirements. The profile may indicate how various proficiency criteria are to be weighed against each other, as well as other prerequisites that must be met for the appointment to be carried out well.

72 § The subject area may be indicated in one of the following forms:

− subject

− subject specialising in

− subject, specifying subspecialty

− subject 1 and subject 2

73 § The established subject area, including the description of the subject, may not be complemented or modified after the appointment profile has been decided.

74 § To promote an even gender balance in the area/appointment category, the appointment profile must be established in such a manner that individuals of the under-represented gender are encouraged to apply for the post.

Guidelines at the Faculty of Science and Technology

The appointment profile for employment as associate professor is to be established by the Board of the Disciplinary Domain/Faculty.

In order to comprise the largest possible number of applicants, the appointment profile must have a broad formulation of the subject area.

Subject content/description, work duties, qualifications, assessment criteria, special requirements regarding skills and personal characteristics, and other qualification requirements must be clearly delineated.

The appointment profile must indicate how various competence criteria are to be weighed against each other and what else is required for the duties of the appointment to be carried out well.

The department is responsible for the advertising costs when recruiting an associate professor.


Higher Education Ordinance

Chapter 4 § 4 Those qualified for appointment as associate professor are except in disciplines in the fine, applied or performing arts, a person who has demonstrated teaching expertise and been awarded a PhD or has the corresponding research competence or some other professional expertise that is of value in view of the subject matter of the post and the duties that it will involve. […]

Uppsala University Appointment Regulations

− 20 § Research expertise refers to research qualifications. In assessing research expertise, research quality must be the primary consideration. Consideration must also be given to the scope of the research, in terms primarily of its depth and breadth. Furthermore, consideration must be given to the capacity to plan, initiate, lead and develop research and third cycle (doctoral) education, the ability to obtain research funding in competition, and the ability to collaborate and engage with the wider community through research.

22 § Teaching expertise refers to educational qualifications. In assessing teaching expertise, teaching quality must be the primary consideration. Consideration must also be given to the scope of teaching experience, in terms of both breadth and depth. Furthermore, consideration must be given to the capacity to plan, initiate, lead and develop education, and to the ability to base teaching on research. Teaching expertise should also include the ability to collaborate and engage with the wider community through education.


36 § By other professional expertise is meant expertise acquired in professional activities outside a higher education institution. The professional expertise must be of value in view of the subject matter of the post.

Assessment criteria

Higher Education Ordinance

– Chapter 4 § 4 […] The assessment criteria for appointment as an associate professor shall be the degree of the expertise required as a qualification for employment. As much attention shall be given to the assessment of teaching expertise as to the assessment of other qualifying criteria laid down in the first paragraph above. Each higher education institution determines itself what assessment criteria are otherwise to apply to the appointment of an associate professor. (SFS 2010:1064)

Uppsala University Appointment Regulations

16 § To qualify for a teaching appointment, an applicant must have shown sufficient expertise in both research and teaching. Assessment criteria applicable to teaching appointments are, first, the degree to which the applicant possesses the expertise required to qualify for the position and, second, the other assessment criteria stated in the person specification for the position. Which criteria are emphasised may vary, depending on whether the assessment involves eligibility criteria for appointment and promotion, or assessment criteria for ranking applicants. The assessment criteria may be weighted differently, depending on the content of the work and the other conditions for the position that have been defined on the basis of operational needs.


Guidelines at the Faculty of Science and Technology

Subject area refers to the broader subject area in which the applicant is active. Specialization refers to the narrower subject area in which the applicant has his/her main research qualifications.

Research expertise

Uppsala University Appointment Regulations

  • 19 § Research expertise constitutes an assessment criterion in the appointment of professors, associate professors and assistant professors.
  • 34 § Research expertise must have been demonstrated by the applicant’s independent, high-quality research contributions. The applicant’s contributions to the international and national scientific community must be assessed on the basis of such criteria as the quality and scope of scholarly publications. The international track record required must be assessed according to the nature and specific circumstances of the subject.

Guidelines at the Faculty of Science and Technology

By research competence is also meant research qualifications from professional life, including, for example, development of technology and capacity for innovation.

When assessing research expertise from academic research, appendix 2 Assessment criteria for research expertise when recruitment of an associate professor shall be used.

Teaching expertise

Uppsala University Appointment Regulations

  • 21 § Teaching expertise constitutes an assessment criterion in the appointment of professors, associate professors and assistant professors, and lecturers.
  • 35 §Teaching expertise must have been demonstrated by an educational portfolio in accordance with Section 22. A prerequisite for considering that the applicant has teaching expertise is that the applicant has completed at least ten weeks of teacher training for higher education that is relevant to the organisation and its activities, or has equivalent knowledge. If there are special reasons, the teacher training for higher education may be undertaken during the first two years of employment.

Guidelines at the Faculty of Science and Technology

Teaching competence may have been achieved in professional life through supervision, internal training, mentoring programmes, etc.

When assessing teaching expertise, appendix 1 Assessment criteria for teaching expertise shall be used.

Collaboration expertise

Guidelines at the Faculty of Science and Technology

  • Collaboration expertise constitutes an assessment criterion in the appointment of professors, associate professors, assistant professors, and lecturers.
  • Collaborative expertise is demonstrated by the ability and skill of planning, organizing and implementing interaction with the surrounding community. Popular publications, public debate and lectures are examples of forms of interaction with the surrounding community. Other examples of collaboration are patent applications, commercialization and industrial cooperation. The ability to translate knowledge sharing with the surrounding community into activities of importance to the education's development and quality is part of the collaboration expertise.

Administrative expertise

Uppsala University Appointment Regulations

− 27 § Administrative expertise constitutes an assessment criterion in appointments that involve or may come to involve administrative work.

– 28 § Administrative expertise is demonstrated, for example, by the ability to plan, organise and prioritise work in an efficient and appropriate manner, and the ability to specify and keep to time frames. Such expertise includes overall operational planning, the ability to manage resources in a way that reflects operational priorities, and the ability to work in a structured manner based on awareness of goals and quality.

Guidelines at the Faculty of Science and Technology

Administrative competence also comprehends entrepreneurship.

Management expertise

Uppsala University Appointment Regulations

  • 29 § Management competence constitutes an assessment criterion in appointments that involve or may come to involve management, that is, responsibility for leading operations and/or personnel.
  • 30 § Management competence is demonstrated through the capacity to lead operations and personnel, make decisions, take responsibility, and motivate others, providing them with what is needed for the efficient achievement of common goals. The abilities to coordinate the group and help instill a sense of involvement, participation, and enjoyment in work and to deal with conflicts constitute further examples of demonstrated competence.

Methods of selection

Uppsala University Appointment Regulations

85 § An assessment of academic qualifications is fundamental to the recruitment and promotion of teachers. The proposal of an individual to fill a position must be preceded by statements from referees and interviews, unless this is manifestly unnecessary. Additional methods of selection may be used.


86 § Domain/faculty boards may decide to provide referees with instructions for selecting a group of leading applicants who are deemed best to fulfil the requirements found in the appointment profile and to submit referee statements containing assessments and rankings for this group alone.

Guidelines at the Faculty of Science and Technology

As methods of selection, alongside statements from referees and interviews, research presentations and trial lectures are to be arranged. The research presentation and trial lecture are to be assessed in terms of both research and teaching competence.


Uppsala University Appointment Regulations

  • 87 § Disciplinary domain/faculty boards decide on the referees to be appointed.
  • 88 § In appointing and promoting an individual to professor (including adjunct professor or visiting professor), associate professor (including adjunct associate professor) and assistant professor at least two referees from other higher education institutions or the equivalent must be engaged to assess the expertise of applicants, unless this is manifestly unnecessary.
  • 89 § Guidelines for engaging referees and instructions for referees are to be issued by the domain/faculty board for the purpose of rationalizing and assuring the quality of the work of the referees.
  • 90 § Proposals for individuals to serve as referees may be made as early as when the appointment profile is decided.
  • 91 § Referees must be teachers who are particularly familiar with the subject area and possess a knowledge of all relevant types of expertise. If the disciplinary domain board/faculty board has so directed, the referees are to rank the applicants and explain their choices. If two or more applicants are judged to be equally qualified for the position, they may be given the same ranking.
  • 92 § Referees must not attend the part of the preparatory work which is devoted to final deliberations regarding proposals and decisions.

Guidelines at the Faculty of Science and Technology

The Domain/Faculty Board has delegated the power to appoint experts to the Dean of the section where the appointment is placed. The Dean of section shall ensure that conflicts of interest do not prevail. Instructions to referees are determined within the disciplinary domain by the Faculty Board's Working Committee.

  • At least two referees must be appointed for the recruitment of an associate professor.
  • The referees must be teachers.
  • Among referees, there must be at least one woman and at least one man unless special reasons occur.
  • All referees must address all assessment criteria.
  • The referees should participate in interviews, trial lectures, and research presentations.

Discontinuing recruitment of an associate professor

Uppsala University Appointment Regulations

− 100 § An appointment process may be discontinued if special reasons obtain. Such a decision must be in writing and may only be made by the person authorized to made decisions about appointments.

Guidelines at the Faculty of Science and Technology

The head of the department where the position is placed is to decide whether to discontinue the appointment process following consultation with the Board of the Disciplinary Domain/Faculty.

