Bachelor's Programme in Media, Communication and Journalism Studies

180 credits

Programme syllabus, SMJ1K

A revised version of the programme syllabus is available.
Finalised by
The Faculty Board of Social Sciences, 22 April 2021
Registration number
SAMFAK 2021/42 Doss:3:2:1, UFV 2021/1091
Responsible faculty
Faculty of Social Sciences
Responsible department
Department of Informatics and Media

Entry requirements

General entry requirements and English 6


The Bachelor Programme in Media, Communication and Journalism Studies aims to provide a social science education in media and communication studies, addressing also the challenges and opportunities of the digital environment. To fulfil this purpose, the programme combines an education in the foundations of media and communication studies with an introduction to Information Systems and Digital Communication. The programme also provides in-depth scientific studies and practical applications in three optional specialisations: Media Studies, Communication Studies or Journalism Studies.

Within the programme, the students will acquire critical theoretical knowledge of the conditions, meanings and use of media, communication and journalism in different contexts, in society at large, but also in the cultural, organisational, political and economic fields of society. Students will also acquire research-based insights into the subject as a scientific discipline, and develop their analytical thinking and scientific skills. The programme also allows students to improve their skills through practice-based projects, always combined with, and strengthened by, scientific reflection. Through the minor in Information Systems, the programme provides additional basic knowledge, skills and abilities, both at the theoretical and practical level, in IT and digital communication. These skills are needed in both education, research and a variety of careers in the contemporary, increasingly digitalised society. With the possibility to choose a specialisation in Media studies, Communication Studies or Journalism Studies, the programme ensures deepening and specialisation in the major subject, and provides the skills and abilities needed for various professions within any of these fields.

The education can be linked to a variety of professional roles and tasks on the labour market in different types of organisations that are looking for media and communication graduates with analytical skills, organisational knowledge and communicational skills. Through collaboration with organisations and various actors outside the university, the possibility to choose courses freely in the open semesters and opportunity to engage in practice and international exchange, the students' opportunities for personal profiling and employability increase.

Learning outcomes

After completing the programme the student should be able to:

Knowledge and understanding

  • demonstrate knowledge and understanding of media and communication studies, including knowledge of the scientific basis of the field and of the orientation of current research, knowledge of methods applicable to the field, with a specialisation in one of the scientific fields of Media Studies, Communication Studies and Journalism Studies.

Skills and Abilities

  • search and collect relevant information, evaluate and critically interpret knowledge in relation to a problem, and critically discuss phenomena and issues,
  • independently identify, formulate and solve problems within the societal fields of media, communication and journalism,
  • apply and translate scientific knowledge (including theories) in and for professional practice,
  • present and discuss information, problems and solutions, orally, in writing and in other formats, in dialogue with different societal groups and stakeholders,
  • demonstrate the skills required to work independently and in groups in the field of study, and
  • implement projects and assignments with quality and within given time frames.

Evaluation ability and approach

  • make judgments with regard to relevant scientific and social aspects within the area of media and communication studies,
  • make judgments with regard to ethical aspects in relation to both academic knowledge and professional practices,
  • demonstrate insight into the role of knowledge in society and people's responsibility for how it is used,
  • identify their own need for further knowledge and to further develop their skills.

Layout of the programme

The programme comprises 180 credits during three years:

Year 1

The first year of the programme is common for all programme students. It begins with a broad introduction to Media and Communication Studies that introduces the basic themes, debates and methods of the major. This is followed by the minor in Information Systems providing basic knowledge in the field of IT and digital communication, and tools relevant to the fields of media, communication and journalism.

Year 2

During the programme's third semester, students are given the opportunity to profile their education by taking elective courses at Uppsala University or elsewhere, or to study abroad. Next, they return to Media and Communication Studies semester 4. Here the students choose one of the three specialisations within the major: Media Studies, Communication Studies or Journalism Studies. The courses provide the opportunity for in-depth studies and specialisation in the chosen field, combining scientific knowledge gathering with transforming that scientific knowledge into practical projects, and with theoretical and ethical reflections on field-specific practices. The semester ends with a B-level thesis that can be implemented as a project in the chosen specialisation.

Year 3

During the first semester of the final year the students can take elective courses at Uppsala University or elsewhere. There is also the possibility to do vocational training through an internship. The internship is linked to the student's chosen specialisation in the major, and takes place with both academic supervision from the university and professional guidance in the workplace. The programme ends with Media and Communication Studies where the chosen specialisation - Media Studies, Communication Studies and Journalism Studies – is deepened scientifically and theoretically. The Bachelor programme ends with an independent scientific work in the form of a Bachelor thesis.


The types of instruction and examination is varied, student-activating and research based. The courses are given as of lectures, workshops, seminars and projects. The work is carried out in groups and individually. Assessment on the course is in the form of written and/or oral tests, seminars, workshops, assignments and essays.


The Bachelor program in Media, Communication and Journalism Studies leads to a Bachelor Degree with a major in Media and Communication studies. A Bachelor degree comprises a total of 180 credits, of which at least 90 credits must be in the major subject, including an independent project of 15 credits. In addition, a minor subject of at least 30 credits should be included. The minor is guaranteed by the minor Information Systems.

