Cognition and Learning Psychology

7.5 credits

Syllabus, Bachelor's level, 2PP102

A revised version of the syllabus is available.
Education cycle
First cycle
Main field(s) of study and in-depth level
Psychology G1F
Grading system
Fail (U), Pass (G)
Finalised by
The Department Board, 30 October 2009
Responsible department
Department of Psychology

Entry requirements

The student should be accepted to the Master's programme in Psychology. Students who, in order to obtain a Swedish psychologist certificate, have been granted supplementary studies by the director of undergraduate studies, also gain admission to the course.

Learning outcomes

On completion of the course, the student should be able to - Define and describe the subject areas cognition and psychology of learning. - Reproduce current, central theoretical cognitive-psychological models and describe how these can explain different observed phenomena, and identify possible shortcomings of these models. - Give a general report on how psychological principles of learning may be used to influence behaviours. - On the basis of psychological principles of cognition, give suggestions for applications within e. g. learning situations. - Formulate a scientific problem within cognitive psychology and identify methods to solve this problem. - At a basic level, plan and carry out a smaller study of a cognitive phenomenon with human participants. - Compile and describe data and draw basic conclusions on the basis of the results. - In group collaboration, produce a written report that broadly follows established formal criteria and basic requirements of scientificity. - Orally lead critical discussions of scientific method regarding another students work and defend ones own work.


The course gives a general introduction to learning psychology and cognitive psychology. The learning section, 1.5 credit points, concerns how behaviours are developed in interaction between the individual and the environment with an emphasis on classical and operant conditioning. The emphasis of the course lies on cognitive psychology, 4.5 credit points that deal with thinking and knowledge processes with, among others, memory as a central component. Other areas that are considered are neuropsychology, knowledge representation, decision making, visualisation, language and problem-solving. In a laboratory part, 1.5 credit points, an experimental study is conducted that illustrates cognitive-psychological phenomena and gives an applied introduction to scientific problem formulation, method and report writing.


Teaching is given in the form of lectures for the theoretical part. The laboratory session takes place in groups with a presentation during a seminar. Supervision is provided in connection with laboratory sessions.


Students knowledge is assessed via a written examination. In addition, a passing grade on the laboratory report is required as is compulsory participation in seminar and laboratory sessions. For examination, the grades used are passed and failed.

Other directives

Other requirements, prerequisites, and conditions for participation in and the fulfilment of the course, e.g. compulsory attendance, design of own work, etc., are evident in the information given at the course introduction. A student who does not meet the mandatory requirements for the passing grade is usually given the opportunity to complete remaining parts the following term and/or is given complementary assignments by the course director..

