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Carolina and Melika, students.

Meet a student on the programme

Name: Corey Klinge
From: United States

Modern history has long fascinated me and the Department of History in Uppsala left me very interested when I studied during my exchange.

How did you choose your programme?
– I studied as an exchange student in Uppsala in 2017/2018 and saw the opportunity to return. Modern history has long fascinated me and the Department of History in Uppsala left me very interested when I studied during my exchange.

What is it like to be an international student?
– Uppsala does a very good job of ensuring international students are welcome. I met a lot of friends the last time I was here early on and spent much of my time within the international bubble. Participating at Smålands Nation let me meet more Swedish students as well. This time around I had some old friends that I was able to reconnect with and the Master’s programme group is great.

What is the best thing about studying at Uppsala University?
– It is a university that I believe works very well with international students, which makes the studies a lot smoother. I also really enjoy how close the buildings (at least for the history programme) are. It makes going back and forth an easier process.

Do you remember your first impression of Uppsala?
– I had some trouble with my luggage when I got to Sweden for the first time, so when I got to Flogsta in Uppsala I felt very lost. But a group from the state church were holding a BBQ down in the park. It is where I met most of my friends for the year, a truly fun few days and made me feel very welcome.

What is your reason for studying and your ultimate goal?
– I wish to gain a better understanding of indigenous populations. And to be able to contribute to the situations in the United States and Sweden. My goal is to go into a PhD programme further working on the hydroelectric dams.

Describe the student life / What is your best experience so far?
– The student life can be almost overwhelming, it is easy to get involved in the student nation one chooses to join. I really enjoyed the student nations and always felt like a part of Smålands (one of the nations). I am a bit older so I have steadily moved away from them, but nonetheless, especially in 2017/2018 it was a blast, an exhausting blast. Working at Smålands nation as a club worker was a crazy experience that I will never forget.

Three quick questions:
What is your favourite place in Uppsala?
– Walking the river away from town, it is beautiful and peaceful.

Where do you see yourself in five years?
– Working with what I love in Sweden.

Where is the best place to study?
– I tend to like Carolina Rediviva because it’s so quiet, but Campus Ekonomikum's study room is truly amazing.

Spring 2023


