Is this programme right for you?

What people say about the programme

Listen to Programme Coordinator Valeria Castellucci and student Carlos Daniel Perez talk about the programme.

Quotes about the programme

Bruno, student.

Meet a student at the programme

Name: Bruno Nicolaus
From: Germany

Sweden is one of the most welcoming countries for English speakers I have been to.

How did you choose your programme?
– After I finished my Bachelor's, I wanted to focus more on electromobility, and when I saw this programme, I just had to apply. I got accepted, and now I'm here.

What is it like to be an international student?
– We are mostly international students in this Master's programme, and I enjoyed meeting the different nationalities. Sweden is one of the most welcoming countries for English speakers I have been to.

What is the best thing about studying at Uppsala University?
– For me, Uppsala has the perfect size, not too small and not too big either. It has almost all the things Stockholm has to offer but still feels more peaceful and cosy at the same time.

Name three things you are doing this week!
– I will go to a job fair (Utnarm, Armada), I will go mountain biking, and I will have a game night with some friends.

What is your reason for studying or your ultimate goal?
– I want to work either with motors or generators. Not sure yet.

What is your best experience so far?
– I really enjoyed the Gasques (formal dinner at the Nations) and the parties afterwards.

Two quick questions
What is your favourite place in Uppsala?
– Hågadalen-Nåsten naturreservat, it’s the forest to the west of Uppsala. It has many mountain bike trails and is close to the city.

Where do you see yourself in five years?
– Not sure, too many options.

Valeria, programme coordinator.

Meet the Programme coordinator

Name: Valeria Castellucci, Assistant Professor at the Division of Electricity, Department of Electrical Engineering.

I believe that the graduates of the programme will be highly attractive in both the Swedish and the international labour market, since the need for well-trained engineers and technicians with expertise in the electrification of the transport sector is booming.

Why is this programme starting?
– We see the need for our students to develop expertise in electromobility and the engineering skills required to meet the demands of the evolving automotive industry.

What will be taught in the programme?
– The programme will teach the students about power electronics, electrical motors and their control, electric vehicle’s charging infrastructures and energy storage, as well as measurement techniques and industrial management. In addition, they will learn how electric vehicles work and study how the electric drivelines of cars, trains, boats, planes are built. Finally, we offer students the possibility to carry out project works at the university or at the partner companies.

What jobs do you expect your students to get after finishing the programme?
– I expect them to be employed as, for example, design engineers in the automotive industry, as project managers in consultancy companies, as project coordinators in the public sector. Alternatively, I envision them as researchers at the university or research institutes. All these jobs support the electromobility value chain in different ways.

What do you think of the labour market for the graduates of the programme?
– I believe that the graduates of the programme will be highly attractive in both the Swedish and the international labour market, since the need for well-trained engineers and technicians with expertise in the electrification of the transport sector is booming in Sweden and abroad. The programme will give students a unique profile and set of skills, designed to meet the requirements of the evolving labour market.

Do you have any advice for those who are thinking about applying to the programme?
– My advice is to scan through the courses offered by the Master's to gain a better understanding of what they will be studying. I recommend the Master's Programme in All-Electric Propulsion Systems to all the students that are interested in how technology can contribute to the electrification of the transport sector, and that want to be part of this exciting journey. Moreover, I encourage them to check out what the city of Uppsala can offer them, for example, by reading about the students’ life at the so-called Nations, where they can get access to pubs, lunch cafeterias, libraries, formal balls, clubs, theatre, music and sports activities. Warmly welcome!

Autumn 2021


