Quantum Physics F

10 credits

Course, Bachelor's level, 1FA535

Autumn 2024 Autumn 2024, Uppsala, 67%, On-campus, The course will be taught in English, if needed Only available as part of a programme

About the course

The experimental background of quantum physics, particles and atomic models, the photon, the photoelectric effect, and the spectrum of hydrogen-like atoms. An overview of special relativity. Spectrum. The correspondence principle. Wave-particle duality, probabilities, wave functions, the Schrödinger equation, wave packets. Expectation values, operators, uncertainty relations. Dirac formalism.

One-dimensional systems, stationary states, the infinite square well, the harmonic oscillator, transmission, tunnelling and reflection. Three-dimensional systems, the hydrogen atom and one-electron atoms, angular momentum and central motion, transitions, energy level diagrams, and time-independent perturbation theory. Many-electron atoms, spin, the addition of angular momentum, identical particles, fermions and bosons, the Pauli principle, electron configurations, the Zeeman effect, spin-orbit coupling, the central field approximation, fine structure, the periodic system, optical transitions and X-rays, spectroscopy.

Briefly about diatomic molecules: bonding, vibrational and rotational motions, transitions.

The importance of quantum physics for engineering applications.

