Neurobiology and Pharmacology

15 credits

Syllabus, Bachelor's level, 3MU131

Education cycle
First cycle
Main field(s) of study and in-depth level
Biomedicine G1F
Grading system
Fail (U), Pass (G), Pass with distinction (VG)
Finalised by
The Board of the Biomedicine Programme, 28 May 2012
Responsible department
Department of Medical Cell Biology

Entry requirements

- Cell Biology with biochemistry, 22.5 credits (3MU212)

- Tissue biology with embryology, 15 credits (3KB008)

- or the equivalent courses

Learning outcomes

The teaching intends to provide basic and integrated knowledge of the structure and function of the nervous system and of the muscles, as well as regarding pharmacological principles and mechanisms connected to the impact of drugs in the body.

The student is expected on completion of the course to:

•Be able to account for the structure and function of neurons and muscle cells.

•Be able to describe the structure and function of the central nervous system (CNS), the autonomous nervous system, and the peripheral nervous system (PNS), including the structure and function of the sensory organs, as well as explain how the interplay between these and the most important transmitters influence the functions of the body.

•Be able to describe some of the higher functions of the brain, such as as biological rhythms, emotions, memory and cognition.

•Be able to describe how the interplay between genes and environment influences personality and health.

•Be able to explain how drugs aimed at the central and peripheral nervous systems work at the cellular level; and be able to describe new molecular pharmacological principles.

•Be able to explain principles behind the uptake, distribution, metabolism and secretion of drugs, and be able to identify the most important principles for adverse drug reactions and interactions between drugs.

•Be able to explain basic mechanisms for receptor binding and be able to apply pharmacological methodology and mathematical models.

•Be able to compile and present a literature study; as well as perform critical analysis of texts in the mass media and scientific press.


Neurobiology Nerve and muscle cells structure and function; synapses; the structure and function of the central, peripheral and autonomous nervous systems; the structure and function of the eye, the ear and the senses of smell and taste; regulation of appetite, thirst and biological rhythms; memory; learning; cognition; and neurogenetics.

Pharmacology Uptake, distribution, metabolism, secretion, adverse reactions of drugs as well as interactions between drugs; concentration-effect relationships; receptor binding theory with calculation methods; the differences between registered drugs and natural remedies/alternative medicine; basic pharmacology for CNS and PNS; new pharmacological principles based on molecular biological methods.

Linguistic training.


The teaching includes lectures, laboratory sessions, microscopies, computer simulations, problem-oriented group assignments, seminars, demonstrations and project work.

During project work, the students should develop their ability to acquire, independently review, compile, and, orally and in writing, present information in respect of a given issue. Furthermore, students are required to participate in the public discussion of the presentation of another group.

Attendance is compulsory at demonstrations, seminars, computer simulations, linguistic training, and on all occasions in connection with laboratory sessions, as well as at other sessions specified by the course coordinator at the start of the course.


A pass for all compulsory elements of the course and a passed written examination are required for a pass for the course as a whole.

A chance to gain a pass for a missed or failed laboratory session can be given only at the next course occasion and only in case of a vacancy.

Students who fail to pass the examination have the right to retake the examination on 4 additional occasions (= a total of 5 examination attempts). If special circumstances apply, the programme committee can admit additional examination attempts. Each occasion the student participates in an examination is counted as one examination attempt. Submission of a so called blank exam is counted as one examination attempt.