Recruitment of assistant professors

Higher Education Ordinance

– Chapter 4 § 12 a A teacher may be employed for an indefinite period, but for no longer than at least four years and at most six years, which must have been decided by the seat of learning before the position is announced. The purpose of the employment is to provide the teacher with an opportunity to develop his/her independence as a researcher and gain qualifications regarding research expertise as well as teaching expertise, that will satisfy requirements for employment as associate professor. Employment according to the first paragraph may be renewed, however for at most two years, if , owing to the teacher’s absence for sick leave, parental leave, or other special reasons, more time is required to achieve the purpose of the appointment. For employment according to the first and second paragraphs , the Employment protections Act (1082:80) applies. By collective agreement entered into or approved by a central employee organisation, exceptions from the first paragraph may be made (Regulation 2017:844).

Uppsala University Appointment Regulations

  • 14 § The duties of an assistant professor shall include research and teaching, as well as administration.
  • 80 § A prerequisite for appointing an assistant professor is that there is a documented operational need and a financial potential for an appointment as associate professor within the relevant subject area.

Guidelines at the Faculty of Science and Technology

Period of employment for an assistant professor at the Faculty of Science and Technology shall be six years.

A position as assistant professor shall be appointed in competition to secure the best possible outcome based on aspects such as quality, equal terms and mobility. A position as assistant professor shall normally be advertised for at least six weeks, in both Swedish and English, and the advertisement shall be spread internationally.

All new assistant professors shall be offered career support and guidance with the objective to reach the necessary criteria for promotion to associate professor. Career support shall comply with the general plan of the Board of the Disciplinary Domain/Faculty for how career support and guidance shall be given.

The department that employs an assistant professor shall develop an individual plan for each newly employed assistant professor. The plan shall contain intermediate goals which must be clearly defined in relation to the promotion criteria of the Faculty of Science and Technology. The plan shall be established by the Head of the Department and then evaluated and revised annually. In the annual evaluation it should be discussed how the assistant professor is performing in relation to the goals and what is required to achieve them.

It is the responsibility of the department to provide the career support and guidance required in addition to the ones offered by the central services to enable the assistant professor to reach the defined goals. In the individual career plan it should be clearly stated what is required to achieve the necessary qualifications for promotion to associate professor.

Search group for recruiting assistant professors

Uppsala University Appointment Regulations

  • 75 § Broad mapping, advertising, and active search for potential applicants must be undertaken. Individuals from the under-represented gender must be encouraged to apply for the appointment at hand. Vacant posts must be described in genderneutral terms.
  • 76 § In advance of recruitment a search group may be appointed to identify and interest suitable candidates for the appointment, to provide support in establishing the appointment profile, and to assist in finding referees. The group must have a gender-balanced representation unless special reasons occur.

Guidelines at the Faculty of Science and Technology

A search group for recruitment of a assistant professor may be appointed by the Department Board if necessary.

In cases where it is not clear which teacher category is to be recruited to a certain subject area, a search group may be appointed by the Board of the Disciplinary Domain/Faculty.

The search group shall consist of representatives from operations, one of whom is to convene meetings.

The search group can provide support in the formulation of an appointment profile.

The search group shall identify and interest suitable candidates both national and international, women as well as men.

The work from the search group shall be handed over to the Department board.

Appointment profile for employment as assistant professor

Uppsala University Appointment Regulations

71 § The appointment profile must be established on the basis of demands that need to be met in order to carry out the appointment well. The appointment profile must comprise the subject area, a description of subject content, work duties, qualifications, assessment criteria, special requirements regarding skills and personal characteristics, and other eligibility requirements. The profile may tell how different expertise criteria are to be weighed against each other, as well as other prerequisites that must be met for the appointment to be carried out well

72 § The subject area may be indicated in one of the following forms:

• subject

• subject specialising in

• subject, specifying subspecialty

• subject 1 and subject 2

73 § The established subject area, including the description of the subject, may not be complemented or modified after the appointment profile has been decided.

74 § To promote an even gender balance in the area/appointment category, the appointment profile must be established in such a manner that individuals of the under-represented legal gender are encouraged to apply for the post.

Guidelines at the Faculty of Science and Technology

The appointment profile for employment as associate professor is to be established by the Board of the Disciplinary Domain/Faculty.

In order to comprise the largest possible number of applicants, the appointment profile must have a broad formulation of the subject area.

Subject content/description, work duties, qualifications, assessment criteria, special requirements regarding skills and personal characteristics, and other qualification requirements must be clearly delineated.

The appointment profile must indicate how various competence criteria are to be weighed against each other and what else is required for the duties of the appointment to be carried out well.

A position as assistant professor shall normally be advertised for at least six weeks, in both Swedish and English, and the advertisement shall be spread internationally.

The department is responsible for the advertising costs when recruiting an assistant professor.


Higher Education Ordinance

− Chapter 4 § 4 a Those who have completed a PhD or have obtained the equivalent research competence are qualified to be employed. Primary consideration shall be given to those who have completed their PhD or attained the equivalent competence no more than five years before the deadline for application for the position as assistant professor. However, those who have completed their PhD or attained the equivalent competence earlier may be considered if special reasons prevail. Special reasons refer to leave of absence due to illness, parental leave or other similar circumstances.

Uppsala University Appointment Regulations

20 § Research expertise refers to research qualifications. In assessing research expertise, research quality must be the primary consideration. Consideration must also be given to the scope of the research, in terms primarily of its depth and breadth. Furthermore, consideration must be given to the capacity to plan, initiate, lead and develop research and third cycle (doctoral) education, the ability to obtain research funding in competition, and the ability to collaborate and engage with the wider community through research.


22 § Teaching expertise refers to educational qualifications. In assessing teaching expertise, teaching quality must be the primary consideration. Consideration must also be given to the scope of teaching experience, in terms of both breadth and depth. Furthermore, consideration must be given to the capacity to plan, initiate, lead and develop education, and to the ability to base teaching on research. Teaching expertise should also include the ability to collaborate and engage with the wider community through education.

Assessment criteria

Uppsala University Appointment Regulations

− 16 § To qualify for a teaching appointment, an applicant must have shown sufficient expertise in both research and teaching. Assessment criteria applicable to teaching appointments are, first, the degree to which the applicant possesses the expertise required to qualify for the position and, second, the other assessment criteria stated in the person specification for the position. Which criteria are emphasised may vary, depending on whether the assessment involves eligibility criteria for appointment and promotion, or assessment criteria for ranking applicants. The assessment criteria may be weighted differently, depending on the content of the work and the other conditions for the position that have been defined on the basis of operational needs

Research expertise

Uppsala University Appointment Regulations

19 § Research expertise constitutes an assessment criterion in the appointment of professors, associate professors and assistant professors.


38 § Appointment as an associate senior lecturer requires research expertise in

accordance with Section 20. The research expertise must be of good quality and promise good prospects of an academic career in the relevant subject area for the position.

Teaching expertise

Uppsala University Appointment Regulations

  • 21 § Teaching expertise constitutes an assessment criterion in the appointment of professors, associate professors and assistant professors, and lecturers.
  • 39 § For an appointment as an associate senior lecturer, teaching expertise in accordance with Section 22 must be taken into account. To acquire teaching expertise, the applicant should have completed at least five weeks of teacher training for higher education of relevance to the organisation and its activities, or have equivalent knowledge. If it has not been possible to acquire this qualification before appointment, qualifying training for teachers in higher education must be undertaken during the first two years of employment.

Guidelines at the Faculty of Science and Technology

When assessing teaching expertise, appendix 1 Assessment criteria for teaching expertise shall be used.

Collaboration expertise

Guidelines at the Faculty of Science and Technology

Collaboration expertise constitutes an assessment criterion in the appointment of professors, associate professors, assistant professors and lecturers.

Collaborative expertise is demonstrated by the ability and skill of planning, organizing and implementing interaction with the surrounding community. Popular publications, public debate and lectures are examples of forms of interaction with the surrounding community. Other examples of collaboration are patent applications, commercialization and industrial cooperation. The ability to translate knowledge sharing with the surrounding community into activities of importance to the education's development and quality is part of the collaboration expertise.

Administrative expertise

Uppsala University Appointment Regulations

  • 27 § Administrative expertise constitutes an assessment criterion in appointments that involve or may come to involve administrative work.
  • 28 § Administrative expertise is demonstrated, for example, by the ability to plan, organise and prioritise work in an efficient and appropriate manner, and the ability to specify and keep to time frames. Such expertise includes overall operational planning, the ability to manage resources in a way that reflects operational priorities, and the ability to work in a structured manner based on awareness of goals and quality.

Management expertise

Uppsala University Appointment Regulations

− 29 § Management expertise constitutes an assessment criterion in appointments that involve or may come to involve management, i.e. responsibility for leading operations and/or personnel.

− 30 § Management expertise is demonstrated through the capacity to lead operations and personnel, make decisions, take responsibility, and motivate others, providing them with what is needed for the efficient achievement of common goals. The abilities to coordinate the group and help create a sense of involvement, participation, and enjoyment in work and to deal with conflicts constitute further examples of demonstrated expertise.

Methods of selection

Uppsala University Appointment Regulations

  • 85 § An assessment of academic qualifications is fundamental to the recruitment and promotion of teachers. The proposal of an individual to fill a position must be preceded by statements from referees and interviews, unless this is manifestly unnecessary. Additional methods of selection may be used.
  • 86 § Domain/faculty boards may decide to provide referees with instructions for selecting a leading group of applicants comprising those applicants who are considered to fulfil the requirements in the best way, and to submit referee statements containing assessments and rankings for this leading group alone.


