
15 credits

Syllabus, Bachelor's level, 1BG200

A revised version of the syllabus is available.
Education cycle
First cycle
Main field(s) of study and in-depth level
Biology G2F
Grading system
Fail (U), Pass (3), Pass with credit (4), Pass with distinction (5)
Finalised by
The Faculty Board of Science and Technology, 15 March 2007
Responsible department
Biology Education Centre

Entry requirements

At least two years of basic courses in Natural Sciences, equivalent to 50 points/75 ECTS credits in Biology. Biology courses should include Cell Biology, Genetics and Gene Technology, Structure and Physiology of Organisms, and Ecology.

Learning outcomes

Based on basic biology course, the course provides a deeper knowledge in ecology with emphasis on behavioural ecology and population and community ecology.. After the course, the student should be able to

� understand and describe

- basic evolution theory

- basic models for sexual selection, optimum foraging and alternative strategies

- reasons for different types of mating systems and parental cares

- the relationship between kinship, altruism, cooperation and group living

- adaptations to biological enemies (competitors, predatorer and parasites)

- the evolution of signals and communication

- basic life history theory

- models for population growth and population regulation (logistic growth function) in unitary and modular organisms, including deterministic models for unstructured and structured populations

- models for interspecific competition trophic interactions (e g Lotka-Volterramodels, Tilman's model for plant competition, harvesting models)

- driving forces behind succession and other changes in plant and animal communities

- equilibrium and non-equilibrium processes as explanations to variation in species richness at different scales

- basic methods to analyse community data (species composition)

- ecological theories that are relevant for the understanding of conservation problems

- ecological processes and nature conservation problems in forests and wetlands

- basic food web theory and application of food web models within the nature conservation

� carry out simulations of population models on computers

� carry out an ecological study: problem formulation, literature search, experiment planning, data collection and basic statistical analysis

� present the results of the study at both orally and in the form of a scientific article

� critically review and comment a scientific text

� actively participate in seminar discussions over scientific texts


Modules: Theory 9 credits; Seminars 2 credits; Field course 4 credits

The course comprises a theory part with lectures, computer simulations, exercises, seminars and field trips to forests, wetland and sea shores. During the field course, an ecological study is performed as group assignment with focus on statistical evaluation and oral and written presentation of ecological data. The seminar activity focuses on critical reading of scientific essays.

The course orientates about current ecological research and is a basis for higher education and work within the areas where knowledge in ecology is important e g nature conservation, and as basis for work with sustainable development. Several parts that are relevant for a future assignment within the ecology conservation sector are included, such as quantitative methods and computer simulations, applied examples from the nature conservation and project work in groups. During the course, integrated communication training with feedback and self-assessment occur.


The course contains a theoretical part, including lectures, practicals and seminars. In addition, there are excursions and a field course during which the students will design, carry out and report a project.


Participation in field course, field trips, seminars and computing exercises are compulsory. The theory part is comprised by a written examination (10 credits). The field course project is reported as a written report and a symposium presentation (3 credits). At the seminars (2 credits), each student should present contents and initiate discussion around scientific papers.

