Health Dialogue: Meeting Health Challenges Through Collaboration

7.5 credits

Course, Bachelor's level, 3HI005

Spring 2025 Spring 2025, Uppsala, 50%, Distance learning, The course will be taught in English, if needed

About the course

To be able to meet people's increasingly multifaceted care needs, interprofessional collaboration among healthcare professionals is necessary. This means that two or more professions interact, work, and learn from each other to deliver the highest possible quality of care. Interprofessional collaboration increases patient safety and improves the efficiency and quality of healthcare services.

During the course, you will carry out a 'real-world' group project together with students and professionals from different backgrounds and professions. Based on the citizens' needs, you will plan, manage, carry out, and evaluate a public health activity during a major public event.

The course will:

  • strengthen your ability to conduct interprofessional collaboration, both in practice and theory
  • provide you with a set of theoretical tools and practical methods
  • give you valuable knowledge in communication and patient and public involvement.

The course is aimed at students and professionals who have studied at least four semesters at the university level, with relevance to public health work in a broad perspective. The course runs at half speed during evenings, and can therefore be combined with other education or work. The course is given in English if needed. 

Two examples of public health events previous course participants carried out: A student-driven citizen engagement activity: Preparing students to empower the citizens in healthy self management and Citizen Engagement EIT Health. 

Outline for distance course: Lectures, seminars and group exercises take place remotely via Zoom and Studium. The public health activity event(s) takes place on-site in Uppsala.