Uppsala University Appointment Regulations

  • 87 § Disciplinary domain/faculty boards decide on the referees to be appointed.
  • 88 § In appointing and promoting an individual to professor (including adjunct professor or visiting professor), associate professor (including adjunct associate professor) and assistant professor at least two referees from other higher education institutions or the equivalent must be engaged to assess the expertise of applicants, unless this is manifestly unnecessary.
  • 89 § Guidelines for engaging referees and instructions for referees are to be issued by the domain/faculty board for the purpose of rationalizing and assuring the quality of the work of the referees.
  • 90 § Proposals for individuals to serve as referees may be made as early as when the appointment profile is decided.
  • 91 § Referees must be teachers who are particularly familiar with the subject area and possess a knowledge of all relevant types of expertise. If the disciplinary domain board/faculty board has so directed, the referees are to rank the applicants and explain their choices. If two or more applicants are judged to be equally qualified for the position, they may be given the same ranking.
  • 92 § Referees must not attend the part of the preparatory work which is devoted to final deliberations regarding proposals and decisions.

Guidelines at the Faculty of Science and Technology

The Board of the Disciplinary Domain/Faculty has delegated the appointment of referees to the Dean of the section where the appointment is to be placed. The Dean of section shall ensure that conflicts of interest do not prevail. Instructions to referees are determined within the disciplinary domain by the Faculty Board's Working Committee.

At least two referees must be appointed for the recruitment of an assistant professor.

The referees must be teachers.

Among referees, there must be at least one woman and at least one man unless special reasons occur.

All referees must address all assessment criteria.

The referees should participate in interviews with applicants.

Discontinuing recruitment of an assistant professor

Uppsala University Appointment Regulations

– 100 § An appointment process may be discontinued if special reasons obtain. Such a decision must be in writing and may only be made by the person authorized to made decisions about appointments.

Guidelines at the Faculty of Science and Technology

The head of the department where the position is placed is to decide whether to discontinue the appointment process following consultation with the Board of the Disciplinary Domain/Faculty.

Recruitment of lecturers

Administration concerning the employment of a lecturer takes place at the department where the employment is placed.

Appointment profile for employment as lecturer

Uppsala University Appointment Regulations

71 § The appointment profile must be established on the basis of demands that need to be met in order to carry out the appointment well. The appointment profile must comprise the subject area, a description of subject content, work duties, qualifications, assessment criteria, special requirements regarding skills and personal characteristics, and other eligibility requirements. The profile may tell how different expertise criteria are to be weighed against each other, as well as other prerequisites that must be met for the appointment to be carried out well.


72 § The subject area may have one of the following forms:


subject specializing in

subject, specifying subspecialty

subject 1 and subject 2



73 § The established subject area, including the description of the subject, may not be complemented or modified after the appointment profile has been decided.

74 § To promote an even gender balance in the area/appointment category at hand, the appointment profile must be established in such a manner that individuals from the underrepresented gender are encouraged to apply for the post.

Guidelines at the Faculty of Science and Technology

The appointment profile for employment of a lecturer is to be adopted by the Domain/Faculty Board.

In order to comprise the largest possible number of applicants, the appointment profile must have a broad formulation of the subject area.

Subject content/description, work duties, qualifications, assessment criteria, special requirements regarding skills and personal characteristics, and other qualification requirements must be clearly delineated.

The appointment profile must indicate how various competence criteria are to be weighed against each other and what else is required for the duties of the appointment to be carried out well.

The department is responsible for the advertising costs when recruiting a lecturer.


Uppsala University Appointment Regulations

  • 22 § Teaching expertise refers to educational qualifications. In assessing teaching expertise, teaching quality must be the primary consideration. Consideration must also be given to the scope of teaching experience, in terms of both breadth and depth. Furthermore, consideration must be given to the capacity to plan, initiate, lead and develop education, and to the ability to base teaching on research. Teaching expertise should also include the ability to collaborate and engage with the wider community through education.
  • 41 § To be eligible for appointment as lecturer, applicants must have a higher education degree and have demonstrated teaching expertise.
  • 42 § In appointments to the post of lecturer, the requirement for research expertise is replaced by a requirement for depth in the subject.
  • 43 § Teaching expertise must have been demonstrated by an extensive educational portfolio in accordance with Section 22, or by some other means in the area of activity that the education involves.
  • A prerequisite for considering that the applicant has teaching expertise is that the applicant has completed at least ten weeks of teacher training for higher education that is relevant to the organisation and its activities, or has equivalent knowledge. If there are special reasons, the teacher training for higher education may be undertaken during the first two years of employment.

Assessment criteria

Uppsala University Appointment Regulations

− 16 § To qualify for a teaching appointment, an applicant must have shown sufficient expertise in both research and teaching. Assessment criteria applicable to teaching appointments are, first, the degree to which the applicant possesses the expertise required to qualify for the position and, second, the other assessment criteria stated in the person specification for the position. Which criteria are emphasised may vary, depending on whether the assessment involves eligibility criteria for appointment and promotion, or assessment criteria for ranking applicants. The assessment criteria may be weighted differently, depending on the content of the work and the other conditions for the position that have been defined on the basis of operational needs.

Subject depth

Uppsala University Appointment Regulations

− 41 § To be eligible for appointment as lecturer, applicants must have a higher education degree and have demonstrated teaching expertise.

− 42 § In appointments to the post of lecturer, the requirement for research expertise is replaced by a requirement for depth in the subject.

Guidelines at the Faculty of Science and Technology

A third-cycle degree may constitute depth in the subject. Subject depth may also comprise experience from professional life involving e.g. technological development.

Teaching expertise

Uppsala University Appointment Regulations

  • 21 § Teaching expertise constitutes an assessment criterion in the appointment of professors, associate professors and assistant professors, and lecturers.
  • 22 § Teaching expertise refers to educational qualifications. In assessing teaching expertise, teaching quality must be the primary consideration. Consideration must also be given to the scope of teaching experience, in terms of both breadth and depth. Furthermore, consideration must be given to the capacity to plan, initiate, lead and develop education, and to the ability to base teaching on research. Teaching expertise should also include the ability to collaborate and engage with the wider community through education.
  • 43 § Teaching expertise must have been demonstrated by an extensive educational portfolio in accordance with Section 22, or by some other means in the area of activity that the education involves.
  • A prerequisite for considering that the applicant has teaching expertise is that the applicant has completed at least ten weeks of teacher training for higher education that is relevant to the organisation and its activities, or has equivalent knowledge. If there are special reasons, the teacher training for higher education may be undertaken during the first two years of employment.

Guidelines at the Faculty of Science and Technology

Teaching expertise may have been achieved in professional life through supervision, internal training, mentoring programmes, etc.

When assessing teaching expertise, appendix 1 Assessment criteria for teaching expertise shall be used.

Administrative expertise

Uppsala University Appointment Regulations

27 § Administrative expertise constitutes an assessment criterion in appointments that involve or may come to involve administrative work.

28 § Administrative expertise is demonstrated, for example, by the ability to plan, organise and prioritise work in an efficient and appropriate manner, and the ability to specify and keep to time frames. Such expertise includes overall operational planning, the ability to manage resources in a way that reflects operational priorities, and the ability to work in a structured manner based on awareness of goals and quality.

Guidelines at the Faculty of Science and Technology

Administrative expertise also comprehends entrepreneurship.

Collaboration expertise

Guidelines at the Faculty of Science and Technology

Collaboration expertise constitutes an assessment criterion in the appointment of professors, associate professors and assistant professors, and lecturers.

Collaborative expertise is demonstrated by the ability and skill of planning, organizing and implementing interaction with the surrounding community. Popular publications, public debate and lectures are examples of forms of interaction with the surrounding community. Other examples of collaboration are patent applications, commercialization and industrial cooperation. The ability to translate knowledge sharing with the surrounding community into activities of importance to the education's development and quality is part of the collaboration expertise.

Management expertise

Uppsala University Appointment Regulations

29 § Management expertise constitutes an assessment criterion in appointments that involve or may come to involve management, i.e. responsibility for leading operations and/or personnel.


30 § Management expertise is demonstrated through the capacity to lead operations and personnel, make decisions, take responsibility, and motivate others, providing them with what is needed for the efficient achievement of common goals. The abilities to coordinate the group and help create a sense of involvement, participation, and enjoyment in work and to deal with conflicts constitute further examples of demonstrated expertise.

Methods of selection

Guidelines at the Faculty of Science and Technology

Alongside interviews and other methods of selection, applicants must also give a trial lecture.


Uppsala University Appointment Regulations

91 § Referees must be teachers who are particularly familiar with the subject area and possess a knowledge of all relevant types of expertise. If the disciplinary domain board/faculty board has so directed, the referees are to rank the applicants and explain their choices. If two or more applicants are judged to be equally qualified for the position, they may be given the same ranking.


92 § Referees must not attend the part of the preparatory work which is devoted to final deliberations regarding proposals and decisions.

Guidelines at the Faculty of Science and Technology

One or more referees may be appointed in recruiting a lecturer. In such cases, referees are to be appointed by Head of the department where the appointment is placed. The referees must be teachers. The Head of Department is to decide what assessment criteria are to be considered by the referees. If more than one referee is appointed, there must be at least one woman at least one man among the referees, unless special reasons occur.

Discontinuing recruitment of a lecturer

Uppsala University Appointment Regulations

− 100 § An appointment process may be discontinued if special reasons occur. Such a decision must be in writing and may only be made by the person authorized to make decisions about appointments.

