Is this programme right for you?

Josef, student.

Meet a student on the programme

Name: Josef
From: Stockholm

If you feel compelled to venture into a niche but incredibly exciting industry, apply for the Master's programme in Egyptology!

Why did you choose this programme?
– I have long been interested in the subject of Egyptology. I started my studies with the Bachelor's programme in Archaeology and Ancient history, specialising in Egyptology. My goal is to eventually work in research, so studying the Master's programme was a natural choice.

What is the best thing about studying at Uppsala University?
– In addition to Uppsala being a very nice and pleasant student city, the Master's programme in Egyptology has several knowledgeable teachers with various specialisations. Regardless of whether you want to focus on texts, culture or fieldwork, Uppsala has something to offer.

What is most challenging?
– Translating more difficult texts can sometimes be tricky, but you have to be patient and trust the process. There are, of course, talented teachers who are happy to help if you need advice.

What are three things you will do this week?
– Do an internship at Gustavianum museum archive, study and drink enough coffee!

What is your goal with the programme?
– My aim is to start a career in academia and be able to work with what I have studied. The Master's programme allows me to delve into relevant issues in the field today and open doors to working in a niche market. In short, I want to fulfil a dream I've had since childhood.

What advice would you give to someone who is considering applying for this programme?
– In general, it is just fun to study Egyptology. But at the same time, it requires a lot of patience and a certain sense of purpose to get the most out of your studies. If you feel compelled to venture into a niche but incredibly exciting industry, apply for the Master's programme in Egyptology!

Three quick questions
Favourite place in your student town?
– The botanical garden, of course.

What is the best student tradition at Uppsala University?
– For many students, as well as for me, Valborg is probably a favourite.

Where is the best place to study?
– Tough choice, but I usually study best at Carolina Rediviva.

Spring 2023


