Master's Thesis

30 credits

Syllabus, Master's level, 2PP132

A revised version of the syllabus is available.
Education cycle
Second cycle
Main field(s) of study and in-depth level
Psychology A2E
Grading system
Fail (U), Pass (G)
Finalised by
The Faculty Board of Social Sciences, 24 January 2007
Responsible department
Department of Psychology

Entry requirements

Admitted to the psychologist programme. For admission to the course, 232.5 credits should be completed within the psychologist programme. Any remaining credit points should derive from semester 8. Completed courses 29 and 31, Psychological research method II respective III, are entry requirements except for the part "Participation in examination seminars".

Learning outcomes

On completion of the course the student should be able to

· Search for subject-relevant literature in research databases

· Compile a literature introduction to a given subject

· Formulate a problem and specific research questions in terms that can be scientifically investigated

· Plan an empirical study regarding design, participants, methods of measurement and implementation that can answer the research questions and set up a plan to answer theoretical issues

· Collect material according to the plans

· Process and analyse material to be able to answer the research questions

· Draw conclusions regarding if and how the problem/the research questions have been answered and refer to relevant literature

· Report the work in a scientific way

· Publicly defend his or her study, i.e. be able to objectively argue around its strengths and weaknesses


The student carries out under supervision, but with independent responsibility, research within a field that directly or indirectly has relevance for psychological work. A written plan for the work is established in consultation with supervisor and examiner. The student is also offered possibility to participate in a teacher-supervised planning seminar under the first semester of the course.


Teaching is given in the form of supervision. This is normally comprised of a number of meetings between the student and the supervisor and different forms of telephone and e-mail contact.


Assessment of the student's knowledge takes place through review of the completed degree project and an examination seminar, where the oral defence of the work is also assessed. Compulsory attendance at a number of discussions and/or critical review of other essays also underlie the grading. For examination, the grades used are passed and failed.

Other directives

Other requirements, prerequisites and conditions for participation in and the fulfilment of the course, e.g. compulsory attendance, design of own work, etc., are evident from information given at the course introduction. Students who do not satisfy the requirements for a passing grade are usually given occasion to take the remaining parts of the course the following semester and/or are given supplementary assignments by the course director.

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