Is this programme right for you?

Voices about the programme

Jigisha, student.

Meet a student on the programme

Name: Jigisha Ghadge
From: India

The greatest aspect of studying at Uppsala University is the chance to learn from field experts and engage closely with them through discussions and collaborative work.

How did you choose your programme?
– I was briefly introduced to computational drug delivery and drug discovery during my undergraduate. I found it very interesting and was looking for a programme to formally learn these computational techniques. Hence, I thought this programme would be a perfect way to step into this field.

What is it like to be an international student?
– It is a very enriching experience both academically and personally because I got to meet people from various educational/professional backgrounds as well as different cultures. Being an international student comes with its own set of challenges, especially when it comes to fitting into a new culture and building social connections. It takes time to adapt to the lifestyle and make friends in a new place.

What is the best thing about studying at Uppsala University?
– In my opinion, the greatest aspect of studying at Uppsala University is the chance to learn from field experts and engage closely with them through discussions and collaborative work.

What is your reason for studying, or your ultimate goal?
– I aspire to build a career within the pharmaceutical sector. Pursuing this master's programme has equipped me with valuable skills and brought me one step closer to that.

Describe the student life
– Student life in Uppsala is simply fantastic. It's filled with numerous social activities and surrounded by individuals who are both inspiring and fun-loving. Over the past two years, I've had an incredible time, learned a lot, and most importantly, formed deep and lasting friendships that I know will endure a lifetime.

Two quick questions
What is your favourite place in Uppsala?
– My favourite places in Uppsala are Stadsträdgården (the city park) and Konditori Fågelsången (a café).

Where is the best place to study?
– Carolina Rediviva (a university library building).

Spring 2024

Filip, alumn.

Meet an alum from the programme

Name: Filip Steinbauer
From: Munich, Germany
Profession: Doctoral Student at Bayer’s Preclinical Modeling & Simulation Department

I wanted to find a way to combine predictive modelling with pharmaceutical research during my further master's studies. Every course description sounded great to me and ultimately lived up to its promises.

What do you work with today? Describe your current job.
– Currently, I’m employed as a doctoral student at Bayer’s Preclinical Modeling & Simulation Department to explore possible applications of machine learning in preclinical pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics to support the drug discovery and development process. This means, for example, predicting parameters like permeability from molecular structures or predicting a drug's concentration-time profile and its corresponding effect.

How did you get to the point where you are today? Describe your academic journey.
– My academic journey started at the Munich University of Applied Sciences, where I learned about the possibilities opened by utilising modern computer-assisted tools to make the drug discovery and development process more efficient. During my Bachelor’s thesis at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, I discovered my love for programming, and it became quite clear that I wanted to find a way to combine predictive modelling with pharmaceutical research during my further master's studies.

Why did you choose this Master’s programme?
– For the simple reason that it was the only one in Europe that allowed me to learn about all the techniques that I found interesting in one single programme. Some people say there is never a perfect programme, because there will always be uninteresting courses, but that doesn’t apply to me and this programme. Every course description sounded great to me and ultimately lived up to its promises.

Do you benefit from your degree and education today?
– I certainly benefited from my degree because it allowed me to get a doctoral study position in the industry like I wanted to since my Bachelor’s. I make use of the knowledge from my studies every day and can apply many different but relevant techniques, while at the same time being able to understand and exchange with experts from different fields during all phases of the drug discovery and development process.

How were your studies at Uppsala University?
– They were very interesting and never boring. I very much liked the concept of having only one course at a time because it allowed me to really dive into the subject. Additionally, the hands-on project work was always quite fun, the same as the free time I spent with colleagues from the course.

What was the best thing about studying at Uppsala University?
– To put it in a nutshell, I’d say the best thing about studying at Uppsala University was how much fun it was to learn about things that I was interested in.

Do you have any tips for our current students?
– Try to apply for internships in the industry, since it may open the door for you to apply the techniques and knowledge in an industrial setting and thereby make a difference in the world of drug hunting!

Spring 2024.


