Nuclide Diagnostics and Therapy

12 credits

Syllabus, Master's level, 3DR405

A revised version of the syllabus is available.
Education cycle
Second cycle
Main field(s) of study and in-depth level
Medical Nuclide Techniques A1F
Grading system
Fail (U), Pass (G)
22 August 2007
Responsible department
Department of Immunology, Genetics and Pathology

Entry requirements

The courses Radiation Protection and Medical Effects, 4 credit points/6 credits (6 ECTS credits), Nuclide Production and Radiochemistry, 6 credit points/9 credits (9 ECTS credits) and Detection Techniques and Dosimetry, 8 credit points/12 credits (12 ECTS credits) or corresponding and:

1) Accepted participant in the Master programme in Medical Nuclide Techniques


2) University degree (BSc or MSc) after at least three years of study (minimum 120 credit points/180 credits or 180 ECTS credits) in life sciences (e.g. physics, radiophysics, chemistry or biology), medicine, pharmacy, nursing, or other relevant University education.

Learning outcomes

The course applies knowledge from the courses Radiation Protection and Medical Effects, 4 p (6 ECTS credits), Nuclide Production and Radiochemistry, 6 p (9 ECTS credits) and Detection Techniques and Dosimetry, 8 p (12 ECTS credits) and prepares for further studies within the program. The goal is to give knowledge on the use of radiolabelled tracers for medical diagnostics, imaging, pharmacology and as support for surgery, immuno- and gene therapy. The course describes the routine and experimental applications with a focus on gamma cameras and PET-techniques. The goal is also to give knowledge on radionuclide-based therapy of tumours. After passed course it is expected that the student can:

-describe and explain the principles of radionuclide-based pharmacokinetics, diagnostics and imaging for analysis of experimental research and for clinical analysis of disease

-understand and be able to explain the knowledge that is gained with radionuclide-based pharmacokinetics, diagnostics and imaging

-plan, and together with the experimentalist or the clinical physician, carry out radionuclide based pharmacokinetics, diagnostics and imaging

-analyse and interpret results from radionuclide based investigations, in collaboration with the experimentalist or the clinical physician

-give advices how to design radionuclide-based pharmacokinetics, diagnostics and imaging as support for surgery, immuno- and gene therapy

-describe and explain the principles of radionuclide-based therapy of tumours

-understand how radiation doses are calculated in radionuclide-based therapy of tumours


-Analysis of pharmacokinetics and compound biodistribution

-Molecular imaging in physiology, pharmacology and oncology

-Cardiology (perfusion, viability, function)

-Studies of lung (function, inflammation, tumour)

-Neurology and radiolabelled tracers for neuropharmacology

-Gastroenterology (function, inflammation and bleeding)

-General aspects on Endocrinology, Nephrology and Oncology

-Radionuclide based diagnostics and imaging as support for surgery, immuno- and gene therapy

-Radiolabelled tracers and development of new drugs

-Developmental trends in diagnostics and imaging

-Radioactive nuclides for diagnostics and therapy

-Tumours suitable for treatment with nuclides

-Biological, physical and chemical effects and radiation sensitivity

-Targeting principles: tumour targets and targeting agents

-Pharmacokinetics and cellular processing of targeting agents

-Radionuclide therapy in clinics: well-tried methods and new ideas


2-4 hours lectures per day. Course-specific web site information and education material. Study visits and seminars. Student seminars on selected literature.


Presence during at least 80% when invited lectures are given, written examination at the end of the course and presentation of selected literature. The presence at invited lectures, the course examination and the selected seminar must all be passed. The grades "Pass" or "Fail" are given.

