Governance for Sustainability

15 credits

Course, Master's level, 3BO002

Spring 2025 Spring 2025, Flexible, 100%, Distance learning, English

About the course

The course explores the role of institutions and policies in the governance of sustainability dilemmas across the different constellations of stakeholders at different scales from local to global. 

The course departs from post-normal conditions, which refers to situations in which "facts are uncertain, complexity is the norm, values are in dispute, stakes are high and decisions are urgent". Post-normal theory views complex socio-biophysical problems as social dilemmas whereby the governance situation is shaped by irreducible uncertainty and the presence of power differentials.

This course encourages you to critically reflect upon the appropriate mix of coercive and non-coercive governance approaches to enable transformation in different contexts under post-normal conditions.

Outline for distance course: The course is given online, for example via Zoom. The course includes two hours of lectures two times every week and two hours of mandatory group work or seminars two times every week. Communication between students and teachers is through Zoom, email and Studium. In order to participate in this distance course you will need access to a computer with internet access, a headset and a web camera. 

The examination consists of written assignments, participation in mandatory seminars and group assignments.

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