Guidelines at the Faculty of Science and Technology

The Head of the department where the position is placed is to decide whether to discontinue the appointment process following consultation with the Domain/Faculty Board.

Fixed-term appointments

Uppsala University Appointment Regulations

108 § Recruitment to fixed-term appointments must be used with caution, against the background of the right to appointment for an indefinite term that may arise from multiple fixed-term appointments.


109 § In appointments to posts comprising no more than two years as a substitute or general fixed-term appointment, a simplified appointment procedure may be used, entailing that referee assessment may be excluded.


110 § The individual in charge of the appointment (head of department/equivalent) must ensure that a fixed-term appointment as a teacher does not continue so long that it will be converted to an indefinite-term appointment under the Employment Protection Act without having been advertised and filled in accordance with a refereed procedure. If this nevertheless happens, the recruitment group/equivalent must assess whether the individual fulfils the qualifications for the appointment.

Guidelines at the Faculty of Science and Technology

Extension of a fixed-term appointment resulting in a total period of employment exceeding one year may only be granted after consultation with the Board of the Disciplinary Domain/Faculty, which is to decide about possible review by referees and treatment in the Recruitment Committee.

Adjunct teachers

University Appointment Regulations

12 § The purpose of appointing an adjunct teacher is to temporarily make valuable know-how available to the University or to strengthen connections with the business sector or the wider community. Adjunct teachers must be principally employed outside the higher education system. The scope of an adjunct appointment will depend on operational requirements. At present, such an appointment normally corresponds to approximately 20 per cent of a full-time position. In certain cases, a higher rate may be appropriate, but no more than 49 per cent of full time. Adjunct senior lecturers and adjunct lecturers are employed under collective agreements.*



45 § For appointment as adjunct professor, adjunct associate professor and adjunct lecturer, the same qualifications shall apply as for the relevant category of teachers, with the exception of teaching expertise.

111 § When appointing an adjunct teacher, an agreement must be drawn up between Uppsala University and the primary employer, unless there are special reasons not to do so. The agreement must contain the terms and conditions of the appointment, such as duties, payroll costs and other expenses, resources in the form of premises and equipment, ownership of findings, the right of publication, and secrecy.

*Agreement on Employment for a Fixed Term as Adjunct Teacher. Minutes of the Negotiations, 14 December 2011 The Swedish Agency for Government Employers and OFR.S, SACO, SEKO

Local Agreement on employment for a fixed term of Adjunct Teachers. UFV-PA 2012/491

Adjunct professor


Guidelines at the Faculty of Science and Technology

An applicant must display both scholarly and pedagogical skill to qualify for an appointment as adjunct professor.

Qualifications for an adjunct professor are the same as for appointment as a professor. However, as applicants often have not worked in a conventional academic environment, assessment of teaching qualifications may be partly based on other criteria than the usual ones. The subject area may also be more limited than is usually the case regarding professorships at the Disciplinary Domain.

As the appointment is personal, individual merits are not ranked in relation to any other applicant; what is crucial is that the prospective holder of the appointment should fulfil the qualification requirements such as they are interpreted in accepted practice.

Criteria for research expertise

Uppsala University Appointment Regulations for the appointment of professors

– 31 § Research expertise must have been demonstrated by the applicant’s independent research contributions and by achievements that are of very high quality by international standards. The applicant must have demonstrated expertise in planning, initiating, leading and developing research; an ability to obtain research funding in competition; and well-documented expertise in supervising third cycle (doctoral) students. The applicant’s contributions to the international and national scientific community must be assessed on the basis of such criteria as the quality and scope of scholarly publications. The international track record required must be assessed in light of the nature and specific circumstances of the subject.

Guidelines at the Faculty of Science and Technology

Research expertise may be demonstrated in several ways, such as the following:


The applicant shall hold a doctoral degree or merit of similar nature.


The applicant shall be a leading researcher and developer in the subject orientation of the appointment, which may be demonstrated by documented experience of the founding and participation in national and/or international professional networks and/or supervision of important research and development projects.


The applicant shall demonstrate their own current activities connected to research/development.


Prior research and development activities of the applicant must have played an essential role for the development of the activity or activities in which the applicant has been involved.


Any research pursued outside academia that has not been published in a scientific journal may be taken under consideration in the assessment of research expertise contingent on the research being important to the field in question and/or society at large.


The applicant shall preferably have documented experience of active participation in national and international networks or projects within research/development. This may for instance be lectures held at seminars or conferences, participation in various types of assessment committees or commissions of trust.

Criteria for teaching expertise

Uppsala University Appointment Regulations for the appointment of professors

  • 22 § Teaching expertise refers to educational qualifications. In assessing teaching expertise, teaching quality must be the primary consideration. Consideration must also be given to the scope of teaching experience, in terms of both breadth and depth. Furthermore, consideration must be given to the capacity to plan, initiate, lead and develop education, and to the ability to base teaching on research. Teaching expertise should also include the ability to collaborate and engage with the wider community through education.

  • 31 § Teaching expertise must have been demonstrated by educational qualifications in accordance with § 22. Furthermore, the applicant must demonstrate welldocumented expertise in supervision in the first, second and third cycles. A prerequisite for having demonstrated teaching expertise is that applicants have completed teacher training for higher education of relevance to the activities of the University, comprising at least ten weeks, or have acquired the equivalent knowledge. If special circumstances apply, this training for teachers in higher education may be completed during the first two years of employment. The teacher training must also include third-cycle supervision.

Guidelines at the Faculty of Science and Technology

As part of any assessment of teaching expertise, appendix 1: Assessment criteria for teaching expertise shall normally be used. In cases where appendix 1 may not be applied, teaching expertise may be demonstrated in other ways, such as the following:



The applicant shall have documented experience of teaching outside of academic contexts, such as in-service training, supervising colleagues, skill in developing useful teaching materials, or the presentation of research results at conferences.


The applicant shall have demonstrated teaching leadership.


The applicant shall have demonstrated experience of individual supervision. This may for instance be in the form of mentorship or supervision of PhD students or degree projects.


The applicant shall have good rapport with students and be able to support their learning as well as provide engaging and appreciated teaching.

The applicant shall be able to reflect on the learning processes of students, as well as connect teaching and training to research, development, current societal issues and future career prospects.

Assessment criteria for employment

Uppsala University Appointment Regulations

16 § To qualify for a teaching appointment, an applicant must have shown sufficient expertise in both research and teaching. Assessment criteria applicable to teaching appointments are, first, the degree to which the applicant possesses the expertise required to qualify for the position and, second, the other assessment criteria stated in the person specification for the position. Which criteria are emphasised may vary, depending on whether the assessment involves eligibility criteria for appointment and promotion, or assessment criteria for ranking applicants. The assessment criteria may be weighted differently, depending on the content of the work and the other conditions for the position that have been defined on the basis of operational needs.

Guidelines at the Faculty of Science and Technology

To further assess potential adjunct teachers at the Faculty of Science and Technology, expertise in collaboration with other elements of society as well as the greater research community shall be considered.

Skill in leading and developing activities and staff shall also affect the assessment. Leadership of activities and/or collaborations with academic environments are considered an additional qualification, as is experience of strategic recruitment of researchers and teachers within Uppsala University.

Publications in scientific journals and the holding of patents are considered additional qualifications, as are documented technological development and capacity for innovation.


Uppsala University Appointment Regulations

46 § Promotion may be requested only by teachers appointed by the University until further notice, who are active at the university at the time of application, and by assistant professors.


47 § Disciplinary domain/faculty boards are to issue supplementary criteria for promotion that apply specifically in their domain/faculty and complement the qualification requirements for each category of teachers. The criteria must be designed to achieve the objective of being one of the foremost universities for research and education in the world.


§ 48 The subject area must normally be the same as for the previous employment, although it may be changed if special reasons obtain.


§ 49 Promotion of a associate professor to professor or of a lecturer to associate professor entails an assessment of competence and a change in title. An associate professor or lecturer who has been promoted is not entitled to changed duties or terms of employment.


§ 50 An associate professor must be promoted to professor and a lecturer to associate professor if he or she applies for this in writing, is qualified for such a post and is deemed suitable for such a post on the basis of the specific criteria established by the respective domain/faculty board.


51 § When preparing to advertise a position as lecturer or senior lecturer, a disciplinary domain or faculty board may decide to offer the possibility of immediate promotion. This means that in conjunction with the appointment, an applicant can apply for and be granted promotion to a more senior position.


6 § To be eligible for a teaching appointment, an applicant must have a documented ability to teach in either Swedish or English or in both these languages. In addition, the ability to teach in another language may be required, based on current needs in the recruiting department/equivalent. In the case of promotion to a higher teaching position, applicants must normally demonstrate sufficient proficiency in Swedish to be able to participate in the University’s internal procedures.

Guidelines at the Faculty of Science and Technology

Promotion to associate professor or professor shall be based on an overall assessment of the applicant's research expertise and teaching expertise, as well as administrative, management and collaboration expertise. It is the applicant’s responsibility to demonstrate expertise rather than experience in his/her application. It is the applicant´s responsibility also to confirm expertise presented in the application by attached documents, such as certificates from the study director, course evaluations, reports from international evaluations, statements, and funding acquired from research councils etc.

Subject area refers to the broader subject area in which the applicant is active. Specialization refers to the narrower subject area in which the applicant has his/her main research qualifications.

Promotion from lecturer to associate professor

Alongside interviews and other methods of selection, applicants must also give a trial lecture.


