Is this programme right for you?

Voices about the programme


Tamara, alumni.


Study years: 2018–2020

This programme is open and welcomes people from various backgrounds, since the industry needs a vast range of competences and experiences for its further development.

How did you choose your programme?
– I had studied the energy complex of Scandinavia a little bit in my Bachelor’s studies and have been interested in renewables ever since. I didn’t receive that scholarship in the end, but I got another one directly from Uppsala University, which covers my tuition fee.

What is it like to be an international student?
– An opportunity to live in a different culture, meet people from all over the world and discover new things every single day.

What is the best thing about studying at Uppsala University?
– High level of education, comfortable study environment, great reputation and scholarship opportunities.

How did you experience your first few days in Sweden?
– I had a mild cultural shock. Everything was very different and much more expensive in comparison to my home country. On the other hand, I could already speak Swedish when I came here, so my adjustment to the new environment went much smoother than for the others.

What’s a normal day like for you?
– I have classes, stay at the campus to work on my assignments and/or have a study group meeting. Then, I usually take a walk along the sea or through the Visby old town before going home or meeting up with my friends.

What’s unique about your programme?
– This is the only internationally recognised wind power programme, which focuses on project management. Other universities offer more technical education, usually available only to engineers. This programme at Uppsala University is more open and welcomes people from various backgrounds, since the industry needs a vast range of competences and experiences for its further development. In addition to this, the programme coordinators organise many guest lectures with the actual actors in the wind power industry for us to acquire practical knowledge in addition to theory. Oh, and not to mention our amazing field trips to wind parks and climbing a turbine!

How would you describe the relationship between you and your teachers at the university?
– All the teachers in my department are highly professional, approachable, friendly and very open. They always listen to the students’ feedback in order to improve the courses and the programme in general.

How is your student life and what is your best experience so far?
– The best part for me is the combination of comfortable study environment and vibrant student life in a mesmerising setting of stunningly beautiful Visby.

What is your reason for studying and your ultimate goal?
– Learning as much as I can about wind power in order to enter the industry and contribute to a more sustainable future.

Autumn 2020.

Hayagriv, student.

Hayagriv, student

Study years: 2021–2023

I decided to pursue my studies in Sweden due to the country's significant emphasis on renewable energy. I believed it would be an excellent starting point given Sweden's substantial commitment to sustainable practices.

What is your background?
– I'm from Chennai, India. Before joining Uppsala University, I studied my Bachelor's in engineering at BITS Pilani in India.

What was your reason for choosing Sweden and Uppsala University?
– Before choosing Uppsala University and Campus Gotland, I decided to pursue my studies in Sweden due to the country's significant emphasis on renewable energy. I believed it would be an excellent starting point given Sweden's substantial commitment to sustainable practices. I found that Uppsala University was offering Wind Power Project Management Program at Campus Gotland, so, it just fell perfectly in line with my plans.

What are your plans after graduation and how do you think Uppsala University can help you achieve your goals?
– My plan after university is to find a job in Sweden or in Europe and ideally I would like to work within offshore wind or within wind power project realisation.

What do you like most about the programme?
– The Wind Power Project Management Programme has allowed me to create a strong foundation within wind energy so that I can build on top of it at the workplace. What I like a lot about the programme is that it doesn't just lean into one specific aspect of wind power, but it talks about everything, for example social aspects technology, legal aspects, etc. So, it's really good to get a holistic picture of wind power and not just leaning on just one singular aspect of it.

What is it like to be an international student?
– I think being an international student at Campus Gotland has been an amazing experience so far. You get to meet other international students and Swedes. It's really good that we have a small community within the island, and you can create really strong social relationships with many people.

Autumn 2023.


