Protein Engineering

15 credits

Syllabus, Master's level, 1BG301

A revised version of the syllabus is available.
Education cycle
Second cycle
Main field(s) of study and in-depth level
Applied Biotechnology A1F, Biology A1F, Chemistry A1F, Technology A1F
Grading system
Fail (U), Pass (3), Pass with credit (4), Pass with distinction (5)
Finalised by
The Faculty Board of Science and Technology, 25 May 2012
Responsible department
Biology Education Centre

Entry requirements

150 credits complete courses including Molecular cell biology, Functional Genomics, Molecular Infection Biology or Genome Biology. Alternative 30 credits within the Master programme in Applied biotechnology, Molecular biotechnology or Chemistry, biochemistry.

Learning outcomes

During the course, the students work on a current molecular biological and gene technological problem. The aim is to provide advanced knowledge and skills that enable the students to find solutions on their own, and put these solutions into practice. After completing the course, the student should be able to

  • analyse the structure and construction of proteins by computer-based methods
  • describe the structure and classification of proteins
  • analyse and compare the amino acid sequence and structure of proteins, and relate this information to the function of proteins
  • outline the characteristics of individual amino acids and their effect on the solubility, structure and function of proteins
  • review factors significant for protein folding processes and stability
  • explain how proteins can be used for different industrial and academic purposes such as structure determination, organic synthesis and drug design
  • analyse the purity and stability of proteins and explain how to store them in the best way
  • Describe how one can use biotechnical methods to construct plasmids for the expression of natural and modified genes
  • plan mutagenesis experiments to test protein stability and/or function
  • design primers to introduce mutations by means of PCR
  • carry out a PCR-based mutagenesis experiment
  • isolate proteins by biochemical methods
  • plan and carry out activity measurements of isolated proteins and characterise their purity and stability
  • keep a lab journal according to GLP
  • design a simple research plan for a biotechnological invention


Lectures and computer-based exercises covering biotechnological methods and the structure and function of proteins. Lectures about industrial and other applications. Project-based biotechnological experiments. Production of modified products.

The student will also present solutions to biotechnical problems, as well as documenting their own laboratory activities, which is aimed to prepare them for the demands of their future employment.


The course consists of lectures, guest lectures, seminars, group work and laboratory sessions. Participation in seminars, laboratory sessions and connected lectures, group work, tests and computer exercises is compulsory.


Theory part (7 credits): Written examination that includes biotechnological methods, protein physical methods and the structure and classification of proteins.

Practical part: The student presents a correctly kept laboratory journal and reports the results obtained in the laboratory (5 credits), as well as presenting a simple research plan (3 credits).

