Meet our digital ambassadors!

Each year, we put together a team of international student ambassadors from different backgrounds and programmes to tell their stories. Follow them on their journey as they share what life is really like in Sweden and Uppsala University.

Nobody can understand the worries of moving to a new country, the struggle to get the application done on time and why Swedish food is so weird, better than our current international students. Our digital ambassadors are here to answer your questions before you decide to come to Uppsala or Visby, and to inspire you as a future student.

The international Digital Ambassador's team 2023-2024

Digital ambassador Andis Poļaks

Hej hej! My name is Andis and I am a proud student of Uppsala University. I started my Master's in Astronomy in the Autumn 2022 and so far I am enjoying it a lot!

I am originally from Latvia, the small country next to the Baltic sea with lots and lots of wonderful traditions, but now I do live in Uppsala, Sweden and enjoy this wonderful Northern country! I finished my Bachelor's in Physics at the University of Latvia and decided to jump on an adventure to discover the well-known student life of Uppsala.

Usually I am very communicative and always ready to discuss whatever comes to my mind. Organizing and hosting different events and projects is my passion and I have done it since I was 16. Maybe it is my love for people and being around people! After I graduate I would love to stay in Sweden and work in either research (because researching the space is so cool!) or just working in a field that I find interesting. But to be fair we will see in what direction my life will steer into after a few years, because I am always ready for new adventures!

Digital ambassador Arshia Jagtap

Hi! My name is Arshia Jagtap, and I’m a Master’s student from India! I’ve grown up in several cities across multiple states in India, and being exposed to so many different cultures from a young age made me fall in love with experiencing new places, languages, communities, and ideas. Moving to Sweden has been an unconventional and extremely exciting choice, but it’s one that I’m super sure of, and I will do my best to make the most of my time here!

I joined Uppsala University in the Autumn of 2022 for the Master’s Programme in Aesthetics, offered by the Department of Philosophy. After doing my Bachelor’s with Honours in Philosophy from the University of Delhi in India, I decided I wanted to narrow my field of research and specialise in Aesthetics. I’ve been an avid enjoyer of several forms of art since I was a child, and it seems extremely fitting that life has steered me to study a subject that deals with topics of beauty, art, philosophy, and pleasure. I enjoy research and hope for a career in academia, and I know Uppsala University will provide me with the base I need!

Digital Ambassador Artur

Hej hej! My name is Artur Frantz and I’m very proud to say I’m a student at Uppsala University. I started the Master’s in Peace and Conflict Studies in the Autumn of 2023 and it’s been pretty great so far!

I’m 23 years old and I’m originally from Brazil. As a matter of fact, I come from the South of Brazil, so I guess I’d have a hard time finding somewhere further away from home to move to. I got my Bachelor’s in International Relations at UFRGS, a University in my hometown, so moving to Sweden meant leaving home and moving out of the country all at once. But from my experience, there is no place better to call your new home than Uppsala. It’s a lovely and welcoming student-friendly city where almost everyone is always looking to make new friends.

Apart from studying, I’m also very interested in sports. I love playing football and basketball and watching them too. I’m a very sociable person, so I really like to hang out with my friends either for fika or at one of the pubs in the Nations. Learning new languages is also a passion of mine, so being in Sweden has been a great opportunity to work on that (and a challenge too, I must say).

Coming from a (sub)tropical country, I look forward to seeing how I will adapt to the Swedish weather come wintertime. But so far, living in Uppsala has been the best experience of my life. I look forward to sharing it with all of you as one of the digital ambassadors!

Digital Ambassador Daisy

Hi there! My name is Daisy, I have just begun my studying for my Master's degree here at Uppsala University in which I am studying English Literature. I am originally from London but have previous lived in Singapore, South Korea and the English countryside!

Moving to Sweden is a very exciting journey for me, as I’m sure it is for a lot of you guys (or will be soon!). I really love to read and learn about history, and Sweden has such a rich and exciting history! I also love to take long walks through the different forests and parks surrounding Uppsala.

I also love to socialise and hang with friends. I am especially excited to get involved with my nation and everything that it entails. One of the best parts of Uppsala is its thriving student life, so it’s something I am really looking forward to!

Digital ambassador Nathaniel

Hey everyone! My name is Nathaniel Ndungu and I am from Nairobi, Kenya. I’ve lived in quite a few African countries growing up so I enjoy experiencing new cultures.

I’m in the first year of my Bachelor's degree in industrial engineering. I am a product design enthusiast and I love the process of doing design briefs, specifications, and prototypes. So, I look forward to learning about industrial management, processing, and production.

