Is this programme right for you?

Erik, student.

Meet a student on the programme

Name: Erik Hjelm
From: Uppsala

One of the coolest parts of the programme is that the majority of the students have non-Swedish background. It’s fun to start your networking already during your studies. The programme gives you the opportunity to work in an international environment, which is my dream.

How did you choose your programme and what did you study before?
– I truly identify as an “Uppsala economist” (“Uppsalaekonom”). Before this, I did a Bachelor’s in Business studies here at Uppsala University and I also have one Bachelor’s degree in economics from Stockholm University. The choice of an MSc in international business was easy, I’ve grown up in Uppsala and am of course a patriot, and also because of the student life in this city is the best in Sweden. But foremost I’m very interested in globalisation and business studies on an international level.

What is the best thing about studying at Uppsala University?
– The Cathedral, the Royal Mounds, the castle, the Fyris river – there is so much to see, and then thirteen student nations to visit. The best thing is to be able to get new friends with many different experiences. Especially for me as someone from Uppsala; my course mates are from all over Sweden, and a lot of other countries.

What is most challenging?
– Personally, I think the courses have a relatively high tempo, compared to studying at Bachelor’s level. I’ve definitely had to start with the reading earlier and separate tasks in to smaller goals to be easier to handle, and to read a little every day.

Describe the student life!
– The student life is as fun on Master level studies as it was while reading Bachelor’s level courses; for me even more fun. I didn’t really seize the opportunity when I started my studies, such as the recce events. My programme organisation started a welcome programme for Master students during 2021, which gave me the opportunity to experience it. I’ve gained friends and experiences I’ll carry with me for the rest of my life.

What is your reason for studying and your ultimate goal?
– The opportunity to have the world as a global workplace. One of the coolest parts of the programme is that the majority of the students have non-Swedish background. It’s fun to start your networking already during your studies. The programme gives you the opportunity to work in an international environment, which is my dream.

What advice do you have for other students interested in applying for the same programme?
– Choose a subject to study which you are truly interested in, and you find fun. Prioritise your studies, it might be hard to combine your studies with work, since the programme is full time. Read the course literature and go to your classes and lectures, they’re there for a reason, and independent studies are hard.

Three short questions!
Favourite place in Uppsala?
– Easy! My favourite spot is Uplands nations garden, during summer evenings.

What is the best student tradition at Uppsala University?
– There is only one answer: all the days of Walpurgis week!

Where is the best place to study?
– The library at Campus Ekonomikum has a nice atmosphere and is good for quiet studying or reading your course literature.

Fall 2021