Uppsala University Appointment Regulations

− 50 § An associate professor must be promoted to professor and a lecturer to associate professor if he or she applies for this in writing, is qualified for such a post and is deemed suitable for such a post on the basis of the specific criteria established by the respective domain/faculty board.

Guidelines at the Faculty of Science and Technology

For promotion from lecturer to associate professor the same qualification requirements apply as for appointment as associate professor, see chapter 5 Recruitment of associate professors. The application must also have demonstrated research expertise in the subject area. The applicant must also have been employed as a teacher at a highereducation institution for at least three years or the equivalent.

Referees for promotion of lecturer to associate professor

Uppsala University Appointment Regulations

  • 87 § Disciplinary domain/faculty boards decide on the referees to be appointed.
  • 88 § When appointing or promoting an individual to professor (including adjunct professor or visiting professor) or senior lecturer (including adjunct senior lecturer) or associate senior lecturer, at least two referees from other higher education institutions or the equivalent must be engaged to assess the expertise of applicants, unless this is manifestly unnecessary.
  • 89 § Guidelines on engaging and instructing referees are to be issued by the disciplinary domain/faculty board for the purpose of rationalising the work of referees and assuring its quality.
  • 91 § Referees must be teachers who are particularly familiar with the subject area and possess a knowledge of all relevant types of expertise. If the disciplinary domain board/faculty board has so directed, the referees are to rank the applicants and explain their choices. If two or more applicants are judged to be equally qualified for the position, they may be given the same ranking.
  • 92 § Referees must not attend the part of the processing work that is devoted to final deliberations regarding proposals and decisions.

Guidelines at the Faculty of Science and Technology

Referees are to be appointed by the section Dean based on nominations from the Head of the Department where the applicant is employed. The Head of department shall ensure that conflicts of interest do not prevail. Instructions to referees are determined within the disciplinary domain by the Faculty Board's Working Committee.

At least two referees must be appointed for the promotion of a lecturer to associate professor.

The referees must be teachers.

Among the referees there must be at least one woman and at least one man, unless special reasons occur.

All referees must address all assessment criteria.

Promotion from assistant professor to associate professor

Chapter 10.2 applies when an applicant has been employed in a recruitment matter where the decision to initiate the recruitment of an assistant professor has been taken by the Faculty Board after 2018-12-01. When an applicant has been employed in a recruitment matter where the decision to initiate the recruitment of an assistant professor has been taken by the Faculty Board before 2018-12-01 Guidelines for Promotion of Assistant Professor to Associate Professor at the Faculty of Science and Technology, TEKNAT 2014/214 applies.


Higher Education Ordinance

– Chapter 4, 12 c § An assistant professor employed according to 12a § at a university shall upon application be promoted to associate professor at that university, if he or she

  1. is qualified for employment as a associate professor, and
  2. after assessment is considered appropriate for such employment according to the assessment criteria that the university according to chapter 2 § 4 has decided shall be applied in a matter regarding promotion to associate professor.

– Such a promotion means that he or she shall be employed until further notice as an associate professor. Regulation (2017:844).

Uppsala University Appointment Regulations

  • 63 § A person who is employed as associate senior lecturer must, upon written application, be promoted to senior lecturer if they are considered, upon expert assessment, to satisfy the qualification requirements that have been set by the relevant disciplinary domain or faculty board and have been set out in the job vacancy information.
  • 64 § The applicant must have demonstrated research expertise and be considered to have the potential, as senior lecturer, to initiate and independently pursue research of high scientific quality in accordance with Section 34. The research qualifications must be documented in such a way as to enable assessment of both quality and scope.
  • 65 § Applicants must have demonstrated teaching expertise in accordance with Section 35 through teaching, examination and supervision at both first cycle (undergraduate) and second cycle (Master’s) level, and through planning, development and evaluation, and be considered able as senior lecturer to assume educational leadership roles and further develop teaching activities. Teaching qualifications must be documented in such a way as to enable assessment of both quality and scope.
  • 66 § A prerequisite for considering that the applicant has teaching expertise is that the applicant has completed at least ten weeks of teacher training for higher education that is relevant to the organisation and its activities, or has equivalent knowledge.
  • 67 § The applicant must have demonstrated collegial responsibility and be considered capable of contributing to the development of the University.
  • 68 § A written application to be considered for promotion to associate professor must have been received by the relevant domain/faculty board at the latest six months before the employment as assistant professor ceases or is expected to cease. An assistant professor may only be considered on one occasion for promotion to associate professor. The decision to grant or reject the application for promotion shall be made at the latest two months prior to the end of employment as assistant professor.

Guidelines at the Faculty of Science and Technology

  • Promotion to associate professor shall be based on an overall assessment of the applicant's research expertise and teaching expertise, as well as administrative, management and collaboration expertise. It is the applicant’s responsibility to demonstrate expertise rather than experience in his/her application. It is the applicant´s responsibility also to confirm expertise presented in the application by attached documents, such as certificates from the study director, course evaluations, reports from international evaluations, statements, and funding acquired from research councils etc.
  • The applicant must in connection with the examination of the merits be interviewed and hold a trial lecture. The relevant head of department shall submit a statement about the applicant's ability to perform the duties incumbent on an associate professor.

Research expertise

  • The applicant´s research qualifications shall demonstrate an independent research profile and demonstrate ability to independently initiate, lead and manage research projects. The applicant shall also demonstrate success in seeking and receiving research funding and/or receiving good evaluations from external research funders, as well as demonstrate international visibility within the specialization. Appointment as docent is considered an additional qualification.
  • When assessing research expertise, appendix 3 Assessment criteria for research expertise when promotion from assistant professor to associate professor shall be used.

Teaching expertise

The applicant must have completed teacher training for higher education of relevance to operations at the University, comprising at least ten weeks, or have acquired the equivalent knowledge. In the assessment of teaching expertise documented ability to plan, develop, implement and evaluate courses at undergraduate and graduate levels and experience of supervision in third level education be given weight.

When assessing teaching expertise, appendix 1 Assessment criteria for teaching expertise shall be used.

Collaboration expertise

Collaboration expertise is demonstrated by the ability and skill of planning, organizing and implementing interaction with the surrounding community. Popular publications, public debate and lectures are examples of forms of interaction with the surrounding community. Other examples of collaboration are patent applications, commercialization and industrial cooperation. The ability to translate knowledge sharing with the surrounding community into activities of importance to the education's development and quality is part of the collaboration expertise.

Administrative and management expertise

The applicant must have shown administrative expertise and leadership expertise through participation in overall planning and management of research and teaching activities. In the assessment of administrative expertise and management expertise roles within research projects, administrative and leadership assignments at university, faculty or departmental level and external missions are given weight.

Referees for promotion of lecturer to associate professor

University Appointment Regulations

87 § Disciplinary domain/faculty boards decide on the referees to be appointed.



88 § In appointing and promoting an individual to professor (including adjunct professor or visiting professor), associate professor (including adjunct associate professor) and assistant professor at least two referees from other higher education institutions or the equivalent must be engaged to assess the expertise of applicants, unless this is manifestly unnecessary.

91 § Referees must be teachers who are particularly familiar with the subject area and possess a knowledge of all relevant types of expertise. If the disciplinary domain board/faculty board has so directed, the referees are to rank the applicants and explain their choices. If two or more applicants are judged to be equally qualified for the position, they may be given the same ranking.

Guidelines at the Faculty of Science and Technology

Referees are to be appointed by the section Dean based on nominations from the Head of department where the applicant is employed. The Head of department shall ensure that conflicts of interest do not prevail. Instructions to referees are determined within the disciplinary domain by the Faculty Board's Working Committee.

At least two referees must be appointed for promotion to associate professor.

The referees must be teachers.

Among the referees there must be at least one woman and at least one man, unless special reasons occur.

All referees must address all assessment criteria.

Promotion to professor


Uppsala University Appointment Regulations

− 58 § Promotion from associate professor to professor is allowed no earlier than five years following the completion of the doctoral degree in order to ensure sufficient experience of independent research work and supervision of doctoral students, unless special reasons occur.

Rules of Procedure at the Faculty of Science and Technology

Each professor represents her/his subject. With the title follows responsibility for the content, development and quality of this subject in both research, and undergraduate and graduate education.

Guidelines at the Faculty of Science and Technology

Each section within the Faculty of Science and Technology has established a list of subjects possible for an applicant to be promoted to professor within. The list is adopted/revised by the Faculty Boards´ working committee as proposed by the concerned Section Dean. The applicant must in her/his application clearly state to which subject the application for promotion to professor applies. A written recommendation from the Head of Department regarding the subject for promotion must be enclosed in the application.

Promotion to professor shall be based on an overall assessment of the applicant's research expertise and teaching expertise, as well as administrative, management and collaboration expertise. It is the applicant’s responsibility to demonstrate expertise rather than experience in his/her application. It is the applicant´s responsibility also to confirm expertise presented in the application by attached documents, such as certificates from the study director, course evaluations, reports from international evaluations, statements, and funding acquired from research councils etc.

The applicant must in connection with the examination of the merits be interviewed. The relevant Head of Department shall submit a statement about the applicant's ability to perform the duties incumbent on a Professor.

Research expertise

Uppsala University Appointment Regulations

− 31 § Research expertise must have been demonstrated by the applicant’s independent research contributions and by achievements that are of very high quality by international standards. The applicant must have demonstrated expertise in planning, initiating, leading and developing research; an ability to obtain research funding in competition; and well-documented expertise in supervising third cycle (doctoral) students. The applicant’s contributions to the international and national scientific community must be assessed on the basis of such criteria as the quality and scope of scholarly publications. The international track record required must be assessed in light of the nature and specific circumstances of the subject.

