Media and Communication Studies C: Theory in Journalism Studies

7.5 credits

Reading list, Bachelor's level, 2IV170

A revised version of the reading list is available.



Media systems and the field of journalism

  • Ahva, L. et al., A welfare state of mind?: Nordic journalists' conception of their role and autonomy in international context, Part of: Journalism studies, vol. 18, no. 5, 2017, p. 595–613Compulsory
  • Hovden, J.F.; Knapskog, Karl, Doubly Dominated, Part of: Journalism practice, vol. 9, no. 6, 2015, p. 791–810Compulsory
  • Jakobsson, P.; Lindell, J.; Stiernstedt, J., A Neoliberal Media Welfare State?: The Swedish Media System in Transformation, Part of: Javnost, 2021Compulsory
  • Usher, N., Venture-backed News Startups and the Field of Journalism, Part of: Digital journalism, vol. 5, no. 9, 2017, p. 1116–1133Compulsory

English P. Mapping the sports journalism field: Bourdieu and broadsheet newsrooms. Journalism. 2016;17(8):1001-1017. doi:10.1177/1464884915576728

Deuze M, Witschge T. Beyond journalism: Theorizing the transformation of journalism. Journalism. 2018;19(2):165-181. doi:10.1177/1464884916688550

The news audience

  • Karlsson, M.; Clerwall, C., Cornerstones in Journalism, Part of: Journalism studies, vol. 20, no. 8, 2019, p. 1184–1199Compulsory
  • Lindell, J., Distinction recapped: Digital news repertoires in the class structure, Part of: New media & society, vol. 20, no. 8, 2018, p. 3029–3049Compulsory
  • Strömbäck, J. et al., News media trust and its impact on media use: toward a framework for future research, Part of: Annals of the International Communication Association, vol. 44, no. 2, 2020, p. 139–156Compulsory
  • Vos, Tim P.; Eichholz, M.; Karaliova, Tatsiana, Audiences and Journalistic Capital, Part of: Journalism studies, vol. 20, no. 7, 2019, p. 1009–1027Compulsory

Bengtsson S, Johansson S. A phenomenology of news: Understanding news in digital culture. Journalism. January 2020. doi:10.1177/1464884919901194

Journalism and technology

  • Carlson, Matt, News Algorithms, Photojournalism and the Assumption of Mechanical Objectivity in Journalism, Part of: Digital journalism, vol. 7, no. 8, 2019, p. 1117–1133Compulsory
  • Carlson, M., Journalistic epistemology and digital news circulation: Infrastructure, circulation practices, and epistemic contests, Part of: New media & society, vol. 22, no. 2, 2020, p. 230–246Compulsory
  • Diakopoulos, N.; Koliska, Michael, Algorithmic Transparency in the News Media, Part of: Digital journalism, vol. 5, no. 7, 2017, p. 809–828Compulsory
  • Maares, P.; Lind, Fabienne; Greussing, Esther, Showing off Your Social Capital: Homophily of Professional Reputation and Gender in Journalistic Networks on Twitter, Part of: Digital journalism, 2020Compulsory
  • Wu, S.; Tandoc Jr., Edson C.; Salmon, Charles T., When Journalism and Automation Intersect: Assessing the Influence of the Technological Field on Contemporary Newsroom, Part of: Journalism practice, vol. 13, no. 10, 2019, p. 1238–1254Compulsory

Journalism and its critics

Additional reading in the form of books and/or articles that the students choose themselves and present at seminars (150 pages)

Additional reading in the form of books and/or articles that the students choose themselves and use in the final assignment (200 pages).

* Compulsory

