Brain and Behaviour

7.5 credits

Syllabus, Bachelor's level, 2PS714

A revised version of the syllabus is available.
Education cycle
First cycle
Main field(s) of study and in-depth level
Psychology G1N
Grading system
Fail (U), Pass (G), Pass with distinction (VG)
Finalised by
The Department Board, 1 August 2010
Responsible department
Department of Psychology

Entry requirements

General entry requirements

Learning outcomes

On completion of the course, the student should be able to - account for theories and findings about brain development from an evolutionary perspective - account for the subdivision of the nervous system and, based on a skeleton map of the brain, be able to locate important parts of the brain and state their names - by means of drawings and words, explain both the structure and function of individual neurons, and how neurons communicate with other neurons at synapses and by means of neurotransmitters - explain in what way areas and structures in the brain are involved in motor, perceptual, cognitive, language, learning, motivational and emotional processes and behaviours, - summarise theories and facts about biological rhythms, sleep, wakefulness and consciousness, - describe the fundamental features of brain development in chronological order from the embryonic period to the teenage period - explain why different methods of measurement (e.g. PET, EEC, ERP) are used within brain research, - give examples of arguments and findings in the search for gender differences.


The course should give basic biological basic knowledge related to normal motor, perceptual, cognitive, language, motivational and emotional processes and behaviours. The course also should illustrate using examples, deviances and disturbances. The contents of the course consist of facts and theories about the human brain, its structure and development. The basic structures in the brain and nervous system and the basic units that these consist of, mainly in the form of neurons and associated neurotransmitters, constitute the first part of the course content. The second part concerns the relation between these structures and basic units on the one hand and psychological phenomena on the other. The brains relation to perception, motor function, memory, learning, feelings, languages, sleep, consciousness, differences between people etc., as well as brain development from an evolutionary as well as ontogenetical perspective forms the basis for the second part of the course content.


The course is web-based, i.e. the teaching is given mainly in the form of instructions and filmed mini-lectures accessible on Internet: . Instructions and help are also given via e-mail. A requirement for participation is that the student has access to the Internet. Early in the course, the participants are gathered on one occasion for an information meeting at the Department.


The course is examined by a written examination in Uppsala. As grades, the grades used are failed, passed and passed with distinction.