− 54 § The applicant must have demonstrated research expertise in accordance with 31§.

Guidelines at the Faculty of Science and Technology

For promotion to professor at the Faculty of Science and Technology special consideration should be given to qualifications that involve the ability to move the subject area and specialization forward, as well as demonstrated international visibility in the subject area and the specialization. Such qualifications obtained outside the academy from a qualified position related to the relevant subject area can also be afforded consideration.

When assessing research expertise, appendix 4: Assessment criteria for research expertise when promotion from associate professor to professor shall be used.

Teaching expertise

Uppsala University Appointment Regulations

  • 32 § Teaching expertise must have been demonstrated by an extensive educational portfolio in accordance with 22 §. Furthermore, the applicant must demonstrate well-documented expertise in supervision at first cycle (undergraduate) level, second cycle (Master’s) level and third cycle (doctoral) level. A prerequisite for considering that the applicant has teaching expertise is that the applicant has completed at least ten weeks of teacher training for higher education that is relevant to the organisation and its activities, or has equivalent knowledge. If there are special reasons, the teacher training for higher education may be undertaken during the first two years of employment. The teacher training must also include third cycle (doctoral student) supervision.
  • 55 § The applicant must have demonstrated teaching expertise in accordance with 32 §.
  • 56 § A prerequisite for considering that the applicant has teaching expertise is that the applicant has completed at least ten weeks of teacher training for higher education that is relevant to the organisation and its activities, or has equivalent knowledge. The teacher training must include third cycle (doctoral student) supervision.

Guidelines at the Faculty of Science and Technology

The applicant’s teaching expertise must considerably exceed what is required to be employed as associate professor, and be well documented in the application. The scope of the applicant´s pedagogical merits must be of such breadth and quality that they clearly document good teaching expertise. The applicant shall have completed teacher training for higher education of relevance to operations at the University, comprising at least ten weeks, or have acquired the equivalent knowledge. Normally, teaching experience should comprise at least one year of teaching as an associate professor, and must cover teaching in the first, second, and third cycles. From undergraduate and graduate level education, the applicant shall have experience of all elements normally included in the teaching duties of an associate professor. This must normally include personal course responsibilities as well as experience of teaching in both Swedish and English. From third-cycle teaching, the applicant must have demonstrated expertise in supervision from all levels of the programme and normally have been principal supervisor of at least one doctoral candidate from admission to completed degree.

When assessing teaching expertise, appendix 1 Assessment criteria for teaching expertise shall be used.

Collaboration expertise

Uppsala University Appointment Regulations

− 57 § The applicant must have demonstrated collegial responsibility and be considered capable of contributing to the development of the University. This requires leadership, development and collaboration skills, and, where applicable, clinical expertise.

Guidelines at the Faculty of Science and Technology

Collaboration expertise is demonstrated by the ability and skill of planning, organizing and implementing interaction with the surrounding community. Popular publications, public debate and lectures are examples of forms of interaction with the surrounding community. Other examples of collaboration are patent applications, commercialization and industrial cooperation. The ability to translate knowledge sharing with the surrounding community into activities of importance to the education's development and quality is part of the collaboration expertise.

Administrative and management expertise

Uppsala University Appointment Regulations

− 57 § The applicant must have demonstrated collegial responsibility and be considered capable of contributing to the development of the University. This requires leadership, development and collaboration skills, and, where applicable, clinical expertise.

Guidelines at the Faculty of Science and Technology

Administrative expertise and management expertise is demonstrated through participation in overall planning and management of scientific and educational activities. In the assessment of administrative expertise and management expertise, roles in research projects, administrative assignments and management assignments at university level, faculty level or departmental level, and external assignments will be afforded consideration.

Referees for promotion to professor

Uppsala University Appointment Regulations

87 § Disciplinary domain/faculty boards decide on the referees to be appointed.


88 § In appointing and promoting an individual to professor (including adjunct professor or visiting professor), associate professor (including adjunct associate professor) and assistant professor at least two referees from other higher education institutions or the equivalent must be engaged to assess the expertise of applicants, unless this is manifestly unnecessary. In appointing a postdoctoral research fellow, at least one referee from another higher education institution or the equivalent must be engaged to assess the expertise of applicants.


89 § Guidelines on engaging and instructing referees are to be issued by the disciplinary domain/faculty board for the purpose of rationalising the work of referees and assuring its quality.



91 § Referees must be teachers who are particularly familiar with the subject area and possess a knowledge of all relevant types of expertise. If the disciplinary domain board/faculty board has so directed, the referees are to rank the applicants and explain their choices. If two or more applicants are judged to be equally qualified for the position, they may be given the same ranking.

92 § Referees must not attend the part of the preparatory work which is devoted to final deliberations regarding proposals and decisions.

Guidelines at the Faculty of Science and Technology

Referees are to be appointed by the Disciplinary Domain/Faculty Board based on nominations from the Dean of the section where the applicant is employed. The Dean of the section shall ensure that conflicts of interest do not prevail. Instructions to referees are determined within the disciplinary domain by the Faculty Board's Working Committee.

At least three referees, one within the subject area and two within the specialization, must be appointed for the promotion to professor.

The referees must be teachers.

Among the referees there must be at least one woman and at least one man, unless special reasons occur.

All referees must address all assessment criteria.

Guidelines for appointment of distinguished university teachers

Uppsala University Guidelines for appointment of Distinguished University Teachers (UFV 2010/1842)

The [Swedish] term “excellent lärare” is to be used with respect to teachers who have attained a higher level of teaching expertise. This level is clearly to be distinguished from the basic level, just as the docent is distinguished from the doctor level. The English term is Distinguished University Teacher.

Each domain/faculty board is to specify more closely the requirements for appointment of Distinguished University Teachers. These requirements are to reflect the criteria for teaching expertise specified in the document Appointment Regulations for Uppsala University. Teachers are to document their merits in a teaching qualifications portfolio. Assessment of such merits may be supplemented by interviews and by testing for teaching skills.

In order to serve as an incentive to teaching and learning development, the supplementary guidelines formulated by each domain/faculty board shall promote involvement by individual teachers and their departments. Any teacher admitted as Distinguished University Teacher shall, upon his or her admittance, receive a standardized salary increase (cf. docent appointment).

Only teachers at Uppsala University employed for an indefinite term (lecturers, associate professors and professors) are eligible for appointment as Distinguished University Teachers. At least one opportunity to apply shall be made available each year. Each domain/faculty board shall establish a working group to evaluate applications. The opinions of two referees concerning teaching expertise, one of whom shall be from another higher education institution, shall be obtained with respect to each case. At least one of these referees is to have his/her scientific/scholarly expertise in the same field as that of the applicant. The working group shall submit recommendations prior to the decision of the domain/faculty board. A renewed application may be submitted no sooner than one year following a rejection.

These guidelines shall take effect on 1 July 2012 and shall be subject to a University-wide review during 2014.

Guidelines for appointment of distinguished university teachers at the Faculty of Science and Technology

Board for Appointment of Distinguished University Teachers

The Disciplinary Domain’s Board for Appointment of Distinguished University Teachers decides about appointment of distinguished university teachers following assessment by referees. The Board consists of one teacher from each section and two student representatives from the first or second cycle and one doctoral (third-cycle) representative. The teachers are to be appointed by the Disciplinary Domain/Faculty Board based on nominations from the section deans.

The student representatives are to be appointed by the relevant student union. The Board for Appointment of Distinguished University Teachers is to appoint a chairperson among its members.

The Boards´ teacher members should be distinguished university teachers. However, all sections must still be represented.

The teacher members of the Board must: have exercised leadership in teaching as director of studies, coordinator, programme director, subject coordinator, or the equivalent and have been involved in educational development.

have at least ten weeks of teacher training or the equivalent and have actively participated in education seminars, conferences, or the equivalent in the last three years.

The Board is responsible for the training of its members in accordance with the Action Plan for Teaching and Learning at the Faculty of Science and Technology.

The Board is to meet at least three times per semester.

The Board is responsible for instructions to applicants regarding the design of applicants’ teaching portfolios.

Procedure for appointment of distinguished university teachers

– Applications for appointments as a distinguished university teacher will be dealt with two times each year, at the beginning of the spring and autumn semester respectively.

Applicants must document their teaching expertise with a portfolio of teaching merits. A recommendation from the head of department and a testimonial about teaching skills from someone at the institution, selected by the Head of Department, must be appended to the application.

The Board for Appointment of Distinguished University Teachers is to appoint two referees for each applicant, one man and one woman, at least one of whom must be external (from another higher-education institution), with previous experience of evaluating teaching expertise, unless special reasons occur. At least one of the referees must have his/her research expertise in the same subject area as the applicant. The referees’ statement is to be submitted to the Board.

When the referees’ statement has been submitted, the Board meets to make a preliminary evaluation of the applicant’s skills for appointment as a distinguished university teacher. If the evaluation is positive, the applicant is invited to an interview and a test of his/her teaching skills. The Board is to decide on the basis of the referees’ statement, the interview, and tests of teaching skills whether the applicant is to be appointed as a distinguished university teacher.

Appointment as a distinguished university teacher is not limited in time.

Decisions in matters of appointment as a distinguished university teacher are not subject to appeal.

