Master's Programme in Computational Science

120 credits

How can computer simulations of complex problems and big data management improve and shape future scientific investigations and engineering work? The Master's program in Applied Computational Science aims to broaden and deepen your knowledge in science or engineering by learning to apply computational methods, programming, software, and mathematical and statistical models in your specific field of interest.

Autumn 2024 Autumn 2024, Uppsala, 100%, On-campus, English

Today, experiments and simulations produce enormous data sets and methods for concluding from these become more and more common. It has become a new way to search for knowledge and to create new products. For industry, computer simulations are attractive as you can do these quickly and for a smaller cost.

Large or small, at the macro or micro level, various phenomena are studied on a computer screen today. To be able to use, develop and apply computer simulations within a certain subject area requires a solid background as well as the right methods and statistical and mathematical models. The Master's Programme in Computational Science provides you with this knowledge.

You can choose between five recommended tracks of courses or you can tailor your own track depending on your educational background and areas of interest in applications in science. The five recommended study tracks are:

  • Numerical and mathematical modelling
  • Computational Physics
  • Computational Chemistry
  • Computational Finance
  • Distributed and High-Performance Computing

The Programme forms a strong theoretical and practical basis in mathematical modelling, a comprehensive understanding of advanced numerical methods, critical analysis of different solutions for scientific applications, and expertise to implement and use scientific software frameworks. All listed tracks are aligned with these goals.

Student profile

You have a strong foundation in mathematics from your Bachelor's degree and an interest in combining that with computer programming to solve problems in science and engineering. You might even have an interest in a specific area where scientific simulations are useful such as physics, chemistry, engineering or economics. You also know that experts in computational science are in high demand at R&D in the industry, so starting to work right after graduation is something you might be considering.


The programme leads to the degree of Master of Science (120 credits) with Computational Science as the main field of study. After one year of study, it is possible to obtain a degree of Master of Science (60 credits).

You can choose to follow one of the five recommended study tracks or you can set up your own track with support from the student counsellor. The courses will then depend on your individual choices. At least 30 credits of the courses you choose must be in the field of computational science and at least 30 credits must be in one of the following fields: chemistry, biology, physics, geoscience, computer science or mathematics.

The five different study tracks consist of a package of preselected courses that give you a specialisation in the specific field. These are:

  • Numerical and mathematical modelling: You will get knowledge about how different mathematical models work and how you can compute the solutions with numerical methods.
  • Computational physics: Teaches you how to apply computational methods to problems in physics and at the same time you will focus on some area of physics, e.g., fluid dynamics.
  • Computational chemistry: Here you will get knowledge about how to apply computational methods for mathematical models in chemistry. At the same time, you will focus on some area of chemistry, e.g., molecular dynamics.
  • Computational finance: Learn about how to apply computational methods in financial mathematics and simultaneously deepen your knowledge in financial modelling, e.g., in the stock and options market.
  • Distributed and high-performance computing: You will learn about computational challenges related to scientific applications, the architecture of different computational infrastructures (HPC clusters, clouds and bare-metal resources) and the design and development of large-scale software solutions using both CPUs and GPUs.

Each track has a recommended set of courses. However, the exact content in each track depends on your specific background with previous courses and experience and is put together in dialogue with the student counsellor.

Courses within the programme

See the programme outline for courses within the programme.

The instruction consists of lectures, group work, project work and assignments. All classes are student-centred and puts a large emphasis on building up practical skills that are directly useful in your coming profession. For group work, you will complete them together with your classmates outside the classroom. This way, you learn from each other and train to be a team player.

In addition to the thesis work carried out throughout the final semester, a broader project course is included in the programme. In this project course, you apply skills in computational science to a problem originating in academia or industry, while the course provides training in project work and management.

The instruction is in English and conducted in close connection with current research.

The interdisciplinary content of the programme provides you with unique skills in high demand in the labour market. There is an increasing need for qualified manpower that can combine scientific knowledge with mathematical modelling, programming of advanced computer systems, large-scale data analysis and proficiencies in using modern computational scientific tools. The demand for qualified professionals with such a combination of knowledge is expected to increase in both Sweden and abroad.

Your professional career may be in scientific or technical research and development, as a scientific or technical advisor, consultant or project leader. The programme also prepares you for PhD studies in for example computational science, physics, bioscience, and mathematics.

Computers are used to study problems within sectors where experiments are expensive or impossible to perform or where systems are so complicated that simplified assistance models are insufficient. The use of tools based on computer calculations and simulations is currently increasing substantially within companies of different sizes and within many different sectors. Many important examples can be found within the environmental and energy industry.

Computer simulations can be performed within many areas such as weather forecasts, design of pharmaceuticals, car crash simulations, development of new aircraft, or studies of climate change. They play a central role in increased understanding and product development within these areas, as well as in determining performance and other qualities for processes and products or to optimise design and quality.

Career support

During your time as a student, UU Careers offers support and guidance. You have the opportunity to take part in a variety of activities and events that will prepare you for your future career.


