Microbial Genetics D

15 credits

Syllabus, Master's level, 1BG389

A revised version of the syllabus is available.
Education cycle
Second cycle
Main field(s) of study and in-depth level
Applied Biotechnology A1N, Biology A1N
Grading system
Fail (U), Pass (3), Pass with credit (4), Pass with distinction (5)
Finalised by
The Faculty Board of Science and Technology, 15 April 2010
Responsible department
Biology Education Centre

Entry requirements

120 credits including 60 credits biology and 30 credits chemistry

Learning outcomes

After completing the course, the student should be able to

  • explain the processes behind mutations and other genetic changes
  • identify and distinguish genetic regulatory mechanisms at different levels
  • solve theoretical and practical problems in genetic analysis particularly concerning genetic mapping and strain construction
  • identify genes and mutations in non-annotated sequence data from databases by means of relevant bioinformatics programs
  • plan basic experiments in microbial genetics concerned with clarifying phenotypes and their relationship with the genotype
  • use common methods in microbial genetics describe and summarise experimental work in a correct way in a laboratory notebook.

In the course, an introduction to Master's studies is included. After passing this module, the student should be able to:

  • show awareness of ethical aspects of research and development including questions concerning plagiarism
  • demonstrate an understanding of the potential applications of biology, limitations and its role in society
  • take personal responsibility for acquiring knowledge


Mechanisms behind stability and change in microbial genomes. Mechanisms behind the information flow from DNA to proteins and the multiple levels at which gene expression can be regulated. Genetic aspects of extrachromosomal elements such as bakteriophage and plasmids. Genetic methods to construct, map and move mutations, and to measure gene expression, and through exercises in problem-solving at seminars where scientific data are analysed. Laboratory sessions where the students through strain construction, genetic selection and screening familiarise themselves with important and common methods in microbial genetics. Careful and proper use of a laboratory notebook to record laboratory work.


The teaching is given in the form of lectures, seminars and laboratory sessions. The 'Introduction to Master's Studies' runs as a seminar series throughout the entire period of the course. Participation in seminars and laboratory sessions is compulsory.


Modules: Laboratory and seminar exercises 3 credits; Keeping a laboratory notebook 2 credits; Theory examination I 4 credits; Theory examination II 4 credits; Introduction to Master's Studies Seminars 2 credits

The module laboratory and seminar exercises require active participation in laboratory sessions and seminars. The module laboratory notebook requires keeping proper laboratory reports. The theory is examined through two written tests. The one exam concerns theoretical knowledge (Theory 1), the other exam concerns analysis of data and problems in genetics (Theory II) of which some will be connected with the laboratory course. For the Introduction to Master's Studies Seminars active participation in seminars, a written report, and the completion of a study plan, are required.

Other directives

This course can not be included, for the purposes of credits, with 1BG201 Microbial genetics.

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