Criteria for appointment as a distinguished university teacher

Skills must be demonstrated in the following assessment areas:

  • Skill in teaching
  • Holistic perspective
  • Scientific and investigative approach
  • Collaboration with colleagues and students
  • Leadership in teaching

In their portfolio of teaching qualifications, applicants must describe and discuss their skills in relation to these assessment areas. An overall assessment is to be reached and skill must have been demonstrated in each assessment area, however, not necessarily for all specified aspects. Other aspects that demonstrate skill within the assessment areas can be also be taken into account.

Skill in teaching

  • Skill in teaching is primarily the skill the teacher shows in the direct contact with

the students but also includes interaction with students through, for example tasks

and examinations. The skilled teacher develops continuously, thus adapting his or her teaching to new situations.

  • The following aspects are to be considered in assessing skill in teaching:
  • to provide involved and appreciated teaching of high quality at different levels of the educational system and in a broad field of knowledge.
  • to support students in their development of understanding, critical thinking, research and professional skills and attitudes.
  • to have a broad repertoire of student-activating forms of teaching and examination that are used in relevant ways.
  • to work with constructive linkage between goals, instruction, and examination, where instruction is adapted to make it optimally possible for students to achieve the goals, and to design examination in a way that enables students to show that the goals have been achieved.
  • to have a well-functioning communication and to be responsive to the students' points of view.
  • to observe gender and diversity perspectives and to take into consideration and utilise students’ differences and shifting experiences.
  • to develop the knowledge and competence of students through constructive feedback.
  • to be able to teach well in both Swedish and English.
  • to continuously develop teaching and examination as well as the role of the teacher.

Holistic perspective

  • The holistic perspective includes both seeing the education as a whole and seeing it and the students´ learning in a broader context. Higher education shall develop educated and critically thinking citizens of society while being useful for students in a future working life. The holistic perspective enables better contribution to students as well as to society.
  • The following aspects are to be considered in assessing holistic perspective:
  • to connect teaching to the students’ programme in general and to earlier and coming courses, thereby creating a thread running through the study programme.
  • to connect teaching to international research, current societal issues, and students’ future careers.
  • to develop and continuously revisit course and programme goals in relation to changes in society, the environment, and working life.
  • to interact with the surrounding society to develop the education and give concrete examples to the students.

Scientific and investigative approach

  • A scientific and investigative approach involves building one´s teaching on research and proven experience, to investigate one´s own practices and outcomes, and to open up for colleagues´ insight and criticism. A basis for this is a good anchoring in one´s own subject, and good insight into pedagogical and subjectspecific didactic research. Furthermore, philosophy of science perspectives can contribute to scientific and investigative approaches.

The following aspects are to be considered in assessing scientific and investigative approaches:

  • to possess extensive subject knowledge and, on the basis of this knowledge, to reflect upon what and how students are to learn and why.
  • to use conscious strategies to connect research to teaching.
  • to critically discuss one´s own discipline.
  • to examine and evaluate the student’s learning and one’s own teaching and its effects, to reflect upon this and make use of the results in one’s own practice.
  • to renew or create teaching materials and revisit the choice of course reading with a view to developing the programme in light of new research findings.
  • to reflect upon what promotes student learning and to discuss the development of teaching and learning with colleagues on the basis of relevant research in subjectmatter didactic and pedagogical research and well-tested experience.
  • to spread good models and results from the development of teaching and examination in the form of recurrent contributions to conferences and seminars on teaching and learning or publication of works on education or didactics, thereby exposing one’s own experiences to peer review.

Collaboration with colleagues and students

Collaboration with colleagues and students is a prerequisite for positive development of individuals as well as organization. Discussions can be about content as well as form, and emanate from concrete situations or more abstract reasoning. In a dialogue for mutual learning, teaching can be renewed, while increasing the students´ awareness about their own learning and the learning of others, and teachers will be able to analyze and reflect upon pedagogical issues.

The following aspects are to be considered in assessing collaboration with colleagues and students:

to collaborate with students and colleagues to advance teaching and learning.


to clarify course goals and assessment criteria and to justify choices of forms of teaching and examination in dialog with students.


to appraise students’ prior understanding and expectations in order to tailor teaching to the student group at hand.


to use course evaluations and course reports to develop both one’s own teaching and courses and programmes, as well as oneself as a teacher.


to take active part in collegial discussions and teaching days.


to contribute to mutual learning between colleagues by visiting each other’s classes as students and discussing concrete class room situations and through dialogue about learning and education.


to conduct constructive collegial discussions and actively participate in teaching days, teaching staff meetings and further education, in order to strengthen teaching, overall perspective and development of colleagues.

Skill in pedagogical leadership

A skilled pedagogical leadership includes influencing the development of individual colleagues and the teaching staff as a whole, to renew education and to lead pedagogical development work. Pedagogical leaders contribute to create a lively collegial discussion and open up to individual pedagogical discussions. A skilled leader develop through reflection on leadership and in dialogue with others.

The following aspects are to be considered in assessing leadership in teaching:

  • to exercise educational leadership in roles such as course director, programme director, or director of studies, thereby influencing courses and programmes beyond one’s own teaching.
  • to lead development of courses and programmes.
  • to contribute to the individual development of colleagues and collegial discussions and renewal work through pedagogical leadership.
  • to initiate and run pedagogical development projects and to lead colleagues in these.
  • To develop the leadership through own reflection, dialogue with colleagues and

through relevant courses and literature about academic leadership.

Guidelines for appointment as docent at the Faculty of Science and Technology

Assessment of an application for docentship at the Faculty of Science and Technology will be done if the applicant is qualified and is thought to be beneficial to operations at the Disciplinary Domain.

The benefit to the Disciplinary Domain may consist in the circumstance that the docent, by virtue of his/her expertise and availability, can be engaged as a teacher and supervisor in third-cycle programmes, as a member of examining committees, as a teacher in first- and second-cycle programmes, in collaborations with other elements of society or in other central activities at the Disciplinary Domain and the University.

Docents may be appointed in subject orientations in which PhD programmes are given, or, in the case of special circumstances, in another subject. Appointment is not limited in time.

Docentship committee

The Faculty of Science and Technology Docentship Committee consists of one professor from each section and two student representatives (including one PhD student). The professors shall be appointed by the Domain Board/Faculty Board based on nominations from the section deans and the student representatives by the relevant student union.

Qualifications for appointment as docent

Appointment as docent requires applicants to have completed a doctoral degree or equivalent research expertise in addition to the requisite research merits and teaching expertise.

Research qualifications

Research qualifications, which carry the most weight, must be characterized by high quality, innovative thinking, good presentation skills, and documented independence. Normally the scope of the total academic production, presented in international academic journals, must include independent production (in addition to doctoral degree) equivalent to at least one doctoral dissertation at Uppsala University.

The material for assessment of research expertise is to be submitted by a referee from another faculty, although not a faculty where the applicant has been academically active.

Teaching qualifications

Teaching qualifications for appointment as docent shall normally comprise:

1. The Uppsala University courses Academic Teacher Training Course (consisting of five weeks of full-time studies) and Supervising PhD Students (three weeks of full-time studies) or equivalent and

2. Successful and documented teaching at a first- or second-cycle level equivalent to at least 5 higher education credits and

3. Successful and documented supervision of PhD students or students within a project comprising at least 15 higher education credits on a first- or second-cycle level.

Other forms of teaching or activities may be considered qualifying as well.

Procedure for appointment as docent

The Docentship Committee decides on docent appointments. The Board convenes two to three times a year to handle submitted applications continually through the year.

Applications must be written in accordance with the instructions of the Docentship Committee. The application shall be enclosed with a recommendation from the professor in charge of third-cycle programmes in the docentship subject orientation that the docentship encompasses (or the professor delegated by him/her). The statement shall include the expertise of the applicant, their research and teaching skills and independence, as well as the expected benefit to research and education in admitting the applicant as docent, and shall specify the kind and scope of the anticipated contribution to the Disciplinary Domain.

The Section Dean is to appoint the referee based on nominations from the professor in charge of the PhD studies programme. The referee, who must be part of another faculty or other seat of learning and normally at a professor level, must have been informed of this assignment by the nominating professor.

Once a statement from the referee has been received, the matter will be dealt with at a meeting of the Docentship Committee for a preliminary assessment of eligibility for a docentship. If the assessment is positive, the applicant will be invited to give a docentship lecture. This is a compulsory educational test for the applicant. The lecture must be given during the academic semester in accordance with the instructions of the Docentship committee. The lecture shall primarily be given in Swedish, otherwise in English.

The lecture shall be attended by the professor in charge of the third-cycle programme (or the professor delegated by him/her) in the subject orientation that the docentship application encompasses, and the relevant member of the Docentship Committee. If the section representative of the Docentship Committee is unable to attend, this shall be reported to the chair of the Docentship Committee, who shall then appoint another member to represent the Docentship Committee at the lecture. If special reasons obtain, a unanimous Committee may delegate to another qualified professional within the subject orientation of the applicant, who shall then assess the lecture according to the guidelines of the Committee.

The relevant professor shall introduce the lecturer and the topic of the lecture, as well as moderate a post-lecture discussion with audience participation.

Following the lecture, the representative of the Docentship Committee shall submit a written assessment to the Committee with a preliminary grade (passed or failed). If the Docentship Committee deems the lecture unsatisfactory, a new lecture may be given in accordance with the instructions of the Committee.

The definitive decision regarding appointment as a docent is to be made at the first meeting of the Docentship Committee following the docentship lecture.

