Is this programme right for you?

What people say about the programme

Listen to the programme coordinator and students on the programme. What will you learn during the programme, and why did they choose to apply for it?

Carmen, student.

Meet a student on the programme

Name: Carmen Guerrero
From: Spain

I really appreciate how multidisciplinary the programme is and I love how sustainability and global health are merged.

Why did you choose this programme?
– I have always dreamed of studying a Master’s programme in Sweden, preferably Uppsala, but living far away made it nearly impossible. I spent many hours on the website to find an online Master’s that suits me, and I finally feel that I have found “the one” with this programme. I really appreciate how multidisciplinary the programme is and I love how sustainability and global health are merged. This merge also includes education and implementation and as a health project manager, I know how important this is.

What is your background?
– I have a five-year degree in political science and administration and a Master’s in international relations and diplomacy, as well as a Master’s in regional studies. I feel that my multidisciplinary background has been valuable in the programme. Besides my education, I have been volunteering for years with NGOs in different countries. I have experience as a project manager in Sub-Saharan Africa, where I have worked with education, gender, food security, resilience, rural development and migration fields. Nowadays, I work in Mali as a project manager for health and gender projects at AECID.

What is the best part of studying at an international programme?
– The best part is definitely my classmates. During the introductory week, that took place in Uppsala, we had the opportunity to meet and share a week of lectures, assignments, activities and games together. It was a beautiful experience that I will never forget. I think this experience really keeps us active in the online format. I also think that an international programme enriches our minds and debates become more interesting as everyone can share different experiences. Another positive aspect is that I feel supported by this international team because I can find things in common with each member.

What are your goals for the future?
– I hope this programme allows me to reach more consciousness and knowledge about sustainable development that I can put into practice. I strongly believe that it will be very useful for my current position as well as my professional career. Furthermore, I consider myself a lifelong learner and I have always wanted to do a PhD, working with sustainability development, health, embodiment and transformative learning.

Spring 2023


