German E

30 credits

Syllabus, Master's level, 5TY020

A revised version of the syllabus is available.
Education cycle
Second cycle
Main field(s) of study and in-depth level
German A2E
Grading system
Fail (U), Pass (G), Pass with distinction (VG)
Finalised by
The Faculty Board of Languages, 16 November 2006
Responsible department
Department of Modern Languages

General provisions

The course is an independent course. The course syllabus was adopted by the Board of the Faculty of Languages on 16 November 2006.

Entry requirements

At least 22.5 credits from German D

Learning outcomes

Upon completing the course, students should: • be able to independently carry out and present a study in writing with high aspirations regarding scientific method and approach • have a very good knowledge of the linguistic or literary-critical subject area covered by the Master's thesis


The course consists of: Degree Project (30 credits) An individual assignment on a theme in German linguistics or literary criticism. The work is presented in the form of a thesis in German of 50-60 pages. High requirements are set for both the contents and the scientific method and approach. The work on the independently conducted assignment starts with compulsory seminars and concludes with a seminar where the thesis is presented and discussed. Regular review sessions with the supervisor are organised in the course of the semester. The student's defence of their own work is compulsory. In grading, both the contents and the student's ability to apply a scientific working method are assessed, as well as the formal and linguistic achievement. Account is also taken of review and defence. Upon completing the course, students should: • be able independently to carry out and present in writing a study in German linguistics or literary studies meeting high requirements for a scientific method and approach. During the course, students should achieve the following: - good familiarity with and a critical overview of a subject area - a good ability to engage in theoretical and methodological reflection - a very good ability to seek information in the field of German linguistics or literary studies - substantial independence in formulating questions, carrying out analysis and presenting research results - an extensive mastery of the formal requirements that apply to a scientific presentation


See above under Content.


The grading scale for the Master's thesis consists of the grades Pass with Distinction, Pass or Fail.

Course level in relation to degree requirements

The course is for fifth semester studies in the subject German. It contains the in-depth subject study required for a Degree of Master (120 credits).

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