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What does Tiago think of the Master's Programme in Forensic Science? Why should you apply for the programme?

Monica, student.

Meet a student on the programme

Name: Mònica Ortega Llobet
From: Barcelona, Spain

Forensics seemed a field that would give me the most change in work.

How did you choose your programme?
– I studied my Bachelor’s in biochemistry already thinking of specialising in something related to forensic science. As there were not many options in my country I applied to various universities in the UK and Uppsala. I was told Uppsala University had a very good reputation and decided on this program when I got accepted.

What was it like to be an international student?
– In Uppsala, the rate of international students was quite high, same within the programme so I never felt excluded or left outside of anything. Everybody, especially students and academics, know and talk English without a problem. However, knowing Swedish makes communication way easier outside of the university and student environment.

What was the best thing about studying at Uppsala University?
– I think every person may have different opinions on this, but for me, the best part was the possibility to meet people with very different backgrounds, cultures and opinions and learn from them. It was and still is mind-opening. Uppsala has also everything one can need: activities, nightlife, very beautiful nature, so one is never bored!

Do you remember your first impression of Uppsala? Please tell!
– When I arrived in Uppsala I felt like it was a place I could get used to living in. It is big, covers all the needs one can have but at the same time feels like a small town where you can take long walks in peace. All areas of the city are different and may fit the interests of every different kind of person.

Describe what a normal day is like for you?
– My day usually starts at 7:00 with breakfast and reading a book. Then I take my bike and make the way to BMC to work. During the programme, we would have scheduled classes or laboratory. If we would have individual study time, then I would instead go to any of the libraries to do my work. Carolina Rediviva or Blåsenhus are very good options for silent study but if you need some noise and talk to be able to focus the nation houses tend to also have study places during the day.

What was your reason for studying and your ultimate goal?
– My idea has always been to be able to work in science, in my field which is biochemistry, but I didn’t want to do basic science. Forensics seemed a field that would give me the most change in work with many different methods and assays from a point of view that would be directly connected to its application to society.

Describe the student life!
– My student life was mainly based at the student nations. Uppsala has 13 different student organisations which offer different kinds of activities and nightlife. I got involved in Kalmar Nation due to its artistic and musical orientation. It allowed me to meet new people who are nowadays my best friends and to learn to do many different things I otherwise would have never been able to.

Three quick questions:
What is your favourite place in Uppsala?
– On summer days I love biking or taking long walks along the river and bathing upstream where the river is less wide and the vegetation very green and beautiful.

Where do you see yourself in five years?
–It is a difficult question to answer but hopefully still being able to work inside the forensic sciences field here in Sweden. I have come to really like life here.

Where is the best place to study?
– When I studied the Master’s programme I used to go to Carolina Rediviva. If you get there early enough in the morning you may be able to find a seat with good views up on the last floor of the library. When the spring and summer come studying in a garden is very much recommended though!

Spring 2022

Medicine and Pharmacy

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