Sex, Gender and Ethnicity in Psychology I

7.5 credits

Syllabus, Bachelor's level, 2PS717

Education cycle
First cycle
Grading system
Fail (U), Pass (G)
Finalised by
The Department Board, 28 January 2011
Responsible department
Department of Psychology

Entry requirements

General entry requirements

Learning outcomes

On completion of the course, the student should

  • be able to review, analyse and account for how psychological theories treat questions regarding biological sex, gender and ethnicity and further what these topics bring to the field of psychology and how they contribute to psychology studies
  • critically be able to analyse research results from presented theoretical positions and have knowledge of how they can be applied within psychology, both as a subject and as a profession
  • show an increased awareness of the importance of sex, gender and ethnicity in the study of the different fields of the psychology, i.e.
  • be able to identity and analyse the scientific and theoretical perspectives that underlie gender research
  • be able to identity manifestations of different views of the body, sex and health with a history of ideas perspective
  • be able to account for similarities and differences in different definitions of sex, gender and ethnicity and be able to discuss the consequences thereof.


The course intends to increase awareness of the importance of sex, gender and ethnicity in the study of the different fields of the psychology. It gives the opportunity to exercise skills to analyse and critically review research results and phenomena based on presented theoretical positions on sex, gender and ethnicity, and to be able to apply them within the different fields of the psychology. During the course, central concepts, phenomenon, theoretical perspectives and research methods are presented regarding sex, gender and ethnicity, as well as how these have been developed within the main fields of study of the psychology such as biology, evolution, body and health, developmental psychology, personality, social psychology, working life, theory of knowledge and feminist psychology. During the course, sex, gender and ethnicity are presented from group and individual psychology perspectives.


Teaching is given in the form of teaching sessions and seminars.


Assessment of the student's knowledge is made through individual home assignments, an individual minor essay and active participation in seminars. For examination, the grades used are passed and failed. The contents of lectures can constitute a basis for examination even when the lecture is not compulsory.

Course level in relation to degree requirements

Other requirements, prerequisites and conditions for participation in and the fulfilment of the course, e.g. compulsory attendance, design of own work, etc., are evident from information given at the course introduction. A student who does not meet the mandatory requirements for a passing grade is usually given the opportunity to complete remaining parts the following term and/or is given complementary assignments by the course director.

Other directives

Other requirements, prerequisites and conditions for participation in and the fulfilment of the course, e.g. compulsory attendance, design of own work, etc., are evident from information given at the course introduction. A student who does not meet the mandatory requirements for a passing grade is usually given the opportunity to complete remaining parts the following term and/or is given complementary assignments by the course director.