I’m in Visby, Gotland, since that is where the Bachelor's programmes offered in English are based. The city is extremely beautiful and I have enjoyed exploring within the walls. I am always in awe of what the next street or corner holds. I can’t wait to explore the island and activities at the university more!

I look forward to sharing what it's like figuring things out in a new country and as a new student at Campus Gotland. So, join me for the journey!

Digital ambassador Siwei Xia

Hej everyone! I’m Siwei, 27, and originally from Berlin (Germany) with roots from China. Currently, I’m in my second and final year of the master’s programme Sustainable Destination Development on Campus Gotland. As I have always been fascinated by travelling, especially to nature destinations, this programme felt like a perfect fit for me. Plus, it gave me the chance to get a deeper understanding on the phenomena of wanderlust. Overall, coming to Gotland was really one of the best decisions I've made, that’s why I even extended my studies for another year!

Aside from studying, I’m happily running the social media of the student section EnVis (Environmentalists Visby), member of GHOST (Gotland’s Hub of Sustainable Thinkers) and recently acting as marketing director in Konsultvik, a junior enterprise founded by my friends. In my free time, I like to meet friends, we cook, have fika or do and plan creative stuff together. This year, I have started swimming to work on my endurance and fitness.

Places to hangout in Visby: my top choice is Rindi (our student union here on Gotland) castle. There is free coffee and tea and cool people around, what more need I say? Besides that, I like to talk about life on the terrace in D-building but I can also really recommend any of the cute cafés in town. Walks along the water or the city wall usually help to unwind and make me appreciate the medieval straight-out-of-a-postcard scenery every time.

Sofia Hernández

Hola! My name is Sofía Hernández and I come from Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico. Currently, I'm a master's student in the Bioinformatics program at Uppsala University in Sweden.

My decision to move to Sweden was influenced by a significant experience in the summer of 2022. I had the opportunity to do a research stay at Karolinska Institutet, where I was impressed by the level of support universities here provide for science and research, which was quite different from what I experienced in my home country.

Additionally, Sweden's abundance of nature and vibrant cultural activities played a role in convincing me to choose Sweden.

Each day I spend in Uppsala reinforces my belief that I made the right decision. I've enjoyed biking to school, taking walks in the nature, receiving top-notch education, and meeting amazing people from all over the world.

I'm excited to see how these two years in Sweden will contribute to my personal and professional growth.

Digital ambassador Euodia Louis Setiono Oei

Hej! My name is Yasmin and I am a Master of Entrepreneurship student from Indonesia. I came from a business administration as my bachelor and tech corporate background. I am thrilled to hone my interest in corporate entrepreneurship and I really love how the course is very well designed to pursue what we like freely in the span of only 1 year. Uppsala University has been great so far, with such a wide amount of international students.

Sweden was not a country that came first to my mind when choosing to study abroad, but Uppsala has its own charm of making students feel welcomed here. I love the chill atmosphere and how bike-friendly it is. The fact that it’s close to Stockholm is also appealing whenever I feel the need for a bustling atmosphere. I’m really looking forward to the winter to experience the snow and how northern people live since I mostly live in a tropical country most of my life. I love traveling too, which makes exploring Sweden and other Nordic countries on my bucket list.

The future is very exciting to me, because with my business background hope that I could either go back to work in a corporation or build my own business. The main reason of why I chose to study abroad is simply to broaden my network of future possibilities. I am really excited to share that kind of stuff and to see what Uppsala has to offer as one of the digital ambassadors.

The Chinese Digital Ambassador's team 2023-2024

Chinese Digital Ambassador Xu.

Hej hej!My name is Minchun Zhao. I am a 3+1 Bachelor student majoring in Biology/Molecular Biology. I was born and raised in Yunnan, China. My hometown is a biodiversity hot spot, which lead to my passion for natural sciences.

I chose to study at Uppsala University as it has an amazing natural science programme. During my time here, I hope to broaden my horizons and professional skills. In addition to being home to an amazing university, Uppsala’s wonderful scenery was also attractive to me.

My journey at Uppsala University marks my first study abroad experience. So far, it has been an exciting and unforgettable opportunity! I am happy to find that everyone is kind and warmhearted. It is easy to find support for any problems that may arise.

I am expected to finish my Bachelor studies in the summer of 2024. I hope i get the chance to return to Sweden in the future as I have fallen in love with the country!

Chinese Digital Ambassador Xu.

Hej hej! My name is Ruochen Zhao and I’m from China. Currently, I’m doing a master’s degree in Sustainable Destination Development at Uppsala University Campus Gotland. The reason why I chose it is I’m really interested in arts and music in different culture, so I want to do something to protect and develop them in the context of globalized tourism.

