Biomarkers, Discovery and Validation

7.5 credits

Syllabus, Master's level, 3MG028

A revised version of the syllabus is available.
Education cycle
Second cycle
Main field(s) of study and in-depth level
Medical Science A1N, Molecular Medicine A1N
Grading system
Fail (U), Pass (G), Pass with distinction (VG)
Finalised by
The Master Programmes Board of the Faculty of Medicine/Chair, 4 May 2011
Responsible department
Department of Immunology, Genetics and Pathology

Entry requirements

At least 180 credits (i.e. three years of full-time studies), in biology, (bio-)medicine, biotechnology, pharmaceutical bioscience, medical science or similar fields giving relevant knowledge in cell biology, genetics (bio) chemistry and molecular biology. Knowledge and practical experience of laboratory experiments in life sciences. Proficiency in English.

Learning outcomes

The course aims to provide an in-depth knowledge of the discovery, validation and technical as well as medical application of biomarkers.

After completing the course, the student should be able to

- describe the process and methods of biomarker discovery and validation

- describe different types of biomarkers and methods of applications

- account for known biomarkers for important human diseases

- theoretically formulate and process scientific questions and laboratory techniques

- account for and evaluate current theories, methods and techniques within the research field,

their practical execution and application

- compile, critically analyse and evaluate research results and present these both orally and in



The course aim to provide an insight into the current knowledge, future potential use and development of biomarkers as both prognostic and diagnostic tools in health care. Different types of biomarkers will be discussed as well as the methods for discovery and validation of protein biomarkers in serum. Biomarkers for different diseases will be treated, such as biomarkers for cancers, neurological and cardiovascular diseases. Biomarkers in disease epidemiology and pathology will be covered. Biobanking and ethical considerations will be discussed and current clinical methods and diagnostics will be illustrated. Current opinions and research findings of molecular biomarkers, as well as development of novel methods and technologies, will be discussed. The Human Proteome Atlas will be described and used in practical exercises, illustrating discovery of biomarkers for different cancers and other diseases.


The teaching is given in the form of lectures, seminars, literature assignments, presentations related to current research fields, as well as theoretical and practical computational laboratory sessions. Participation in all the above-mentioned activities is compulsory.


Modules: Theory and seminars 4.5 credits; Laboratory session 3 credits

The module laboratory sessions require completed laboratory practicals and related literature assignments. The theoretical module and seminars require active participation. A written examination is given at the end of the course. To pass the requirements of the curriculum, all assigned tasks must be completed.