If the application is denied, no new application may be submitted within one year of the decision. Decisions in matters of appointment as a docent are not subject to appeal.

Appendix 1: Assessment criteria for teaching expertise

§ 22 Appointment regulations for

Uppsala University

Assessment criteria

Further criteria for employment

Teaching expertise comprises educational and teaching experience.

The applicant must have teaching experience and ability to through documentation and a reflective teaching portfolio demonstrate teaching expertise and renewal. The teaching portfolio should consequently show not only what the applicant has done, but also how and why, and what the results were and what can be learned from the experience.


In assessing teaching expertise teaching quality must be the prime consideration.

The applicant must

• work well in relation to students and support their learning and provide engaging and appreciated teaching

• use various student active teaching methods based on goals and student group •be able to examine the course objectives adequately

It is also an advantage if the candidate has demonstrated the ability to

• teach in both English and Swedish

• make use of students' diverse experiences and expertise


Also scope, both broad and deep, shall be given weight.

The applicant must

• be able to teach within a broad subject field at both undergraduate and graduate level

When considered for a position as Professor, applicants should also

• have proven skills in the supervision of PhD-students

It is also advantageous if the applicant has demonstrated ability to

• teach and supervise at all levels, from introductory courses to PhD supervision

• participate in interdisciplinary courses

• teach at various educational programs

Furthermore, the ability to plan, initiate, lead and develop education and teaching, as well as the ability to connect research and teaching from the perspective of research in the subject area, didactics as well as teaching and learning in higher education shall be given weight.

The applicant must

• plan both courses and individual lectures on the basis of objectives, student groups and basic courses in teaching and learning skills in higher education

• use course evaluations and student comments to develop his or her teaching and teaching role

• have extensive subject knowledge and reflect on what and how students should learn and why

• link teaching to the students' education at large

• relate to research, current social issues or future working life

It is also an advantage if the candidate has demonstrated the ability to

• analyze student learning, putting it into his or her own practice

• develop examinations

• lead teaching teams and be responsible for courses with many other teachers involved

• take on educational management assignments

• initiate new courses or programs

• initiate and lead educational development

• renew or produce course literature

The ability to interact on teaching and learning issues in higher education with stakeholders within and outside the university is also part of teaching skills.

The applicant must

• discuss the course objectives, teaching and examination with the students

• discuss pedagogy and teaching, as well as interact with peers

It is also advantageous if the applicant has demonstrated the ability to

• disseminate knowledge on educational development at conferences or through publications • assist in evaluations of higher education

Appendix 2: Assessment criteria for research expertise when recruitment of an associate professor

In assessing research expertise research quality must be the prime consideration. The scope of research, primarily in regards to depth and breadth, must also be afforded consideration. Applicants must clearly indicate in their application what is their own contribution in a larger scientific context.

An overall assessment of the research expertise must be made, based on § 19 in Appointment Regulations for Uppsala University. The following assessment criteria are tools to facilitate such an assessment. In order for the eligibility requirements for research expertise when recruitment of an associate professor to be considered fulfilled, the applicant should after a balanced consideration have achieved b, and under each assessment criteria have achieved at least c.

The applicant´s merits should:

  • Show an independent research profile

The following assessment criteria are tools for assessment:

  1. The applicant has an innovative specialization and has published several peer reviewreviewed publications independent of previous supervisors.
  2. The applicant has independently chosen research tasks and has managed projects of his/her own. The applicant has published several peer reviewed publications within these projects.
  3. The applicant has published several peer reviewed publications, where the results come from research conducted in an independent manner with new angles of approach.
  • Show ability to initiate, lead and manage research projects on her/his own The following assessment criteria are tools for assessment:
    1. The applicant regularly publishes conceptually new ideas and well executed research studies in leading international scientific journals or equivalent.
    2. The applicant´s independent work is creative, well cited and is published in prominent scientific journals or equivalent in the specialization.
    3. The applicant has primarily published as part of collaborations where he/she has been responsible for a well-defined part that contains new high-quality components.
  • Demonstrate success in obtaining funding from external research funders The following assessment criteria are tools for assessment::
    1. The applicant has been very successful in obtaining external research funding as main applicant, and is not limited by funding to develop his/her research activity.
    2. The applicant has obtained external research funding sufficient to maintain an independent research activity.
    3. The applicant has applied for external research funding and received good evaluations if not having obtained research funding sufficient to conduct independent research.
  • Show on international visibility within the specialization The following assessment criteria are tools for assessment:
  1. The applicant is regularly invited to present at international conferences and to review manuscripts in leading scientific journals or equivalent. The applicant is known as leading in his/her field of research.
  2. The applicant is regularly invited to review manuscripts within his/her specialization, and participates regularly with peer-reviewed contributions in international scientific journals. The applicant is selected to give oral presentations at international conferences within the specialization.
  3. The applicant has good national visibility in his/her specialization, and participates regularly with peer-reviewed contributions in international scientific journals and conferences within the specialization.

Appendix 3: Assessment criteria for research expertise when promotion from assistant professor to associate professor

In assessing research expertise research quality must be the prime consideration. The scope of research, primarily in regards to depth and breadth, must also be afforded consideration. Applicants must clearly indicate in their application what is their own contribution in a larger scientific context.

An overall assessment of the research expertise must be made, based on § 19 in Appointment Regulations for Uppsala University. The following assessment criteria are tools to facilitate such an assessment. In order for the eligibility requirements for research expertise when promotion to associate professor is to be considered fulfilled, the applicant must after a balanced consideration must achieved b, and under each assessment criteria have achieved at least c.

The applicant´s merits must:

  • Show an independent research profile

The following assessment criteria are tools for assessment:

  1. The applicant has an innovative specialization and has published several peer reviewreviewed publications independent of previous supervisors.
  2. The applicant has independently chosen research tasks and has managed projects of his/her own. The applicant has published several peer reviewed publications within these projects.
  3. The applicant has published several peer reviewed publications, where the results come from research conducted in an independent manner with new angles of approach.
  • Show ability to initiate, lead and manage research projects on her/his own The following assessment criteria are tools for assessment:
    1. The applicant regularly publishes conceptually new ideas and well executed scientific studies in leading international scientific journals or equivalent.
    2. The applicant´s independent work is creative, well cited and is published in prominent scientific journals or equivalent in the specialization.
    3. The applicant has primarily published as part of collaborations where he/she has been responsible for a well-defined part that contains new high-quality components.
  • Demonstrate success in obtaining funding from external research financiers The following assessment criteria are tools for assessment:
    1. The applicant has been very successful in obtaining external research funding as main applicant, and is not limited by funding to develop his/her research activity.
    2. The applicant has obtained external research funding sufficient to maintain an independent research activity.
    3. The applicant has applied for external research funding and received good evaluations even if not having obtained research funding sufficient to conduct independent research.
  • Show on international visibility within the specialization

The following assessment criteria are tools for assessment:

  1. The applicant is regularly invited to present at international conferences and to review manuscripts in leading scientific journals or equivalent. The applicant is known as leading in his/her field of research.
  2. The applicant is regularly invited to review manuscripts within his/her specialization, and participates regularly with peer-reviewed contributions at international scientific journals. The applicant is selected to give oral presentations at international conferences within the specialization.
  3. The applicant has good national visibility in his/her specialization, and participates regularly with peer-reviewed contributions in international scientific journals and conferences within the specialization.

Appendix 4: Assessment criteria for research expertise when promotion from associate professor to professor

In assessing research expertise research quality must be the prime consideration. The scope of research, primarily in regards to depth and breadth, must also be afforded consideration. Applicants must clearly indicate in their application what is their own contribution in a larger scientific context. The research merits shall be recent and relevant, with main focus on assessing the production of the last 10 years.

When considering the time frame, involvement of a larger extent within or outside the academy shall be considered, for example as head of department, dean, director of studies, involvement in start up companies, expert assignments for authorities, or equivalent, and parental leave and union assignments, which has led to a slower pace in research.

An overall assessment of the research expertise must be made, based on § 31 in Appointment Regulations for Uppsala University. The following assessment criteria are tools to facilitate such an assessment. In order for the eligibility requirements for research expertise when promotion to professor is to be considered fulfilled, the applicant must after a balanced consideration have achieved b, and under each assessment criteria have achieved at least c.

The applicant´s merits must:

  • Demonstrate ability to move the specialization forward

The following assessment criteria are tools for assessment:

  1. The applicant has been leading in scientific work leading to one or more internationally recognized research breakthroughs.
  2. The applicant regularly publishes innovative ideas and in leading international scientific journals or in corresponding relevant publishing channels within the subject area.
  3. The applicant´s independent work is published in recognized scientific journals or within correspondent publishing channels within her/his own specialization. The applicant´s research merits must, since employment as associate professor, have become significantly stronger.
  • Show on international visibility within the specialization

The following assessment criteria are tools for assessment:

  1. The applicant is known as one of the internationally leading researchers within the subject area.
  2. The applicant is known as one of the internationally leading researchers within the specialization.
  3. The applicant is known as a good researcher within the specialization. The applicant´s scientific publications within the specialization are well cited.

The applicant´s merits should:

  • Demonstrate success in acquiring funding from external research funders

The following assessment criteria are tools for assessment:

  1. The applicant has successfully built up, or renewed, a well-functioning research environment, among other things by being the main applicant for granted applications for funding, that strengthen the environment.
  2. The applicant has received external research funding sufficient to maintain a group size appropriate for the specialization.