Apart from studying, I’m also a bass player. I enjoy almost all the kinds of music, especially the rock and musical. It’s really nice to find so many people in Sweden who are crazy about Blur and Gorillaz like me, and some of us are planning to hold a band in the future! Learning language is also an interesting thing for me. For now, I can speak Russian, Japanese, English, and of course Chinese. In this semester, I signed up for Basic Swedish course. To be honest, it’s a little bit challenging but I’m getting used to it now.

Studying in Sweden for me is a start of new life, a completely different and exciting experience. Here you can see the integration and clash of cultures from all over the world and meet friendly and amazing people. I’m excited to study here as a student at Campus Gotland and share my experience with you.

Chinese Digital Ambassador Xiaotian.

Hej! My name is Xiaotian Luo and I’m doing my Master's programme in Language Technology at Uppsala University. Before moving to Uppsala, I’ve spent most of my life living in a southern little town in China that never snows in winter. Well, we barely have winters! It has been a very exciting thing for me to experience the seasonal shifts from the vibrant autumn leaves to the first snowfall, and the warm heaters of course!

I’m a sociable person who always has a curiosity for different cultures and life stories of people from all over the world. Sweden has now become a perfect playground for this curiosity. I’ve been enjoying the Nordic culture and language as well! It's truly captivating to find myself in a cultural setting so distinct from my roots in the subtropical regions of China. The daily discoveries and interactions with my Swedish friends continue to surprise me!

One of the best things about studying in Uppsala is that there are always tons of exciting events in nations for us to drop in after school! And I feel so lucky everyday that I’m surrounded by warm, genuine, and passionate people here!

Chinese Digital Ambassador Xu.

Hej hej, it’s Xu from China. I am totally a newcomer to Uppsala, and currently I’m studying a Master's programme named Human Computer Interaction at Uppsala University.

Uppsala is definitely more vibrant, friendlier and cosier than I expected. You have thousands of opportunities to make friends here: the nation, the community on Facebook, the activities held by the university. You will not feel lonely at all even though you are a foreigner and didn't know anyone in this country before you came.

If you’re a big fan of nature like me, Uppsala will become more attractive. You’ll have a chance to take a mini hike to Gamla which is also called Old Uppsala, or pick some delicious mushroom in Håga.

Anyway, no matter where you are from, who you are, what you are interested in, you will feel a sense of belonging in Uppsala, so come and join us!

Chinese Digital Ambassador Xu.

Hej! My name is Yongqi Liu and this is my second year studying the Bachelor Programme: Leadership-Quality Management-Improvement on Campus Gotland!

Flying 18+ hours to the other side of the Earth and beginning to build up my own career and network was certainly not an easy decision. To leave everything you grew up with and adjust to a completely new culture and environment in such a short period of time seemed tougher than anything. But now as time passed by, I have grown to enjoy being an international student at Uppsala University and have matured in many aspects so far. Communicating with people from all over the world and getting to know the difference and diversity of life brings me joy because I am always eager to have new insights toward humanity and society. There are many platforms and student clubs at Uppsala University, which provides me with the chance to meet numerous diverse people with similar hobbies and interests as mine.

For example, I like hanging out with friends who have positive energy and fun thoughts about life! Having a fika in Old Visby Town and a walk by the Baltic Sea is the most relaxing activity to do here in summer. Since I love running, swimming, playing tennis and badminton, the opportunity of joining the sports club of Rindi each week is also so much fun! After so many new experiences, I am absolutely looking forward to the remaining journey I have left on this unique island!

Want to join the team?

We are currently not looking to hire new ambassadors. However, we will be recruiting new students to the team for the academic year of 2024–2025. The application will be published here in the spring semester of 2024.

Working as a digital ambassador for Uppsala University in our international student recruiting team is a great way to get to know the university, new people and yourself. As a digital ambassador, we expect you to create content for our Instagram account, our blog and if needed our Youtube channel.

What is in it for me?

  • Flexible working hours and some extra pocket money
  • New friends and a broader network
  • Great work experience to put on your resume
  • Real-life experience in communication and marketing
  • Practical experience in content creation
  • Helping prospective students make one of their most important decisions

For questions about our digital ambassadors programme, please contact

Vice-Chancellor Anders Hagfeldt.

Connect with other students on the Goin' app

Once you have been admitted to a Bachelor's or Master's Programme at Uppsala University, you will receive an invite via e-mail to join our student community app Goin'.

Here, you can connect with newly admitted and current students already before coming to Sweden. Build a social community, chat with students from your programme, ask questions and get support from students who have been in your position. Some of our digital ambassadors are also available on Goin' to support you.

Learn more about Goin'

